<br /> full of a�l sums secured b� �his Security �nstrume��t. Hovvever, �his op���ri sha11 riot be exercised by Lender if
<br /> ex�rcis�is proh�bited�y federal law as of the da�e�f this Secur�ty�nstrument.
<br /> If Lender exerci�es this option, Lender shall g�ve Barrawer na�ice of acce�erat�on. The n�tice sha�I provide a
<br /> per�ad �f not less than the min�mum number of days estab�ished by App�ica��e Lav� from the date the not�ce is
<br /> delivered or ma�led wi�h�n wh�ch B�rro�ver mus� pay aIl sums secured by this Secur�ty �ns�rument. �f Borr�v��r
<br /> fails �o pay �hese sums prior�t� the e�pira��fln of�h�� periad, Lender �ay i��vok� any remed�es pe�mitted by �h�s
<br /> Security�nstrum.en�w��haut fur�her natice or demanc�an Sorrower. ;
<br /> Borrarver's Right t� Reinstate. �f Borr�w'er me��s c�r-tain conditians, Borrav�er shall have �he r�ght ta have
<br /> enforcemen�of�his Se�urity Instrument dis�antiriued at any time prior;to�he ear��er of: �a} 5 days �or�uch o�her
<br /> per��d as App�icab�e Lav�may spec�fy for reins#a�emen�}be�ore saie af�the Property pursuant�o any p�wer�f sale
<br /> c�ntained in �his 5ecuri� �nstrumer��; or �b� entry of a ju�g�nent enfarcing �his Securi� �ns�rumen�. Those
<br /> c4nditions are that Borrower: �a� pays Le�der al� sums wh�ch then w�uld be due under th�s Securi�y �nstrumen�
<br /> and�he Con�ra��as if no acceleration had accurred;�b)cures any default of any ather�a�enan�s�r agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enforcing�his Securi�y�ns�rument, in�luding,but na��i�nited to,r�asonable attarneys'
<br /> fees�o�he e�tent p�rm�t�ed by 1aw; and�d}�akes such actian as Lender may reasonah�y require�o assure�ha��he
<br /> �ien�f th�s Security�nstrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borr�v�er's obl�gatian ta pay�he sums secured
<br /> by�his Secur�ty Instrument shal� con��nue unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Barr�wer, th�s Securi�ty �nstrument
<br /> and the obl�ga��ons s�cured hereby shall r�main fu1�y effec�i�e as �f n� acceleratian had occurred. H�wever, th�s
<br /> right�o reinsta�e shall nat apply in the case of acceleratian�under�he se�ti�n�it�ed Transfer af the Prnperty or a
<br /> Bene�icial Interest��]Borrower.
<br /> Hazard�us Substan�es.Barrower sha�l not cause or permi��he presence,use,disp�sal, st�rage, or re��ase of any
<br /> Hazard�us Substances�n vr�n��he Praperty.Borrou�er sha�l na�c�o,nor allov�any�n�else�o da,anyth�ng affecting
<br /> �he Proper�y �hat �s in �vio�at��n �f any Enviranmen�a� La�. The pre�eding �wo sentences shal� nQt apply to the
<br /> presence,use,�r storage an the Pr�perry�f smaX�quantit�es of Hazardous Subs�ances that are genera�ly recogn�zed
<br /> tu be appr�priate�o n�rma�r�s�dential uses and to ma�n�enance af the Proper�y.
<br /> Borrower sha�l prompt�y gi�e Lender�rit�en no��ce of any in�es��gation,�laim,demand, lawsu�t�r ather actian b�
<br /> any governmen�a� ar regulator� agency or priva�� par�y in�ol�ring the propez�y and any Hazardnus Substance or
<br /> Envir�nmen�ai Law of �h�ch Borrow�r� has actual kn�w�edge. If:B�rrawer learns, or is not�fied by any
<br /> go�ernmenta�or regula��ry authority,t�at any removal or other remedia��on of any Hazard�us Substance affec�ing
<br /> the Proper�y is necessary, Borravver sha�� �romptly �ake a�� necessary re�medial actions in accordanc� w��h
<br /> �nviro�menta�Lav�. -
<br /> As used in�his parag�aph, "Ha�ardaus Su}�stances" are�hose subs�anc�s defined as toxic or ha�ard�us subs�ances
<br /> by Enviran�nenta� LaW and th� follawxng subs�ances: gas��ine, ker�sene, other flammable �r �o�ic petr�leum
<br /> produc�s, taxic pes��c�des and herbi�ides, vfl�ati�e solven�s, mater�a�s �conta�n�ng asbestos or formaXdehyde, and
<br /> radioacti�e�na�erials.As used�n�his paragraph, "Environmenta�Law"rneans federaX�a�s and�a�s of the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebraska that re�ate��heal�h,safety�r en�ir�nmenta�p�rotectian. � �
<br /> Accelerati�n; Remed�es. Lender sha�l give no�ice to B�rrower priar ta accelera�ion fo�lnv�ving Bor��werr�
<br /> breach af any�v�enant vr agreer�en��n this Secur�ty in�trument or�he Cantract under wh�ch acce�erativn
<br /> i� permi��ed (bu� no� privr to acce�eration under the section titied Transf�r�f the Prap�rty�r a Ben�ficia�
<br /> Intere�t in Borrvw�r, unless Applicable Lav� �ro�ide� a#herwis�}. The notice shal� specify: ta} �he defaul�;
<br /> �b� the action required to� cu re th� default; �c) a date, not l�ss than the minimum number �f day�
<br /> establi5hed by App�xcable Law from �hQ date�he noti���s gi�en �o Borrawer, by wh�ch the default rmus�be
<br /> curQd; and �d� that fa�lur� �o cure the defau�� �n ar b�fore �he date �pecif�ed �n the nnti�e may result in
<br /> acceieration �f the sums s�cured by this S��uri�y Instrument and sa�e of the Praperty. To th� extent
<br /> permitted by law, �he riotice shall furth�r infarm Barra�ver of�he right ta re�nstate after acce�eration and
<br /> the r�ght to bring a�ourt ac�inn to asser�the n�n�existen�e of a defau�t❑r any other d�fQnse of Borrow�r tv
<br /> accelerat�on and sale. If the default is not cured on ar before the date specified in th� no�ice, Lender at its
<br /> aption may require immediate payme�t �n fuY� of all sums secured by this Security Instrument �v�thout
<br /> further demand and may invoke the power �f�ale and any other remQd�es permitted by App�icab�e Lavv.
<br /> T� the e�tent permitted by lavv, Lend�r shal� �e en�itled to �ollect a�l ex}�enses incurred in pur�uing the
<br /> remedies provided in this S�c�ion, includ�ng, but x�o� 1�m�tQd �o, rea5onable at�orneys' fees and cos�s�f titie
<br /> e��dence. :
<br /> If the power af�ale i� �nv�ked,Trustee shall record a n�tice of defau�� in each county in which any part of
<br /> th�Prnperty is lo�ated and sha�l mai�copie5 of such notic� in�he manner pr�scribed hy Appl�cab��Law to
<br /> B�rrower and ta �he vther pers�ns prescrib�d �y Applicab�e La�►rv. After the trme requir�d 1�y Appli�ab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee 5ha�l gi�e publ�c notice �f sale ta the person� and in the manner prescribed by Appl�cable
<br /> Law. Truste�,wi�h�ut demand o� Borr�w�r,sha�l 5e1��he Praperty at publ�c auct�on to�he highe�t 1�iddQr
<br /> at�he t�me and p�ace and under th�terms designa�ed in th�no#ice af sale in one ar more parc��s anc��n any
<br /> arder Trus�ee det�rmines..T�-ustee ma� pa��pone sal� �f all or any parcel �f the Prflperty by pub�ic
<br /> announcement at the time and place af any pre�ious�y scheduxed sale.Lender or it5 designee may pur°chase
<br /> the Property at any saxe.
<br /> Upon rece�p� of payment vf the price bid, 'lC"rustee shal� deliver to th� purcha�er Trustee'� deed c�nveying
<br /> the Pruperty. The r�c��a�s in the Trust�e's deed shall ]be prima faci�evid�nce of the truth vf the s�atements
<br /> made therein. Trust�e sha�l app�y the proc�eds �� the sa�e in the fol�ow�ng order: �a} �o all cflsts and
<br /> expe��es of exerci5��ag the pawer of sa�es and the sale, �nc�ud�ng the payment ❑f�he Trustee's fee5 actua�ly
<br /> C�20fl4-2Di 3 Campliance Systems,Inc.9F96-�'E2C-2013L�.�.721 .
<br /> Consu�ner Real Estate-Security InstruFne�t DL2036 Pa�e 4 of 5, www.compliancesystems.com
<br />