<br />200905708
<br />Parcel 1 (*) A idol of land namrhinge part etas Southeast Quarter (521/4), pare of the Southwest
<br />Quarter. (SW1/4), part of the Northwest Quarter (Nsytpo, gnd put of the Northeast Quote
<br />(Nlf all. bdug in Section Twenty four (24), TgollomP Menu ( Km* tango ( Woof
<br />of thole PIA, ISA Gandy Mask., and snore partindady demeTheil es Whim
<br />liegthning 'at the northeast corner or sits Smithson Quarts (811114); them tandem sontherly, along
<br />anneal= thceast.line ef,sold Southend Quarter (S514), a *tante .0 1418. Hundred WI y Ste and
<br />Forty Iline.Hundredthe .(15549) fed; thence *fleeting eight 90' OF '05' . and main westerly, it distance
<br />of 'Three Thotisand Fur Hundred 'Thirty Six and Feely Oste Handeedthe (3,43641) feet; thence
<br />• deflecting right far 59' 45' and doming northerly, distaste .0 0.. Thousand Six Hundred FlityThree
<br />and 'Forty Five Hundredths (1,653.45) fief &ince deflecting den.* 59' 15' sad running easterly,
<br />abduct n/ Three Thousand Two Hundred Four mid Ninety Six Hundredths (3,204.96) f1.# thew
<br />deflecting left 90' Or 05' and running northeny, parallel nth the east line of said Northeast Quarter
<br />(N51/4), a distance of One and eighty Nine Hundredths (3.89) het; (bent deflecting right . 90' 02' 05'
<br />andIrsteglem .easterly,w Phone orhvo Huudred' Tweedy Nine-end-FM Four Hundredth. (229.54) feet
<br />to a point on the east Itae or said Northeast Quarter (551/4); theaci deflecting right 99' 57' 55' and
<br />running southedyodong and upon the east line said Northeast Quarter (745114), • distance of Six
<br />Hundred Ninety Nine and Eighty Stx Hundredths (699.86) feet to the Point of beginnan
<br />00 A Ind .1 10.4 comprising • 9101 0! the Southeast Quadri (851/4) lid a Ban of 11 to Southwest
<br />Quarter (S911/4) of Section Twenty Pour (24), Townehip laden 01) North, 'Range Eden (21) West .
<br />of the 6th PAL, end. pad. Of the Northwest (loader (NW1/4) and a. part of the Northeast Quarter
<br />(NEI/4) at Section Twenty The (25), Tangibly Eleven (11) Nortfiallangelleven (11) West if the 6th
<br />9.36, 51* beiog Count m Nebraska, end described as follows;
<br />Bolietaing st the southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (551/4) of said Section 'Teddy Font (24);
<br />thence running northerly, ding and upon the east We .5 0. Southeast Quarter (S51/ of said &onto
<br />Tonoty Four (24) a distance or One lltousand Sh Hundred Eight/ Nina (2,689.0) feet; theca deflating
<br />left 89' Se 55' and running westerly, a dhtuses at Three Thousand Four Hundred Thtrty 81. 011410217
<br />One Hundredths (3,06.41) feet; theme defied's% len .90' 00' 15' and running eai*tberty i dWhowe of
<br />81817 91.0 and Four Tenths (6540) feet *MS deflecting right 29' sr 20* and running southwesterly, ,
<br />a. &donee of Four Hundred Twenty Nine.and Sixtylour Hundredths (429.64) feel themes- deflection left
<br />29' sr 'Wand running southerly, a distance, of One Thousand. Five Thendred Twenty Nine Twenty
<br />Eight Hundredth" (1,52940 rub: thence delledhig 2.51 90' 01' 12' and reaping easterly, a disquiet of
<br />Three Thousand Six Bandied Fifty Three and Forty Two lintuhedths (3,653.42) het to puha ma the
<br />east line • 00 0. Northeast Quarter (N51/4) of said Section Twenty Five (25); thessce deflecting left 90'
<br />or 40' and running northerly, along and upon the east line of the Northend Quarter (7451/4) of said
<br />Section Twenty Five (25), a distance of Two Hundred Seventy Seven end 5107 Teo Hoodowilho (
<br />red to use point of beginning
<br />(e) A tract of land comprising a pert 00 02. Soethwest Quarter (SW1/4), a pod of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (NW1/4), 11 part 00 02. Northeast Quarter (N51/4), and is Mart .0 0. Southeast, Quarter
<br />(8111/4), en being In Section Nineteen (19), Township Eleven (11) North, /Lenge 'Ten (10) West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall CouuIjN8bnis10,e.dwrs pares:daily &scribed as follows:
<br />Beginning:at northwest come af said Southwest Quirks' (51,1/4); donee rowing southerly, along
<br />and upon the wed line of sold Southwest Quarter (SW1/4), • &Moto .0 7410. Hundred Any Ste and
<br />Forty Nine Hundredths (956.49) fed; thence deflecting left 89' 54° 55' and.rutudar eastech, • dithusee
<br />of Three Ilimmand Igo Hundred Teeny Two and Finings Hundredths (1225 fedi them
<br />depleting 1.51 90' 01' 17' and ruminated/only, a Unarm Of Onentousend Shr Hundred Piny Five and
<br />Four Tenths (1,695.40) ted; theme defieding 1.11 89' 58' 43' end running westerly, a distance of One
<br />Hundred Forty Oat and Three Tenths (14130) tees thence deflecting fen 50• Or 24' and main ,
<br />southerly, distance .1 0.. Hundred no/ and My Six litindredthe (101.56) feet; thence deflecting
<br />right 89' 53' 49' and mein' westerly, se distance of Three Thousand 111gbh One and Eight Tenths
<br />(3,081.80) feet to a point on the wed line of said Northwest Qouter awoke; nano &fleeting lef1.19'
<br />53' 30' and running southerly, along mid upon the wed hie- of said Noethwed Quarter (NW1/4), a
<br />• distance .1 91.. Hundred Twenty Ntse andlIghty Si n Hundredths (529.86) het to the point of beginning
<br />1Three1 2; A tenet of lend comprising • part 00 02. Southend Qiuuter (3WI/4) and pad elthe Southeast
<br />Quarter (S51/4) of Section Nineteen (19), Towaship Ilan (11) North, Range Ten (10) West Of the 6th
<br />end a part 00 11*. Northwest Quieter (NW1/4) and a pad 00 02. Northeast Oozier (N51/4) of '
<br />Section '11thly .(30), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (i0) West of the 6th Pitt, di being in
<br />County, Nebeades, and more particularly described as fawns
<br />Begtordng at the southwest MAW of the Southwest Quarter (SWI/4) of add Salton Mode= (19);
<br />thence roping northerly, . along and upon the wait Lunt the Southwest Quarter ( 5911 / 4 ) Soolloo
<br />Nineteen poh distance of One Thousand Mir Hundred ItIghly (1,019.0) feel; thence deflecting
<br />sight 90' 05' 05' and 'rasing easterly, a &tante of Three Thousand Two Handred Twenty Two and
<br />Fourteen Hundredths (3,222.14) het; thence delthetIng right Er 57' 43' and Innutog southerly, a distance
<br />.0 0.. Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Five and Skty Seven Hundredths (1,965.67) het; thence deflecting
<br />right 90' Or 15' and running westerly, a distance of Three 'Thousand Two Hundred Twenty .04 51..
<br />Ihnths (3,220.50) feet to a point an the wed lbw of the Northwest Quad? (NW1/4) nail& Section
<br />Thirty (30); . thence deflecting' tight sr 56' 20' and suudeg northerly, along . and open the west line or
<br />!the Tioctictiest ()wader (74911/4) .5 add &dim Nineteen ( ammo or Two Boodred Seventy Sani
<br />• end Shiy Two Hundredths (27741)101t to the point of beginning
<br />•..
<br />201402591
<br />• .:
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