<br /> Praperty C�nditxon, Alterations and Inspectian. Trustor v�ii� keep the Praperfiy �n good c�ndition and
<br /> make aIi repairs that are reasonably necessary. Trus�or shall not commit or a�low any waste, impairment, or
<br /> d��eriaration of the Property. Trustor agrees �hat the nature of the occupancy and use will not su�stantial�y
<br /> change w�thaut Beneficiary's priar written consent. Trustor will nat permit any �hange in any �xcense,
<br /> restr��tive ca��nant or easement wYthou� Beneficiary's prior wr�tten consent. Trustar wxl� notify Beneficiar�y
<br /> of ali demands, proce�dings, claXms, and acti�ns against Trustor, and of any Iass ar damage�o�he Property.
<br /> �enef�c�ary or Benefic�ary's agents may, a�Ben�fxc�axy's option, �nter the Praperty at any reasonabl�txme for
<br /> the purpos� af inspecting the Property. Bene�ciary �ha1i g�ve Trustar noti�e a� th� �ime of ❑r before an
<br /> inspe�tYon sp�cifying a reasonabie purpose for the inspec�ion. Any inspection af the Properfiy shal�be en�xrely
<br /> for Benefi�iary's benefi�and Trustor will in no v�ay rely on Beneficiary's inspect�on.
<br /> Authorxty to Perform. Zf Trustflr faiis to perform any duty or any of the cavenants can�ained in this Security
<br /> �nstrument, B�n��cia,ry may, without notice, perfarm or �ause them to be p�rformed. Trustor appoints
<br /> Beneficiary a� attorney in fact t� s��n Trustor's name �r pay any amaunt necessary for performance.
<br /> BenefiCiary's right to perform for Trustor shal� not crea�e an obligati�n to perform, and BeneficYary's failure
<br /> ta perfarm will not preciude Beneficxary from exercising any of Ben�fi�xary's oth�r rights und�r �he Iaw or
<br /> this Securi�y �ns�rument.
<br /> L�aseho�ds; Condominiums; Pxann�d Un�t De�exopments. Trust�r agrees t� c�mply with the provis�ons of
<br /> any lease if thas SecurYty Xnstrumen� xs on a �easehalc�. Zf the Property includes a unit in a condaminium or a
<br /> plann�d uni� deve�opment, Trustor w��I perform aII of Trustor's duties under the covenants, �y-Iaws, or
<br /> re�ulat�ons af the can�nm�n�um ar planned unit de�elopment.
<br /> �ondemnation. Trustor will give Beneficiary prampt natice of any pending �r threatened actian, by private
<br /> or public entYties ta purchas� or tak� any or aI1 of the Propez-�y throu�h condemnation, eminen� domain, or
<br /> any ather means. Trustor authvriz�s �eneficiary to int�rvene in Trustor's name in any of the abo�e descri�ed
<br /> actions or claims. Trustor assigns to B�nef�cxary the proceeds af any award or �la�m for damages connected
<br /> wYth a condemnation or ather taking of all or any part of the Froperty. Su�h pr���eds sha�1 be considered
<br /> paym�nts and wi�l be applied as provided in this Secur�ty �nstr�um.ent. This assignment of pr�ceeds is su��ect
<br /> �o the terms of any prior mor�gage, deed of�rust, seCurity agreemen�or ather�ien dacument.
<br /> Insuran�e. Trustar sha�1 keep Property insured agaznst loss �y fire, flood, thef� and other hazards and risks
<br /> reasonably associated with th� Property due�o its type and laca�ion. Th�s insurance shall �e maintained in�he
<br /> amaunts and for the periods �hat Beneficiary requires. What Beneficiary requires pursuant to th� precedxng
<br /> two sentences can change during the term vf the Se�ur�d I]�bt. The insuranc� Garrier provid�ng the insurance
<br /> shali be chosen by Trustor subject t❑ Benefzciary's approval, which sha11 n�t b� unreasonably wi�hheld. �f
<br /> Trustor fa.i.ls �o ma�ntain the cov�rage descrxbed abo�e, Bene�cxary may, at B�n�f��iary's option, a�tain
<br /> c�verage to pratect Ben�ficiary's rxghts Yn the Praperry according ta the�erms af this Securxty Instrument.
<br /> A�1 insurance policies and rene�nrals shal� be acceptable to BenefiGiary and sha�� include a s�andard "mor�gage
<br /> cXause" and, where applicable, "loss payee clause." Trustor sha11 �rn�mediately notify Ben�fic�ary of
<br /> canceliatian or �erminat�an of the insurance. Beneficiary shall ha�e the right to hald th� policies and
<br /> renewals. �f B�neficiary requir�s, Trustar shall imm�d�a�ely gx�e�o B�nef�ciary aIl receipts af paid premiums
<br /> and renewal, noti��s. Upan Ioss, Trustflr sha.11 gi�e ixnm�d�ate notice to th� xnsuran�e carri�r and Benefi��ary.
<br /> Ben�fic�ary may make proof af Ioss if nat made imme�iia�ely by Trustar.
<br /> Unless atherwise agre�d �n writing, aii insurance proceeds shall be applied ta the restaratYon or repair af th�
<br /> Property or to the Secured Deb�, v�hether or not then due, at Beneficiary's optian. Any applicat�on of
<br /> proceeds to principa� sha11 not extend or postpone the due dat� of the scheduled payment nar �han�e th�
<br /> amaunt of any payment. Any e�cess �will �e paid to the Trustor. If the Properry is acquired by B�ne�cYary,
<br /> Trustar's right to any xnsurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage to �he Praperty before the
<br /> acquisition shal�pass ta Ben�fic�ary to the extent of the Secured I3eb�immediately before the acquisitian.
<br /> Financia� Reports and AddYt�onal Documents. Trustor will pravide to Beneficiary upan request, any
<br /> �nancial statem�nt or informatian Beneficiary may d��m reasonably necessary. Trustor agrees to sign,
<br /> delxver, and file any additional documents ar certrfxcations that B�nefzciary may consider n�cessary to perfect,
<br /> contxnue, and pres�rve Trus�or's obligations und�r this Security Instrument and Benefic�ary's lien status on
<br /> �he Praperty.
<br /> �. W Y �F TITLE. Trustar warrants that Trustar is or will be �awful�y seized of the es�ate can�ey�d
<br /> by this Security Ynstr�ument and has th�right to irrevocabiy gran�, con�ey, and seli�he Property to Trus�ee, in
<br /> trust, with power af sa�e. Trustar alsa warrants �hat the Propert� is unencumbered, except for encumbrances
<br /> of record.
<br /> 7. DUE �N SALE. Beneficiary may, at its option, declare the �nt�r� ba�ance of the Secur�d l3ebt to be
<br /> immediat�Iy due and payabie upon the creat�on of, or contract for the cr�atYan af, a transfer ar sa�e of aII ar
<br /> any part ❑f the Prap�rty. This right is subj e�t tfl �he restr�ctions impased by federal �aw �1� C.F.R. 59 I}, as
<br /> appXx�able.
<br /> 5ecurity lnstrument-Open-�nd-Cansumer-NE �CE'-R��T-NE 71212���
<br /> VMP�Bankers SystemsT�" VMP-C465{NEy {1 107y.DD
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financiai Ser�ices C�1 994,2�7 7 Page 3 af fi
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