<br /> WITNESSETH: U.S. Bank Nationa�Assac�ation,THE GRANT�R, �whether one or more} in cansideration of
<br /> �he sum af �ne Dallar an� vther �aluab�e c�nsiderat�on to it paid �y the F�dera[ National Mortgage Assoc�a��on,
<br /> �RANTEE�►nrhether vne vr mare},�he receipt of wh�ch is ackno►nrledged, does by these pres�nts, Grant, Bargain and
<br /> Sell, Con�ey and Confirm untv the �RANTEE, its su�cessors and assigns, the lots, trac�s or parcels af land,
<br /> des�ribed on the first page vf this �nstrument, commonly kno►nrn as �2�4 Narth LinGaln A�enue, G�and Is�and, NE
<br /> �88�� �#he"Prop��ty"}.
<br /> Subjec�to a�[prior easements, restr�c�ions, reservatians and covenan�s now of record, if any.
<br /> T� HAVE AND T� H�LD the prem�ses with all and s�ngular, th� rights, pri�ileges, appu�tenanc�� and
<br /> immun��ies belonging or in anywise appertain�ng unt� �he GRANTEE and unto its su�cessnrs and assigns for��er.
<br /> �RANTDR c�venant�ng that�he premises are free and�lear f�om any encumbranc�done ar su�f��ed by i�; and�hat i#
<br /> ►n►ill warrant and defend the title ta �he premises unto �he GRANTEE and un�o its successflrs and assigns fvrever,
<br /> agaEnst the lawful claims and demands of all persans claiming under i�.
<br /> IN WITNESS, the GRANT�R has cause� �hes� presents �o �e signed by its Assis�ant Vice F�resident and
<br /> at�es#ed hy its�ff cer.
<br /> U.S. Bank Nationa�Associa�ian
<br /> . •
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<br /> _;�: ` ,. fficer Susan A.Wink,Assis�ant V�ce Presid�nt
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<br /> ��UNTY�F DAVIESS }
<br /> �n this day of April, �D�4, before m�, appeared Susan A. Vllink, �o me persona�ly known, who being
<br /> by me duly swv�n, did say�hat helshe is�he Assis�ant Vice President of U.S. Bank Nationa�Associatian and that the
<br /> cflrpo�ate seal atta�hed �s�he corpora�e seal af U.S. Bank National Assoc�a�ion, and that th� �nstrumen�was signed
<br /> and seal�d an beha[f of �he corpv�a�ion by au�hority af its Board of Direc#ors, and helshe acknvwiedged th�
<br /> instrumen#to be th�free a�#and d�ed vf the corpvra�ion.
<br /> lN WITNESS, � ha�e set my hand and a�ixed my afficia�sea��he day and year las�above written.
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<br /> My Commissivn Expir�s: � � ��
<br /> Fi�e Na. 147'�97
<br />