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<br /> Home Federal Sa��ngs&Loan Assoc�at�on�f Home Fed�ra�Savings&�flan Assocxat�on of
<br /> Grand Is�and Grand Island
<br /> 221 South Locus�Street Z21 South L�cus�S�ree�
<br /> �RANl3 ISLAND,NE�8841 � ��tA�ND ISLAND, NE f$SUl
<br /> �5paee Above Th�s Line For Rec�rding Data}
<br /> L�AN�R�G�.NAT�R NAME: Lisa Mayer
<br /> NMLS��MPANY�DENT�F�ER: 446443: �
<br /> NMLS�R�GINAT�R IDENT�FIER: 4946f9 �
<br /> D��D �� �R�JST
<br /> BY T�IIS I3E�D �F TRUST}
<br /> TH�iS DEED �F TRUST �"Securi�y �ns�rument"� is made an May 5, 2�14. The gran�ors are �s�ar Ramos
<br /> Corvna and Ramona A�varada Ramos, husband and w�fe, vvhose a�.dress is 320 W�nda�ph A�e, �RAND
<br /> �SLAND,Nebraska G88�1. �"Barrovver"}. Borravver is no�necessar��y�he same as�he Person ar Persons who sign
<br /> �he I�ome Equi�y L�ne of�redi� Agreement, dated N�a� 5, ��14 �"Cantract"}. The oblxga��ons af Barrowers
<br /> wha dxd no� sign �he Can�rac� are exp�a�ned fur�her in �he se���an �i�led Suc�essars and Ass�gns I3ound; Joint
<br /> and Several Liabi��ty; Acc�mmfldati�n S�gners. The �rus�ee is ArQnd R. Baack, At�orn�� �hose address xs
<br /> P.�. Box 79U, Grand �sland, Nebraska �SBU� �"Trus�ee"�. The benef.c�ary is Home Federal Sav�ng5 & Loan
<br /> Assoeia�ivn af Grand Is�and,wh�ch�s�rgani�ed and ex�s�ing under the�avvs of the�Jn��ed Sxa�es of Amer�ca and
<br /> �hose a�dress �s �21 South Locust Stre��, Grand Island, Nebraska 588�1 �"Lender"}. �scar Ramv� Corona
<br /> and Ramnna Al�arada Ramvs have en�ered xnto a�ontracti with Lender as af Ma� 5, 2�14, under the terms�f
<br /> vvhich Borrovver may, from �ime �a ��n�e, ob�a�n advan�es na� �� exceed, at any ��n�e, a �*�MA��MUM.
<br /> PRINCIPAL AM�UNT �EXCLUDING PR�TEC'TIVE ADVAN�ES}x** of Ten Th�usand and 4�I1��
<br /> Dol�a rs �U.S. $1�,UU�.UO} ("�redi� Lim��"�. An� party in�eres�ed �n the details re�ated to Lender's c�ntinu�ng
<br /> �b�iga�xQn to ma�e advances �a Barr�v�er�s advised tn cansult d�rec��y w��h Lender. �f nat paid eari�er, the sums
<br /> o�ving under Barro�ver's C�ntrac�v�i�h Lender wi�1 be due on May 15, 2U19. Th�s Secur�ty �n�trumen�secures t�
<br /> Lender: �a� �he repaymen� of the debt under the Contrac�, Wi�h,in�eres�, �n��udix�g future advan�es, and all
<br /> renewa�s, ex�ensi�ns and m�.adif�at�ons of the Can�rac�; �b}the payment�f.alI other sums,w��h in�ere��, advanced
<br /> to protect the secur�ty of this Securit�y�nstrumen�under the pra�xsxons�f the sec�ion tit�ed Prn�ect��n of Lender's
<br /> Ra�hts in the Praperty; and �c� �he perf�rmance vf Bnrr�wer's covenan�s and agre��rnen�s under �h�s Secur��y
<br /> �nstrumen�and�he �ontract. F�r�his purp�se, Borro�ver, in cons�dera��on of the d�b�and the trus�her��n crea�ed,
<br /> �rre��cably gran�s and can�eys ta Truste�, in trust,w��h p��er of sa�e,�he foliow�ng descr�bed praper�y�acated in
<br /> �he County of HaX�, State of Nebraska:
<br /> Address:32U��nd o�ph A�e,GRAN17�SLAND;Nebraska f 8501 �
<br /> Legal Descrip��on: A�1 that certain parce� af�and situate �n the County of Ha��, and Sta�� of Nebra�ka
<br /> being known and designa�ed as the�'Westerly SS feet af the Southeriy 84 feet of the South Haif of B�ock
<br /> 7,in P�easanti IIome Subdivisian �n the���y of�ra�d Island,�-Ia��C�un�y,Nebraska
<br /> TflGET�ER W�TH a�� �he �xnpr�vements now or hereafter erected an the propert�, and aI� easements,
<br /> appur�enarices, arnd fixture� nov� ar hereafter a part of the proper�. A�l replacemen�s atad additions shal� a�so be
<br /> covered by this Secur�ty I�s�rument. AI1 of the faregfl�ng is referred �o in �h�s Security �ns�rumen� as the
<br /> "Pr�perty."
<br /> B�RR��ER��VENANTS tha�Barr�vver xs lav�fu�ly sexsed of�he esta�e hereby con�eyed and has �he r�gh�t�
<br /> gran� and �onv�y the Proper�y and �hat �he Property �s unencumbered, ex�ept for encumbran�es �f record.
<br /> Borrower warran.ts and wi�l defend generally �he �itle �� the Property against a�l claims and deman�.s, subje�� �o
<br /> any en�umbrances of re�ord. � � .
<br /> B orrav�er and Lend er co�enan�and agree as fo��a�s: �
<br /> Payment of Principa�and Interest; �ther�harge�. Borrower shal�prflmptly pay v�hen due�he principaX of and
<br /> �nteres�on�he deb��w�d under�he Can�ract and la�e�harg�s ar any o�her f�es and charges due under the�on�ract.
<br /> �20Q4-2013 Cvmptiance Systems,Ir�c.9F9G-FE2C-2�13L2.�.7��
<br /> Car�sumer Reaf Estate-Se��rity Ins#nFment DL2036 � Page t o�5 www.c�mpliancesystems.com
<br />