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��14��595 <br /> ��} "Lender"is�U1 Cken �oans Inc. <br /> Lender is a �orporati on <br /> organized and existing under the laws of t h e S t a t e o f M 7 c h i g a n . <br /> Lender'sa�dr�ss is 1�50 �oodward �ve, Detra�t, MI 48�2�-19�� <br /> �D� "Trustee" is Ti tl e Sou rCe, I r1C. <br /> �E} "IVIERS" is Mortgage Electronic Registrati�n Systems, �nc. MERS is a separate corporativn tha��s acting <br /> solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns. MERS is the benef ciar�under this <br /> Security InStrument. MERS is organized and existing under the laws of De�a�rare, and has an address and <br /> telephone number of P.�. Box��2�, Flint, MI 48��1-2�26,tel. �888}G79-MERS. <br /> �F} "Note" means the promissory note signed by Borrnwer and dated J a n u a ry 31, �d 14 . The Note <br /> sta.tes that�orrow�r owes Lender S�xty ThDuSand S1 x Hundred Fi ft,� and <br /> �D11�� <br /> Dollars�U.�. $ ��,���.�� }plus interest. Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular <br /> Periadic Payments and to pay the debt in fu11 not later than F e b r u a ry 1, 2�44 . <br /> �G� "Property"means�he property that is de�cribed below under�he heading"Transfer of Rights in the <br /> Property." <br /> �H} "Lvan"means the debt evid�nced by the Note, plus intere��, any prepayment charges and late Gharges due <br /> under the Note,and a1�sums due under this Security Instrurnent,pius in�erest. <br /> 41} "Riders"means all R�ders to this Security�n.strument that are executed by Borrower, The fo�lowing Riders <br /> are�o be execu�ed by Bonower[check box as a�plicable]: <br /> 0�djusta.ble Rate Rider [� Condominium Rider 0 Second Home Rider <br /> �Ba�ioon Rider ❑Planned Unit Development R�der 0 �-4 Family Rider <br /> 0�A Rider 0 Brweekly payment R�der ��ther�s} [specif�� <br /> �egal Atta�hed <br /> �J} "Appli�ableLavW" means aI�controlling applicable federal, state and�ocal statutes, regulations, <br /> ordinances and administrative rules and orders(that hav�the effect of law�as well as a1�applicable final, <br /> non-appea�able judicia�opinions. <br /> �K} "�ommunityAssoc�atianDues, Fees,and Assessments"means all dues, fees, assessments and other <br /> charges that are imposed on Borro�v�r or the Property by a condominium associatio�a, hom.eot�vners <br /> associatron�r similar organization. <br /> �L} "Electron�cFundsTransfer"means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction or�ginated b�check, <br /> draf�,or s�milar paper instrument,which is�nitiated through an electron�c terminal,telephonic�ns�rument, <br /> computer,or magnetic so as ta order, instruct, ar authorize a financial ins�ituti�n to debit or credit an <br /> account. Such term includes,but is not lim�ted to, point-of-sale transfers,automa�ed teller mach�ne <br /> transactions,�ransfers initiated by telephone,�,�vire transfers,and automated cl�aringhouse transfers. <br /> �All} "Es�row Items"means those iterns that are described�n Sectron 3. <br /> NEBRASKA�Sin F ' ��� <br /> gle amily-Fann�e MaelFrreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Farm 3028 1i41 <br /> VMP C�7 VMPfiA(NE)�13Q2].�Q <br /> Wolters Kf�wer Financial Services Pag�2 of�7 <br /> q�3321fl35229 ��33 514 �217 <br />