<br /> DEEL� �F 1��L1ST
<br /> Loa� Nv: �7���7 75� ���ntlnu�d} Page 2
<br /> disc(osed to and acknowledged �y Lender�n writing, �a} neither Tru.stor nor any tenan�, cantractor, agent or o-�her
<br /> authori�ed user of the Proper-�y shall use, generate, manufac�ure, store; �reat, dispose o�or�-e��ase any Ha�ardous
<br /> Subs�ance on, under, ahout or from fihe Pr�per�y; and �h} any such ac�tivity sha�� he conduc�ed in compliance with
<br /> ail app�icabie �edera�, state, and fv�al iaws, regulatians and vrdinancesr including �rvithout limitativn aI�
<br /> Environmen�a[ Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agen�s to enter upan th� P�operty to make such
<br /> �nspections and tests, a� Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropria�e to determine �omp�iance of the
<br /> Proper�y with this secfiion o�the Deed o� Trust. Any inspec�ions or tests made by Lender sha�l be for Lendsr's
<br /> purposes only and shal[ nvt be c�nstrued to crea�e any responsibili�y or liahility on�he part of Lender fio T�rustor o�-
<br /> ta any other person. The representa�kions and warranties ov�t�ained herein are based on Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> investigating th� Property �o�- Hazardous Subs�a_nces. Trus�or herehy {1} reCeases and �ivai�es any-�u�ure c�aims
<br /> aga�nst Lender 7or indemnity or contribution in the ev�n�Trus�or becomes [iab[e for cleanup or other costs under
<br /> any such la�nrs; and {2} agrees�o i:ndemni-�y, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and all �la�ms, I�sses,
<br /> �iabrli�ies, damages, pena[ties, and expenses vvhich Lender m�y direct�y or€ndir�ct[y sus�airi or suffer resulting from
<br /> a breach of�his section of th� Deed of Trus� or as a c�nsequence of any use, generation, manu�acture, storage,
<br /> disposal, reiease or threatened release occurring pr�or to Trust��'s ownership or interest�n the Property,v�ihether or
<br /> not the s.ame was or shou[d ha�e b�en knawn to Trustor. The proWisions of this sectian o� th� D�ed of Trust,
<br /> inc�uding the obligation to �ndemni�y and de�end, sha[l surWive the paymen�t af the lndebtedness and th�satisfac�ion
<br /> and reconveyance vf�he lien❑�r�his Deed of Trust and sha�l no�be a�Ffected by Lender's acquisition of any interest
<br /> in�he P:roperty, w�hether by fioreclasure or o�herwise..
<br /> Nuisance, 11Uaste. Trus�vr sha[[ n�t cause, conduc� or permit any nuisance nor �ommit, permit, or sufi�er any
<br /> s�ripping of ar waste vn vr �o the Property o€� any por�ian �f the F'roperty. VIl�thou� limiting the genera�i�y o�the
<br /> foregoing, Trustor will no�remo�e, or grant�o any o�her party the righ�to r�mo�e, any timber, minerals �including
<br /> oi�and gas}, coal, clay,scoria, s�ii; gra�e{ar rock produc�s�nri-�hout Lender's p�iar written consent.
<br /> 1�emvval of Impravements. Trustor sha�l not demolish or remo�e any[mprovements from the Real Praperty wi�hout
<br /> Lend�r°s prior written consent. As a evndi�ian to the remo�a[of any Improvemen�s, Lender may requ�re Trustor�o
<br /> make arrangements satis�ac�ory �o L�nder �o repiace such lmp�-��rements with �mpro�ements o� at least equal
<br /> value,
<br /> Lende�'s F�igh�to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and r�presen�a�ives may enter upon �he Real Prop�r�y at al�
<br /> reasonab[e times to at�end �o Lender's in�eres�s and �o inspect �he F�eal Property far purposes of Trustar=s
<br /> camp[iance viri�h th�terms and condi�ians af�i�is Deed of Trust.
<br /> Comp�iance wpth �overnmen�aC �equirements. TrusfiQr shafl prompt�y comp[y vvi�h all �aws, ordinances; and
<br /> regulations, now or hereaf-�er in effect, o� aff governmenta� authori�ies app[icabie to �he us� or o�cupancy c�f the
<br /> Proper�y. �rus�or may contest in good�aith any su�h Iaw, ardinance, or regufat�on and withhold compliance du�ing
<br /> any praceeding; incIuding appropriate appeals, so �ong as Trus�or has nvtified Lend�r in wri�ing priar�o doing so
<br /> and s�i [an.g as, irn L�nder`s so[e opinion, ?ender's in�terests in�he Property are no��eopardized. L�nd�r may r�quire
<br /> Trustar to post adequat�s�curi�y vr a surety band, reasonably sa�isfactory tv L�nder,to prote��Lender's interest.
<br /> Du�y tv Prate�t. Trus�or agrees ne�ther to abandon or lea�e unattended the Proper�y. Trusfior shall da aIl other
<br /> acts, in addi�ion�o those ac�s set forth abave in this sec�ion, which�r-om the character and use af the Property are
<br /> reasonably necessary�o protect and preser�e�he Property.
<br /> �onstruc�ic�n Loan. ��some or all of�he praceeds vf the laan cr�ating-�he Indebtedness are�o be used to construct
<br /> or comp�ete construc-t'ron of any�mpro�ements an the Property,the Impro�ements sha�� be comp[e-�ed nv [ater than
<br /> the maturity da�e af the Note {or suGh earlier da�e as Lender may reasonab[y establish} an:d Trus�or shal� pay in�u��
<br /> a[� costs and expenses in connec�ion w�th the work. Lender will disburse ioan proceeds under such terms and
<br /> �ondi-�ions as Lend�r may deem reasonab[y necessary�o insur�that the interest crea�ed by this Deed of Trus�sha[l
<br /> have priori�y over alf pvssible liens, inc[uding fih�s�o�material suppliers and workr�en. Lender may require, arr�Qng
<br /> o�her things, �ha� disbursemen� requ�s�s be suppor�ed by receip�ed bills., expense �ffida�its, vvai�ers of liens�
<br /> construc�ion progress reports, and such vther dacurr�en�a�oar�as Ler�der rna�re�sonab�y reques�.
<br /> DUE �iV SALE-��iVSEiVT �Y LENDEF�. �encfer rrray, a�L.�nderas ap�ron, declare immedia�eiy due and payab�e all surras
<br /> secured by this Deed of Trust upora�he sale or transfer, rrvithvut L�nder's prior wri�t-ten cansent, of all vr any pa�-t of the
<br /> R�a[ Property, ar-any interes.t rn the Rea[ Prvperty. A "sale o�-�ransfer" means the can�eyance o-�F�eal P�-operty�r any
<br /> righ�, ti�le or interest in �he Rea[ Property; v�rhether lega[, h�ne�icia� or equitab[e; whether �oluntary or in�oluntary;
<br /> whe�h�r by outright safe, dead, insta[[men-� sale �on-tract, land ��ntract, con�tract for deed, leasehald interes� v►rith a
<br /> �erm gr�ater�han three {3� years, lease--ap�ion can�r-act, or by s:ale, assignmenfi, or�ransfer o�any beneficial interest in
<br /> ar ta any land trust ho[ding tifiie to �he Real Praperty, or by any other methad of cvn�eyance o�an in-�er�sfi in the �eal
<br /> Prvperty. Howe�er, this opt�on sha[� not be exercised by L�nder i-� suCh exercise is prohibited �y federal law vr by
<br /> Nebraska faw.
<br /> TA�ES AN� LIIElliS. �he �ollowing proWisions rela�ir�g �� �he �ax�:s and [i�ns an the Properky are part of fih�s Deed vf
<br /> �'ru5t:
<br /> Payr�ea�t. -frustor s�a�� pay when du� {�nd �n all �ven�s �raor�� delinquency} a[6 taxesE sp�c����ax�s, assessrnent�,
<br /> ch�rges ��ir�c[udin� water and sewer�, �ines arad irr�posi�i�ns Ievied agains� �r �r� accour�����he F'��perty, and sh�l�
<br /> pay �rvher� c��e all ��air�s �For work done on o�r�or �er�i�ces �-er�dered or ma�er�a� fu:rnished �� �he �'rvper�y: i rustar
<br /> sha�� main�air��he Proper��€r�e of�[� [i�.ns ha�ing priorif�oWer�r equ�l�o the interes�of Lender under this Deed of
<br /> T�ust, excep� for the �€en a� taxes and assessments not due and excep� as other�rvise p��videc{ in this Deed vf
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Righ�t� Goa�tes�. Trustor may�nri�hhold payment o€any�ax, asses�smen�, o�-claim in connection with a goad fai�h
<br /> dispu�e o�er the ob[.i�ation to pay, so �ong as Lender's �nte,rest in-�he Prop�rty is not jeopardized. if a Iien arises or
<br /> is filed as a result a�F nonpayment, Trustor shasl within fifteen {'l5} days after the �ien arises vr, i-F a �ien is fifed,
<br /> viri�hin �if�een �'[5� days after Trus�oir has notice of�f�e �i�ing, secur-e th� diseha�-ge o�the lien, vr if regues�ed by
<br /> Lende�, deposit with Lender Gash o�a su���cien�corparate surety bond or o�her security sat�s�actvey�a Lender in an
<br /> am�unt suffricie�t to discha�ge the �ien plus �n��osts �nd a�orneys` f�ees, �r vther charges�h-at co�[d accrue �s a
<br /> resu:lt❑f a�vreclvsure o�sa�� ur�der��e [ien. �n any c�r��es�, �rustor shal! e�e�e�a Rtsel�and �end�r and shall sat�s�
<br /> a�y ad�erse judgm�n�k be�are enforcem�nt agai�s��he P�-ap��t�a Yrus�tor shall nam� Lender as an add�ti�r�al ob[€gee
<br /> under�n�surety hond��rn�shed in��e con�es���-oceedirgs.
<br /> Evadence o�F'aymen�. Trustor sha�� upon d�rr�anr� �urnish ta ��nder sa�isfactor�e�ider�c� ��paymen�o��he�axes
<br /> �r assessm�:nts and shall author�ze�he appropria�e governm�n�al o�fic�a� �o de�iver to Lender a�t any time a writfien
<br /> s�a�ement o�the�axes and assessments agains�the Property.
<br /> N��i�e vf Cvr�structi�n. Trustor sha�� natify Lender at€east tifteen {�5} days before any work is cammeneed, any
<br /> services ar��urn�shed, �r any mater�als are supplied ta the Proper�y, if any rnechanic's lien, mater�a[men's [ien, or
<br /> o�her lien cou�d be asserked on account of�he work, ser�ices, ar ma�erials. Trust�r will upon reque:st �� Lender
<br /> #urnish to Lender ad�ance assurances sa�is�fractory to Lender thaf Trus�or can and vvill pay the cost af such
<br /> imp�o�ements.
<br /> PF��PERTIC �AllllAGE �1VSUF�ANCE. The�ollowing prb�isians relating to insuring �he Proper�y are a par�of this Deed v�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Ma�ntenance of �nsurance. Trus�ror sha�1 pr�c�re a�� �air���i� pa�icies of �Fire [�suranc� �i�h s�andard ex��n�ed
<br />