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��14��5�9 <br /> fuI� of a�� sums secured by this Security �nstrument. �owever, �his op�ion shall not be exercised by Lender �f <br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by federal lavv as af�he da�e of this Securifiy Instrurn.ent. <br /> �f Lender exerczses �h�s option, Lendez shall ���e Borrovver no�ice of accelera��on. The no��ce shail pro��de a <br /> period af no� less than the �n.inimum number of days es�ab�ish�d by Appl�cabie Lav� from �he date th� na��ce �s <br /> delivered ar ma�led with�n which B�rr�wer mus� pay alI su�ns secu�-ed by t��s Security Instrumen�. If Borrower <br /> fails �o pay �hese sums prior to fihe exp�rat�on of this period, L�nd��- may invoke any remedies permi�t�d by this <br /> Securi�y �ns�rument withau�further no���e or demand an Sorrovver. <br /> B�rro�erts Right �a Re�ns�ate. If Bflrrower �nee�s cer�a�n condiri�ns, Barrower shall ha�e the r��ht to have <br /> enforcement of this Secur�ty Instrumen� discontinued a� any �ime prior�o the earlier af- �a� 5 days �o�r su�h other <br /> per�od as Applicab�e Lav�may spec�fy f�r reinsta�emen�}before sale of the Properry pursuant�o any pawer of sale <br /> contained 1T] this Security �nstrumen�; or �b} entry of a �udgm€en� enforcin� �his Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Th�se <br /> candxtzons are �hat Borrovver: �a� pays Lender ali sums which then wou�d be due under th is Security I nstrun-�ent <br /> and the�on�ract as if no acce�eration had occu�red; �b}cures any defau��of any o�her co�enan�s or a�reements;�c} <br /> pays all e�penses xn�urred�.n enforcin�this Securi�Ins�rument, inc�ud�n�,but pot l�mited�fl,reasonable attorneys' <br /> fe�s �o the �xtent permi�ed by law; and �d}�akes such ac�ion as Lender may reasanab�y reQu�re to assure that the <br /> �ien of th�s Security Ins�rumen�, Lender's ri�hts im the Praperty and Borr�wer's obii�a�ion to pay the sums secured <br /> by �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rument sha�l cfln��r�ue unchar��ed. Upnn rei�ns�atemen� by Barrower, t�is Security �ns�rument <br /> and the obliga�ior�s secured hereby shall rema�n fu�ly eff�cti�e as if na acc�leration had occurred. Howe�er, th�s <br /> r�aht to �e�nstate shall n�t apply in the case af acce�eration under the sectian t���ed Transfer of�he Prap�rty�r a <br /> Bene�c��l In�erest�n Borr�vver. <br /> Ha�ardous �ubs�ances. Borrower shail not cause or permit the presence, use, dispnsal, stora�e, or release of any <br /> Hazard�us Substances on�r in�he Property. Borrower sha�l r��t do,nar a�low anyane else��da,anythin�affectin� <br /> the Proper�y that is in �iola��an of any En�ironmen�al Law. T�.e precediz�� �wo sen�ences shall no� apply �a the <br /> presen�e, use,a�r s�ora�e an the Property of sma�1 quantities of Hazardflus Substances that are�eneral iy re���n ized <br /> to be appropr�at��a norma�residen�ial uses and tQ maintenaflce of t�e Proper�y. <br /> Borr�wer shall pramp�ly��ve Lender wr�t�en no��ce of any �n��s��gation, c�ai��n, demand, lawsui�or o�her ac�ion by <br /> any �flr�ernmen�al or �eguiatory a�en�y or pri�ate party in�ol�in� the P�roperty and any Hazardous Substance or <br /> Envir�p_men�al Law of wh�ch Borrawer has ac�ual knovvled�e. If Borrawe�r Iearns, or is no�if ed by any <br /> �o�e�rn�nentaX or re�ulatory au�har�ty, that any r�rnoval flr o�her remed ia��an of any Hazardflus Subs�ance affectin� <br /> the Property is necessary, Borrower shail promptIy �ake alI necessary remedial actians in accordance with <br /> Envirflnn�ental Lav�. <br /> As used in th�s para�raph, "Hazardous Substances" are �hose subs�ances defined as t�x�c or hazard�us substances <br /> by En�irflnmen�al Lav� and the follow�.n� subs�ances: �as��ine, ke�-asep�, a�her flammable or �axic petrfl�eu3m <br /> products, t�xic pest�c�des and herbicides, volatile sol�ents, materiais con�ainin� asb�stos ar fflrmaldehyde, and <br /> radiaac����ma�er�als. As used in this paragraph, "En���-onmenta� Law" means federal laws and �aws of the s�a�e �f <br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate�o health, safety ar env�ronmenta�pro�ection. <br /> Accelera��an; Rem�dies. I�ender 5ha1� g��e no��ce �� Barrower pri�r to acceiera���n fallowing Sorrower's <br /> br��ch of any co�venant or agreement�n �hi� �ecur�t� Instrument or�he Contract under vvhich ac�e�era�xon <br /> �s permi��ed ��u� nvt prior to acc�iera�ion under the sectifln ti�ied Tr�nsf�r of�he Prop�rt� or a Benef�c�a� <br /> �n�erest �n �vrrower, unless Applicable Law provides otherw�se}. T�e notice sha�� specify; �a} �he defaul�; <br /> �h� �he ac��on requxred to cure �he defau��; �c� a da�e, not �ess �han the minimum number of days <br /> estabiished by App�i�ab�e Law frorn the da�e the nu�ic� is b��en �a Borrower, by which �h�defaul� must be <br /> cur�d; and �d} �hat fai�ure ta �ure the defaut� on or before �he da�e spec�f�ed in fhe no��ce may resu�t in <br /> acce�era�iti� flf �he sums serured by �his Se�uri�y Instrument and sale of the Proper�y. To the ex�ent <br /> per�n�tted by �aw, �he notice sha�l furthe�- inf�rm �orrower af the r�ght to reins�at� after acce�erati�n and <br /> �he right�o bring a cour�a�tian to asser��he non-�xis��nce of�.defaul�ar any a�her defen�e of S�rrarver�o <br /> accelera�ion and sale. xf the defau�t is no�cur�d on or befvre the da�e spec�fied �n the notice, Lender a� its <br /> op�ion may requir� immediate paymer�t in fuil af al� sums secured by this Security �nstrurnent withou� <br /> fu rther derr�and �nd may in�oke �he povver of sale and any o�her remedies �ermi�ted by Appiicab�� Law. <br /> Ta �he extent permitted b� Iaw, Lender shali b� entitled �a coIlect a�l �xpenses incurred in pursuing th� <br /> remedie5 provided in �hxs Sec�ion, incxud�nb, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and cos�s of titZe <br /> e��d�nce. <br /> �f the power of saxe is in�oked, Trus�ee shail rec�rd a no��ce �f default in each �ounty �n which an� part af <br /> the Proper�y �s located and shal� max� copies of su�h notice in th� man��r pre�cr�bed by Applicable Law to <br /> Borrower and �o the other persons pres�ribed �y App�zcable Law. After the time required by App��cabie <br /> La�, Trus�ee sha�l gi�� pub��c no�ice of sale �a �he p�rsons and �n the manner prescribed by App�i�ab�e <br /> Lavv. Trustee, with�ut demand �n Borrawer,sha��s�l� the Prvper�y at public auction �o the hibhest bidder <br /> at�he�ime and pZare and under the terms designated x� the na��ce of sale in ane ar more parce�s and in any <br /> ord�r Trus�ee d�termines. Trustee may Pos�pone sa�� of a�� or any par�el of the Pro�er�y by pubZ�c <br /> announc�rnent at�he t�mQ and p�ace of any pr��iou�ly scheduted 5a�e. Lender ar i�s desi�ne� may purchase <br /> �he Prop�rt�a�any sa�e. <br /> Upon rece��t of pa�ment of�he pr�ce b�d, Tr�stee sha�� deiiver �v the pur�haser TruS�ee's de�d can�ey�ng <br /> the Property. Th� reci�als �n the Trustee's deed shall be pr�ma fac�e��idenc�of the truth of�he statements <br /> made th�re�n. Truste� shalI appiy �hQ proce�ds of the sale in the faZ�owing arder: �a� �� a�l cos�s and <br /> expenses of exercis�ng the pavver of sal�, and the sa�e, �ncluding �he payment �f the Trustee's fees actuaily <br /> 0�0�4-20]3 Carr�pliance Systems,lnc.9F96-2AGG-2�l3 L.?.0.7�3 <br /> Cansurrser Real Estate-Security Instrumer�t I3L2�3G �a�e 4 af 5 wWW,CQTri�7�18i1C�5ySIEFt15.CaiTi <br />