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��14��779 <br /> 11. ENVIR�NIV�NTAL LAWS AND HAZARD�US SU.BSTAN�ES. As us�d in this sectg�n, <br /> �1) Enviranmental Law means, w�thout �im�tation, the �amprehensive Environmental Response, <br /> Compensatian and L�ability Act �CER�LA, 4� U.S.C. 96�1 �t seq.�, and a].I other federal, state and �ocal <br /> laws, regulations, ordinances, cour� orders, at�orney gen�ral opxn�ons or �nterpr�tive Ietters concerning the <br /> public health, safety, welfare, �nvironment or a hazardous substance; and ��} Hazardous Subs�an�e means any <br /> toxi�, rad�aact��e or hazardous materia.l, waste, po��utant ar contaminant which has charac��ristics which <br /> render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the pub��c h�alth, safety, welfar�or en�iranment. <br /> The t�rm includes, without limita�ian, any substances defined as "hazardous mater�al," "'t�xic substanc�s 7 rr <br /> "hazardous waste" ar "hazardous substance" under any Enviranmenta� Law. <br /> Trustor represen�s, warra.n�s and agrees that; <br /> A.Except as pre�ious�y disclosed and acknow�edged in writing �o Benef�ciary, no Hazard�us �u�stance is <br /> or w�ll �e Iocated, stored or released on ar in the Proper�y. This restriction d��s nn� apply to small <br /> quant�ti�s of Hazardous Substances that are generaiiy recognized ta be appropriate for th� normal use <br /> and maintenance of the Property. <br /> B. Except as previously disclosed and acknawledged in writing to Beneficia.ry, Trustor and every tenant <br /> hav�been, are, and shall rema�n in fuli campXiance wi�h any applx�able Environmenta� Law. <br /> C.Trustor shall immed�ately natxfy Benef�c�ary if� releas� ar threatened re�ease of a Hazardous Substan�e <br /> occurs on, under or abaut the Property or there xs a�iolatxon of any En�ironm�ntal Law concerning the <br /> Property. �n such an event, Trustar shall �ake a11 necessary remedial action in accardan�e with any <br /> En��ronmental Law. <br /> D.Trustor sha11 xmmediately notify Bene�ciary in writing as soon as Trustor has reasfln to belYeve�here is <br /> any pending or threatened inves�igation, c�a.�n�, or proceeding re�ating to the r�lease or threatened <br /> release af any Hazardous Substance or the�iolatian of any Env�ranmental, Law. <br /> 12. ES�RQW F�Ia, TA�ES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwis� provided in a separa�e agr�ement, Trustor <br /> w�Xi not b�required to pay to Beneficiary funds for tax�s and�nsurance in escrow. <br /> 13. J�INT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY; ��--�I�NERS; SUCCESS�RS ANI] ASSIGNS E�UNI3. AII <br /> dut�es un��r this Security �nstrum�n� are j oint and ind���dual. If Trustor signs this Security Zns�rum�nt but <br /> daes not sign an evid�n�� of debt, Trustnr does so only to martgage Trustor's inter�st in the Prop�rry �o <br /> secure payment of the Secured De�t and Trustor does nat agree ta be personally Iiable on the Secured I]ebt. If <br /> this Security �nstrument secures a guaranty hetween Beneficiary and Trus�or, Trustor agrees �o vva�v� any <br /> r�gh�s that may pre�ent Benefic�ary from br�ng�ng any ac�i�n or cla�m aga�ns� Trustor or any party inde�ted <br /> under the obligatian. These rights may i,n��ude, but are not limxt�d tn, any anti--deficiency or❑ne-actian laws. <br /> The duties and b�nef�ts of this Security�nstrum�nt shall bind and benefit the suc�essors and ass��ns of Trus�or <br /> and Beneficiary. <br /> 14. SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATI�N. This Security ��n� is compl�te and ful�y integra�ed. This <br /> Securzty Instrument may not be amended or modified by aral agr�ement. Any sec�ian in this Security <br /> Zns�rum�nt, attachments, ar any agreemen� reiated to the Secur�d Debt that canf�icts with app�i�able Iaw will <br /> not b� �ff�ct��e, un�ess that law expressly �r impli�dly permits �he �ariataons by wr�tten agreement. Zf any <br /> section of this Secur��y Instrument cannot be enforced according to its terxns, �hat section wi�l be s�vered and <br /> wil� not affect the enforceab�lity of the remainder of this Se�urity Instrument. Whenever used, the singular <br /> shall include the piura.l and the plurai the singuiar. The �aptians and headings of the sections of th�s Securzty <br /> Ynstrument are for convenien�e only and are not to l�e used to interpret or define �he terms of this Security <br /> Insfirument. Time is af the essenc�in this Se�urity Instrument. <br /> 15, SUCCESS4R 'T'RUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Benef�c�ary's optxan, may fraxn time t❑ �ime remo�e Trustee and <br /> appoint a su�cessor trus�ee withaut any other farmality than.,t�;�.d�si�gnatx�n,.in_writin��.._The succ�ssor trustee, <br /> without conv�yance af the Praperty, sha].1 succeed ta a11 the�i�1e, pflwer_and dut�es conferred upon Trustee by <br /> �h�s Securi�y Instrum�nt and applicable law. � � - .� -. � _, <br /> �, . <br /> .��.......w..��..,�.��..� �_.a:....,.�.r��;�- . _ .,� � , <br /> .. __.�. <br /> 16. N`�TI�E, Unl�ss atherwise required by 1aW, any noti�e sha11 be given by delYver�ng zt ar by mailing it by <br /> first C1�55 mai� to the apprapriate party's address on page I of this Securi�y Instrument, or to an.y ather <br /> address designated in writing. Notic� to on� trustor will be d�emed to �� notice to a�I trus�or�. Trustor and <br /> Benefic�ary here�y r��uest a copy of any notice af defauit, and a �opy of any natice of sal� thereunder, be <br /> mail�d ta each party at th�address for su�h party se�far�h on page � of this Security �nstrument. <br /> 17. WAIVERS. Except to the exten� prohibited by �aw, Trustar waives al� appra�sement and homes�ead <br /> exemptian rights relating to the Prapezrty. <br /> 1S. LINE �F CREDIT. The 5ecur�d Deb� xnc�udes a revolving �in� of Credit. Althou�� �he Secured Debt may <br /> be re�luced to a zera ba.lance, this Securi�y Instr�xmen� wiii remain in effec�untxl released. <br /> Security�nstr�ment-�pen-End-Cons�m�r-N� DCP-RE�T-N� 71212Q�1 <br /> VMP�6ankers 5ystemsT�'" VMP-C455�N�} (1�fl7},qp <br /> Wolters Kfuwer�inar�cial 5er�ices�1994,20�'! Page 5 0#G <br /> ��� <br /> � <br />