<br /> serv�ces and subs�qu�nt charges ea�h ti�ne rexnapping�c�r sim��ar chang�s o���ur whi�h r�asonably might
<br /> affect s�uch determination nr certif icati�n. �rr�w�r�hall als�b�r�sp�nsible f�r th�payment of an�r fees
<br /> imposed by the Federal Em�rgen��r Manageme�t Ag�n��i�cvnn�tion��th the re�i��v 4f an�flaod zone
<br /> determi.nati�n resulting fr�m�n object�on b�Borro�r�r,
<br /> If Barro�er fails to maintain any�f the�o�erages described ab��e,Lender m�y obtain u�surance co��rag�,
<br /> at Lender's�ption an�Barrtiw�r's exp�ns�. �nd�r i.s un��n�ob�i�ation tt�p�r�bas�any part���lar t�p��r
<br /> �m�unt of�o�era.g�.ThereF�r�,su�h c���rage s�a.11 c��r�r I�nd�r,�ut might�r might not pr�tect B�n���r,
<br /> BQrro�ver's��uit�in th�Prapert�,�r t�e content�+�f�he i'r�p�rt3',again.�t an�risl�,ha�ard or�i�bili��.nd
<br /> might pr�vide gr�ater or l�sser c�verag���n�r�pr�v�t�us��in eff�ct. BorrQ��r acknotivledges that the cc��t
<br /> af the in.suranc�coverag�s��b�ai���mi�ht�ignifi�a�at��e����the�a�t of in��uranc�that B�rro�v�r could
<br /> hav��btained.Any amo�unts���bursed by�nder�nd�r thi�S�tion S shall becom�additional��bt of
<br /> B�rr��+�ver secur�d by this S�c�rit�r Ins#�m�nt.Th��amoun��l�a�l b�ar int.�r�st at the 1�T�te rat�frc�m the
<br /> dat�of disbur�ement and�hall b�pa�able,�it�such intere�t,up�x►n�t�c�fram Lend�r to Bvrr��v�r
<br /> r�qu�sting paym�nt.
<br /> All insurance policies r��uued by Len�er an�i�r�n��vval�of��ch pv��ci�s sha11 b�subj�ct t�Le�der's right to
<br /> d�sappro��such policies,shall incl�de�.�ta.ndard m�r�gage clau�,and shail�nam�L�nder as mortgagee
<br /> andlor�s an additional loss p�.�ree. Len��r sha��ha�r�th��igllt tv h�ld the poli�c�i�s and re.u�wal c�r�ifi�ates.
<br /> If Lender requi.r�s,Borrow�r shall prvmptl�gi��tQ Len+d�r all rec�ipts�f pai+d premiums and r�n��ra�
<br /> notices.If Borro�er�btains an���vrrn of insuran���overag�,�ot other�ise r�uired by Lender,for damage
<br /> to,�r de�truction of,th�Pr4per�,suc}�pc�l�c�sh�l�incl�de�standard mortg�g��taus�and sh�.11 name
<br /> Lender as mortgage�and�4r a�an a�.diti�n�.l loss payee,
<br /> In the ev�nt of�oss,Bon���r shall gi�re pr�n���nvti��t�the insivanc��arrier and L�n+d�r,Lender may
<br /> make pro+vf of 14ss if not made promptly b�Borr�vw�r.Unl��s Lend�r an�B�rro�er otherv�ise agree in
<br /> wr%ting,an�insura.nce proceeds,wheth�r�r n�t the u.nd�rlying insurance�as r�quired b�Lender,shall b�
<br /> appi�ed t�res�orat�on or re�air of the Pr�per�, if the restoration�r repau is ec�nomi�ally feas�b�e and
<br /> Lend�r's se�urity is n�t less�n�d. Durin�such repair an�r�st�ration p�ri�d,L�n�er shall have th�r�ght t�o
<br /> ��ld such in�uran+ce pro�eeds unti�Len�der has�ad�.n opport��nity to inspect su�h Pr�p�to�nsure t�e
<br /> �vork has been compieted ta Lender'�satisfaction,pr�vid�d that such inspection shall be under�aken
<br /> pr�mptly.Lend�r may disburse pra�c�eds for�he repai.rs and restorat��n in a siug��paym�nt or i.n a��ri�s of
<br /> pragress payments as th��ork is c�mp�eted. I�nl�ss an agr�ement is m�.de in�riting�or Applicabl�La�v
<br /> requues interest to be paid on�uch insuranc�proceeds,Lender�ha11 n�t be r�quir�d to pay Borr��v�r any
<br /> interest or earnings on such pr�c�eds. F��s for public adjusters,Qr flther third parties,retain��by B�rr�wer
<br /> sha11 not be paid out Qf the insurance proce�ds and sh�l�be th�sole flbligati�n�f Borrower. If the res#�ration
<br /> or repax.r�s nflt ec�n�mically feasib�e vr Le�der's secur�t���uld be l�ssened,th�insuranc�pro���ds sha�1 be
<br /> applied ta the sums secur�d by th�s��curit�Instrurnent,tivheth�r Qr not then due,with the�xces�,if an�,
<br /> paid to BorrQw�r, Such insuran�e proc�eds s�all be applied in th�order pr�vided f�r in�ecti�n�.
<br /> If Borr�wer abandons the Proper�,Lend�r may file,ne�oti�te and sett��any avai�able insurance+c�aim and
<br /> related�at��s.�f Bonowe�da�s nfl�r����ond�i��n 3��ay�t�a n�tice�irom L�n�ler t�hat t�e in.sura��e
<br /> �arri�r has off�red to settle a claim,th�n L�nd�r m.a�n�g�tiat{e an�d�ettie th��l�.im.'The 3�-+day peri�d vvill
<br /> begin when th�n�tic�is g�v�n, In e�ther event,�r if Lend�r a�quires the Prop�rty t�.nder Se�tion 22�r
<br /> �ther�wise,�orrovver h�r�by�ssigns ta L�n��r�a�Borrv��r's�ght�ta�.n�i�n�urance proce�d�in an amount
<br /> not to�xc�ed the amount�unp�.id und�r the l��te or th�s Se�curit�Instrum�nt,a�nd�b�any�ther of
<br /> Borrovver's rights�oth�r than th�right t�any refund of�nearx�ed pr�mium�paid b�Borro�rer}und�r all
<br /> insuranc�polici�s covering th��ropert�r,insvfar�.s su��h rig�ats�re applica�a��to the cov�rage of the
<br /> Property. L�nder may us�the insuranc�proce�ds eith�r t�repair ar r�stor�th��'ropert�y Qr t�pay�.m�unts
<br /> unpaid under th�l��te�r th�s�ecurifiy Ins�rum�nt,wbeth��r not then d��,
<br /> NEgRASKA-Single Famii�rfannie MaeJFreddie MaG L1N1FC3RM 1NSTFiU�!►fE�1T 1fV1TH MERS Fonn 34�8 11�4
<br /> vMP� VMPfiA[N�}(9342).QO
<br /> Wo�ter�K4wv�r Fir�an�ia�Ser�icss Pag�7 af 17
<br /> q�33� 5�18� D23 3 � �71
<br />