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��14��731 <br /> Inspec�ion. Lend�r ar i�s aben� may make reasonable entries upon and inspe��i�ns of the Property. Lender sha�I <br /> gi�e Borrawer notice a�the�ime af or pr�or to an inspec�ion specifyin�reasonab�e cause far�he inspect�on. <br /> Condern natian. The proceeds of any avvard or cla�rn for damages, direc��r cansequential, �n connec�ion w��h any <br /> c�ndemnation or o�her takin� of any par� �f the Praperty, or far con�eyance in lieu of condemna�ion, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid�a Lender. <br /> � �n �he e�ent af a to�a� �akir�g of the Property, the praceeds shal� be app�ied ta the surns secured by �his Securi�y <br /> ins�rurnent, wheth�r or n�� then due, with any exces� paid ta Barrower. �n the ev�n� af a par�ial �aking qf th� <br /> Property in which the fair marke� va�ue of�he Property �mmedYateIy befare the taking xs equa��� �r greater�han <br /> �he amount �f the surns se�ured by th�s Securi�y �nstrumen� immediately befor� �he �akin�, un�ess Barrov��r and <br /> Lender o�herw�se a�ree in wri�inb,the sums secured by this Securi�y Ins�rument sha�I b�reduced by�he amount of <br /> �h�proceeds�nultip�ied by�he fo�lov�zng fraction; �a��he�otal amaunt of the sums secured immediately before the <br /> �akin�, di�ided by �b� �he falr marke� �a�ue of�he Proper�y �mmediate�y before the taking. Any ba�ance sha�I be <br /> paid to Bflrrower. In the e�e�t af a par�ia� taking of the Proper�y in wh�ch the fair market �a�ue of�he Praperty <br /> ��r�med�a�ely bef�re the taking �s iess than the arnount of the sums secured immed�ate�y b�fare �he �aking, unIess <br /> Barrower and Ler�der othe�v�ise a�re� in writ�ng or un�ess Ap��icabie Lavv o�her�ise provides, the prflceeds sha�l <br /> be applied to the sums secured by th�s Security Ins�rumen�whether or nat�he sums are�hen due. <br /> If�he Praper�y is abandoned by Bar�av�rer, or if, af�er no�ice by Lender ta Borrower�hat�he condemn�r offers ta <br /> make an award ar set��e a claim for dama�es, Barr�wer fails �a respond�o Lender within the m�nimum number of <br /> days es�abIished by Applicable LavW after�he da�e�he n�t�ce is given, Lender is authori�ed ta col�ect and apply�he <br /> proceeds, a� its apt�an, either to rest�ration or repair of the Proper�y or t� �he sums secured by �his Security <br /> �ns�rument,whe�her or no��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender ar�d Borrovver otherwise abree in vvri�in�, any application af pr�ceeds to pr�ncipal shali no��xtend <br /> or postpone�he due da�e�f�he payments du�und�r the�fln�rac�or change the am�un�of such payments. <br /> Bnrr4wer Not Released; Forbearan�e By Lender l�o� a Wa��er. Ex�ension of �h� �ime for a ment or <br /> � Y <br /> mod�f ca��on af amortiza���n of�he sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument gt-anted by Lender �o Borrawer or <br /> any successor in in�erest of Borrov�er sha�I nat apera�e to reIease th� �iabzlity of �he original Barrower or <br /> �orrawer's succ�ssors in interest. Lender shalI not be required�o commence proceedinbs against an successor in <br /> y <br /> interes�or refuse�a extend time for payment or��h�r-v�rise modify amor��za��an af�he sums secured b th�s Secur� <br /> Instrument by reasan of any demand made b �he ori �nal Borrovver y � <br /> Y g or Borrower's successars in interes�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercisinb any r��ht or re�nedy shall no� be a waiver of or preclude �he exercise of an <br /> r�ght or remedy. � <br /> Successors and Asszgns Bound; Ja�nt and Se►�era� Liab�Ii�y; Ac�ammodation S�gners. The covenants and <br /> abreemen�s of th�s S�curity �nst�umen� shall bind and benefit the success�rs and assi�ns of Lender and Borrower <br /> � <br /> su �ec� to the praWisio�s of sectzon t�t��d Transfer of the Property ar a Beneficial In��rest in I�orrower. <br /> B�rrov��r's co�enan�s and agree�nen�s shall be�a�nt and severa�.Any person wh� co-signs th�s Secur� Ins�rumen� <br /> but has no pers�na� l�abi�i�y under the Contract "Acc�m '� � <br /> � modati�n S�bner"}: �a} is CQ-51�.1n.� �h15 Security <br /> �pS�I'U1�7�eI7� �p�y �� 1np�babe, �rant anC�. CppVe� �I1at AC�OIT7,mnC�a���n Si�ner's interes� in �he Pro e urider �he <br /> terms �f the S�curity �nstrument; �b �s not ersona�i obli� p � <br /> � � y �,a�ed �o pay �he sums secur�d by this Secur�ty <br /> Znstrumen�; and �c� abrees�hat Lender and any other Bflrrower may a�ree to extend, modi , f�rbear or make an <br /> accommodations with re ard �a the � y <br /> g terms�f th�s Se�ur��y Ins�rumen�ar�he Con�rac�v�i�haut�ha�Accommodation <br /> Si�ner's consent. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�h� loan s�cured by th�s Securi�y Ins�rument is subject �o a law which sets maximum laan <br /> charges, and tha� law �s f nally �nterpre�ed sa that�he �nterest or other Ioan char�es collec�ed or to be coIlected xn <br /> connecti�n wi�h �he loan exceed th� per�n���ed �im�ts, then. �a� any such loan charge shaI� he reduced b the <br /> amount necessary to r�duce �he char�e�a the permit�ed limi�s and b an a�read y <br /> � � y y cal7ected from Borrawer <br /> wh7ch exceeded per��n it�ed �imi�s �vi�1 b� refunded �o Barrov�er. Lender may chaose to malce �his refund b <br /> reduci.nb the p�inc�pa� owed under the Contract ar by �r�.akin a direc� a ment to Borrav� y <br /> g � y er. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipal,the reduc��or� wi��be treat�d as a par�ial prepaymen�under the�ontract. <br /> NQ�ices. AT7� nQ��C� �� Borrov�er pro�ided f�r in this Security �ns�rumen� sha�l be gi�en by deIiverin� it or b <br /> mai lin�i�by f rs�class mai 1 un�ess Applicab�e Lav�requires use of another m��thod. The notice b � <br /> shall be d�rected to <br /> the Prop�r�y Address flr ar�y a�her address Barro�er designates by ���xce to Lender. Borrower a rees to ra�ide <br /> Lender with Borrawer's most current mail�n� address, as it ma chan¢e from ' g � <br /> Y �, ��me-t�-��me. Any not�ce �a Lender <br /> shal� be��ven by frst c�ass�naiI�o Lender's address stated herein or any o�her address Lender desi nates b n��ice <br /> � y <br /> �o Borrawer. Any na�ic� pro��ded for�n�his Securr�y Znstrum�ent sha�l be deemed�o have b�en���en�o Btirrower <br /> or Lender when given as prov�ded �n th�s paragraph. <br /> G�verning Law; Se�erabiiity. This Security Instrument sha�I be�a�erned by federal lavv and the laws of the sta�e <br /> af Nebraska. �n the e�ent �ha� any proWisian or clause of this SecurY�y �ns�rument or �he Cantract canflic�s w��h <br /> App��cab�e Lav�� such conflict shaIl no� affeet ot�er pro�is�ans af this Security �nstrumen� or�he Cantrac� which <br /> can be�iven eff�c�vv�th�u��he confl�ctin�pr�Wis�on. To this�nd the pra�isions of�his Securifiy Ins�rumernt and�he <br /> ��ntrac�are dec�ar�d�o be severab�e. <br /> �arrower's��py. Borrower shali be biWen one copy of this Securi�y �nstrument. <br /> Transfer of�he Pr�per�y or a Benef�cial Interest in Borrawer. �f al�or any pa�-�t of the Property ar an �n�eres� <br /> Y <br /> in �� is soid �r transferred ��r if a benef��a� in�eres� in Barrower is soId or �ransferred and Borrower is not a <br /> na�ural person} wvithout Lend�r's prior written consen�, Lender may, at ��s op�i��, require immed�ate pa ment in <br /> Y <br /> a 2444-24]3 Con�pliance Systen�s.Ir�c.�3F96-SDQ t-?013L2.4.721 <br /> C��s�amer Reaf Estate-Secur�ty Instrument DL�03� Pa�e 3❑f 5 www,cornpli�� <br />