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��14��513 <br /> DEE�] �F TRUST <br /> Laan Na: ��'I�759�4 �C�nt[rlued� Pag� 2 <br /> C]F SECTI�N TH[RTEEN {13}, T�INNSHIP NiNE �9� 11��RTH. �AN�E `T`11V'ELVE �1�} 1NEST �F <br /> THE �TH P.IIII.. HALL C�UNTY. NEBRASKA, E�CCEPTlN� A CERTAIN TRACT M�]RE <br /> PARTICULA�LY DESCRIBED AS FOLL�1111S: BEGCNN�NG AT THE N�RTHEAST C�RNER �F <br /> THE N�1V"14NV11'1 l� �F 5E�T1�N 'I 3, T�WIVSHI� 9 NDRTH. RANGE TWELVE {"�2} WEST �F <br /> T�E � P.IVI., HALL C�UNTY, NEBRASK►�; THENCE RLJNNING WESTERLY �N THE N�RTF� <br /> LINE �F THE N11�J�14N11V�14 �F SEGTI�N 'I 3, A U15TAN�E �F FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY FEET <br /> {5a�'� T� THE AC`TU►4L PD�NT �F BEGINNING: THEN�E RUNNIiV� S�UTHERLY THREE <br /> HUNDREa TH[RTY FEET {33�'} THENCE RUNNiNG 1NESTERLY THREE HUNDRED THIRTY <br /> FEET �33Ur�: THEN�E RUNNING N�RTHERLV THREE HUNDRED THIRTY FEET �33�'}: <br /> THEN�E RUNNIN� EASTE�LY THREE HUNDRED THIRTY FEET �3�U'� T� THE F'�1NT �F <br /> 6E�INNIN[�. <br /> The Real Property o�r its address �s �ammon[y kr�own as '[48�9 V�I BINF�EL� RD, �11lD�D RIVER, <br /> NE 688�3. � <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. �n addition to the Nate.this�eed ot Trust secures a[I future ad�ances made by Lender ta T�-ustor <br /> whether a�- not �he advances are mad� pursuan�t �o a commitmen�. Specifi�a�ly, without limitation, this De�d �f Trust <br /> secures, �n additian ta the amounts specif�ed in the N�te, all fu�ure amounts Lender in i�s discretion may laan to <br /> Trus�or,toge�her with all interest therean. <br /> Trustor presenfiiy assi�ns tv Lender {als❑ known as Benefi�iary in fhis D�e� o� Trust} all of `Trus�tor's ri�ht, titl�, and <br /> interest in and to all present and future leases �t the Proper�y and all Rents from the Property. In addE�tion, Trustar <br /> grants�o L�nder a Unifarm �ommercial C�de se�urity Enterest in�h� Persona� Property and Ren�s. <br /> TH15 DEED �F TRUST. INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS AND THE SE�URiTY lNTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSDNAL PRUPERTY, IS G111'EN T� SE�URE �A� PAYNIENT �F THE �[VDEBTEDNESS AN❑ �By PERFDRMANCE �F <br /> ANY AN❑ ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE N�TE. THE RELATED D�CU1�flENTS, p►ND THIS DEE❑ t)F TRUST. THlS <br /> DEED�F TRUST�S GIVEN AND AC�EPTED�N THE F�LLC]INING TERN[S: <br /> PAY�IIENT AND PERF�R�JIANCE. E�cept as oth�rwise provided in �his Deed of Trust. Trustar sha�l pay ta Lend�r ali <br /> amoun�s secured by this Deed of Trust as �th�y become due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner perfarm all of <br /> Trustor's obligatians un�er the Note,this ❑eed af Trust, and�he Relat�d Docum�n�s. <br /> PaS5ESSI�N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PRDPERTY. Trusfar agrees that Trust�r's possession and use o� the <br /> Pr�p�rty shall be goWerned by the folfawing pro�isions. <br /> Pnssession and Use. Un�il the �ccurrence of an Evenf of D�fault, Trustor may ��3 remain in possessian and <br /> con�t�a�of the Proper�y; {�f use. opera�e �r manage the Prop.erty; and �3} co!lec�the Rents�rom the Property. - <br /> C�uty tn lVla�n�ain. Trus�or shall maintain the Property in gofld conditi�n and prvmptly per�orm all repairs. <br /> r�p[acem�nts, and maintenance necessary to preser�e its valu�. <br /> Complian�e Vllith En�iranmental Laws. Trustar rep�'esents and warrants to Lender that: �1} During �he period Q'� <br /> Trus�or's ownership of#he Property, there has been no use, generation, manufac�ure, st�rage,treafiment, disposal, <br /> reiease or thr�atened release of any Hazardous 5ubs�ance by any person vn, under, abvut or from the Property; <br /> ��} Trustor has no knowledge vf, or reasvn �o believe that there has been, except as previously disclosed to and <br /> acknow�edged by Lender in wri�ing, �af any brea�h ar �ialation ❑f any Envirvnmenfia[ Laws, {b} any use, <br /> genera�ion, manufacture, storage, �reatmen�, disposal, releas� ar threatened release af any Hazardous 5ubstance <br /> an, under, about or from the Property by any prior owners or occupan�s of the Property, or �c} any actual vr <br /> threatened litigation or claims o� any kind �y any person rela�ing fio such matters; and �3� Except as previously <br /> dis��osed t� and a�knvwledged by Lend�r in writin�, �a} neith�r Trustor nor any tenant, contrac�or� agent or vther <br /> authoriz�d user af�he Proper�y shall use, generate, manu�acture, store, treat, dispose o�o�-release any Ha�ardous <br /> Substance on. under, a�out or fram the Proper�y; and �b� any such acti�i�y shall be conducted in complianc� with <br /> a11 appl�cab�e fed�ra�, stat�. and loca� laws. re�ula�i�ns and ordinances, including vvith�u� limifation all <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trustar authorizes Lender and its ag�n�s �� en�er upon the Property to make such <br /> inspections and ��5�5, at Trus�ar's expense� as Lend�r may deern appropriate to de�ermine compliance af the <br /> Proper�y ►rv�th this se�ti�n vf the Deed �fi Trus�. Any inspections or t�sts mad� by Lender shal� b� for Lender's <br /> purposes on�y and shall not �e construed t� create any responsi�ility or Iiability�n the part nf Lender ta Trustor or <br /> �o any other persvn. The repr�sentations and warran�ies cantain�d herein ars hased an Trustor's due diligence in <br /> inWes�kigatin� ths Prop�rty �or Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby t 1� releases and wai��s any future cEaims <br /> against Lender �vr �ndemnity or cantribu�ion in the ��ent Trustor becomes liable for �leanup or o�ner casts under <br /> any such lavus; and {�� agrees�o ind�mnify, de�end, and hold harmless Lender agains�any and al� c[aims, Ivsses, <br /> lia��lifiies, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may direct[y or indirectly sustain ar sufi��r resui�ing from <br /> a breaGh ot this se��rion af �he Deed af Trust or as a consequence of any use� �eneration, manufacture, storage. <br /> disposal, release or fihreatened releas�accurring prior to Trustor's ownership vr interest in the Property, whe�her or <br /> not the same was vr shauld ha�e been knawn to Trustor. The pro�isions o� this sectE�n vf the Deed of Trus�, <br /> including the oblEga�i�n�o indemnify and defend, shall sur�i�e the payment of th� [ndebfiedness and�he satisfactian <br />