<br /> 21. HazardousSubstance�.As used in this Sect�4n��: �a} "I�aza�c�au.s�Su�.�ta�ce.s"are thase�ubsta.nces
<br /> �efin�d as toxic or hazardous substances,pallutants,or wastes by Enviranmenta�Law and the follov�ing
<br /> subs�ances: gasoline,kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic pesticides and herbicid�s,
<br /> �ola�il�sol�ents, materials contain�ng asbest�s or formaldehyde, and radioacti��materials; (b}
<br /> "�r�viro�rne�tal Law"m�ans federal laws and lavvs of the jurisdiction where the Property is 1oca�ed that
<br /> relate to health, safety or environmenta.l protection; (c} "E�vi�or�rne�tal Gle�►�u�"includes any response
<br /> action, remedia�action, or rem��al action, as defin�d in En�ironmenta�Law; and(d}an "E�uiro�rnerctal
<br /> Cor�c�itio�"means a conditian that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigg�r an En��ronmenta��leanup.
<br /> Borrotiv�r sha11 not cause or p�rmit the presence,use,di�posal,storage,or release of any Ha�ardous
<br /> Substances,or�hreaten ta release any Hazardous�ubstances,on or in the Property. Borrower sha11 not do,
<br /> nor a11ow anyone els�to do, anyth�ng affecting the Property(a)that is in violation of any En�riranmental
<br /> Law, (b}which creates an.En�ironmental �ondition,or�c}which,due to the presenGe,use, or release of a
<br /> Hazardaus Su�stance,creates a condition that adversely affects the valu�of the Praperty. The preceding tvvo
<br /> sentences sha11 not apply to the presence,use,or stora�e on the Property of sma11 quantities of Hazardous
<br /> Substances that are general�y recognized to be appropriate�o normal residential uses and to maintenance of
<br /> the Pra�erty(including,�ut not limited to,ha�ardou�substanc�s in�onsurner products�.
<br /> Borrower sha11 promptly give Lender written notice af(a}any investigation,claim,demand, lavvsuit�r other
<br /> action by any governm�ntal or regulatory agenc�or priva�e party invol�ing the Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Sub�tan�e or Environmen�a.l Law of which Borrawer has ac�ual l�nowledge,�b}any Environmenta�
<br /> Condition, including bu�not limited to, any spilling, leak�ng,discharge,re�ease or threat of rel�ase af any
<br /> Hazardous Substance,and�c}any condition caused by the presence,use or release of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> which adversely affects the�alue of�he Progerty. If Borrow�r l�arns,or is nnt�fied by any governmenta.l or
<br /> regulatofy authority,or aay pri�ate party,that any removai or Qther remediation of any Hazardous Substance
<br /> affecting the Pro�erty�s necessary,Borrower shall promptly take a11 necessary remedial actions in
<br /> accordance with Enviranrri�ntal Law.IVotb��ng herein sha11 create any obl�gat�on ora Lender for an
<br /> En�iranmental C�eanup.
<br /> Non-Uniform Co�enants.Barrower and L�nder covenant and agree as fal�ows:
<br /> 2Z. Accelerat�on;R�medi�s.Lender�hall give notiee to Borrower privr ta ��celeration following
<br /> Borrawer's breaCh of any ca�enant ar agreement in this Security Instrument�but n�t prx�r to
<br /> acceleratian under Section 18 unless Appl�cable Lav►r pro�ides otherwise�.The natice sha�l speCif�: ��}
<br /> the defau�t; �b}the action requYred to cure the�efau�t; �c}a date,not less than 34 days fr�m the date
<br /> the nQtice is given to Borrvvver,by which the default must be cured; and�d}th�t failure�o cure the
<br /> defau�t�n or before the date specified in the natice may result�n acceleration�f the sum�secured by
<br /> this Se�urity Instrument and sale of the Praperty. The n��ice sha�l further inf�rm Borr�wer�f the
<br /> right to reinstate after acceleration and�he right to bring a court action to asser�t the non-existence of a
<br /> default or any�ther defense of�arr�vver to acce�eration and sa�e.If the�efau�t is not cure�on�r
<br /> bef�re the date specifed in the notice,Lender at its aption ma�require i�mmediate payment in full of
<br /> al�sums secured b�this Security Instrumenf w�ithout further deman�and may invvl�e the p�vver vf sa�e
<br /> and any other rem�dies permitted b�Applicable Law.Len�er shall be entitled ta c�llect all expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies pra�ided�n this Section 2�,in�luding,but nat limited to,reasvnable
<br /> attorneys'fees and costs�f tit�e e�idence,
<br /> q�33�1�35�29 QZ33 514 1417
<br /> ���
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac�NIF�RM INSTRLIMENT WlTH MERS Farm 3025 1l��
<br /> VMP Q VMP6A(NE](13�2)A4
<br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Setvices Page 14 of�7
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