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��14��5�5 <br /> in�erest fram the date of disburse�nent at�he No�e rate and shal�be payable,with interes�,upan notice from Lender <br /> to Borrower reques�ing payment. <br /> Mortgage Insurance. �f Lender required mar��a�e �nsurance as a �ondi�ion of making the loan secured by this <br /> Securi�y Instrumen�, Bor�awer shall pay�he premiums required to ma�n�a�n�he mor�gage insurance in effec�. If, for <br /> any reasan, �he mort�a�e ir�suran�e ���era�e reauired by Lender �apses or ceases �o be in effect, Borr��ver shall <br /> pay the premiums required �a ob�ain co��ra�e subs�ant�aI�y e�ui�alen� �fl the m�r��abe insurance pre�iously in <br /> effect, a� a cas� substantially equ��alen� �a the cost �o Borrov�er af the m�r�ba�e insurance prev�ous�y in effec�, <br /> from an al�ernate�nar��a�e insurer a�praved by Lender. If substan�ially equi�alent mar-��a�e insurance cfl�era�e is <br /> na� avaiiab�e, Borrov�er sha�� pay to Lender each manth a sum equal �o one-t�elfth of the year�y mar-�gage <br /> insurance premium b�ing paid by Borrowe���vhen the �nsurance co�erage �apsed or�eased to �e in effect. Lender <br /> will accept, use and re�ain �hese payments as a loss reser�e in I�eu of m�r�ga�e insurance. Loss reser�e paymen�s <br /> may nfl ��nger be required, at the �p��fln of Lender, if rnortbage �nsurance co�erage �in �he am�un� and for �he <br /> period that Lender reauires}prov�ded by an insurer appr��ed b�Lender a�ain becomes aWailab�e and xs ob�ained. <br /> Barrav�er shal� pay �he premiums reQuired �o ma�ntain mor�gage insurance in effect, or ta pravide a �oss reser�e, <br /> un�il the requ�rement f�r mar��a�e insurance ends in accordance with any v�rxt�en agreement between Bor�rower <br /> and Lender or App�icable Law. <br /> �nspe�tion. Lender or its agen� may make reasanab�e er��ries upo� and inspec�ions nf�he ProperCy. Lender shall <br /> �i�e Barrower no��c�at�he�ime of or prior ta an inspection specifyinb reasanable�ause for the inspection. <br /> �ondemna��on. The proceeds�f any award or c�aim far dama�es, d�rec�ar c�nsequentia�, in connection vvith any <br /> condemnation or o�her ta�ing �f any par� of�he Praperfiy, or far con�eyance in 1�eu af condemnation, are hereby <br /> assi�ned apd shal� be paid ta Lender. <br /> In �he e�ent of a tata� takinb of the Praperty, �he pr�ceeds sha�� be applied ta the sums secured by this Security <br /> Ins�ru�nent, whether ar nat the� due, v�i�h any �xcess paid t� Borr�wer. In the eWent of a par�ial taking af the <br /> Proper�y in which the fair market �alue of the Pr�perry immedia�ely before the taking �s equal to ar grea�er than <br /> t�e amount of�he sums secured by �his Secur��y �nstrument �rnmed�at�ly befar� the �aking, unless B�rrower and <br /> Lender atherv�ise a�ree in writin�, the sums se�ured by th�s Secur�ty Instrument shall b�reduced by the amaun��f <br /> the proceeds multipl�e� by the foll�win�frac��on: �a} �he t�ta1 am�un�af the sums secured ir�n�nediateiy before the <br /> �akinb, di�ided by �b� �he fa�r marl�et �alue of the Properrty �mmedia�ely befare �he �ak�ng. Any ba�ance sha�l be <br /> paid �fl B�rrow�r. In the even� af a par��a� �aking af the Praper�y in v�hich �he fair market �alue of the Properry <br /> im�mediately befare the taking is less than the am�unt af the sums secured immedia�e�y befare the �aking, unIess <br /> Borr�v�er and Lender ��herwise agree in wri��n� or unless Applicabie Law o�hervv�se pro��des, the proceeds shal� <br /> be applied to�he su�r�s secured by this Secu�-iry Ins�rument whe�her ar no��he sums are�hen due. <br /> If�he Proper�y �s abandaned by Barrfl�ver, ar if, af�er n��ice by Len�ler�a Borrower�ha��he c�ndemnor offers t� <br /> make an award �r settle a c�a�m for damage�, Borrflw�r fails �o respond to Lender within th�m��nimum number of <br /> days es�ablished by Applicab�e Law after�he da�e the noti�e is gi�en, Lender�s au�horiz�d to c�ilect and apply�he <br /> proc�eds, a� �ts ❑p�ion, either ta res�oration or repa�r of the Praper�y or t� the sums secured by this Secur��y <br /> Instrument,whe�her ar nat then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrower otherwise agree �n v�ri�in�, any app�ication of proceeds to princ�pal sha11 no� exte�d <br /> ar pos�pone �he due date �f the payments referred t� in �he se�tion �itled Paymen� of Principa� and �nteres�; <br /> Prepayrnen�and I�ate Charges or change the a�nount of such paymen�s. <br /> Sorrvvver Not R�leased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wai�er. E�tensian of �he ��me for paymen� or <br /> mod�f��atxon af amor��zation of the sums secured by �his Securi�y �nstrument �ran�ed by L�nder�o Borrawer or <br /> any successor in in�erest of Borrov�er sha�1 nat �pera�e to re�ease the lxabil�fiy of the arigxnal Barrov�er �r <br /> BarroWer's successors in interes�. Lender sha�� na�1�e required t� co�mence proceedings aga�nst any successar in <br /> int�res�or refuse�o extend t�me for paymen�or a�herwise madify amor�izatian af��e sums se�ured hy�h�s Security <br /> �ns�ru�-nen� by reasfln af any demand made by �he ariginaI BQrro�er or Borr�wer's successors �n interes�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in �xercising any ri�h�ar remedy shail na� be a wa��er af or prec�ude the exerc�se of any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> �u�ce�sors and A5sign5 gaund; J�in� and Se�eral L�abx�i��; A�commoda�ion Signers. The co�enan�s and <br /> agreeme�ts of this Secur�ty Ins��-ument sha�� bind and benefi���e successors and assigns �f Lender and Barrovver, <br /> subject to the pro�isions �f section �i�1ed Tran�fer of �he Proper�y ar a Bene�cial Yn�eres� �n Borr�wer. <br /> Bor�-awer`s coWenants and a�r�ements shal� b�joint and se�era�. Any pers�n wha co-s��ns�his Security �ns�rument <br /> but does not execu�� the Na�e �"Accommoda�ion Sibner"�: �a� is c��-s�gning �his Se�uri�y Instrument only to <br /> mar�gage, ��-an� and ca��ey tha� Acc�m��nfldation Signer's in�eres� in �he Pr�perty under the terms of the Securi�y <br /> Instrum�nt; �b} is na�persopally obli�ated to pay the su�ms secured by�his Secur�ty Ins�rumen�; and �c� abrees��a� <br /> Lender and any o�h�r Borrower 1-nay agree to ex�end, madify, forbear or r�ake any accommodat�ans wi�h regard to <br /> �he terms of�his Securi�y �nstrument flr the N�t�vvithau��hat Accommoda�ifln Signer's consent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f the lflan secured by �his Securi�y �ns�ru�nent is sub�ec� ta a lav�r which se�s max�rnum loan <br /> charges, and that �aw is f�nally ��terpre�ed so�hat�he �nterest or o�her laan charges cfl�lec�ed ar�a be co��ec�ed �n <br /> cannectian wi�h �he laan exceed t�e perm itted 1��n�ts, then: �a} any such Iflan charge shall be reduced by �h� <br /> amoun�ne�essary �o reduce the cha�rg� ta �he permit�ed limi�s and ��} any sums a�ready col�ected from B�rrower <br /> which exceeded permitted I�mxts w�l� be refunded �o Borro�ver. Ler�der may ch�ose �o make �h�s r�fupd by <br /> reduc�n� �he principal �wed under �he Note ar by �naking a direct paymen� �o Barravver. �f a refund reduces <br /> principal,�he reduc��on will be�reated as a partia�prepaymen��vi�h�u�any prepaymen��harb�under�he Note. <br /> Q?4D4-?al;C�mp3ia�ce Systerrzs,tnc.9F96-7�95-2413L2.0.721 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Secur�ty Instrument DL�436 Pa�e 3❑f 5�npliar� <br />