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��14��557 <br /> �n5pec�ian. Lender flr i�s a�en� may make reasonable entr�es upon and �nspe�tions af the Proper�y. Lender sha�l <br /> bi�e B�rrovver notice a��he time of ar prior��an inspec�ian sp�cifying reasonable cause for the inspec�ion. <br /> Condemnation, The pracee�s af any award or�Iaim far damages, direct or cansequential, �n cannec�ion v�ith any <br /> c�ndemnat�on or other takxn� af any par� flf�he Property, ar far canveyance in �ieu of condemnatxan, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid t�Lender. <br /> In �he e�en� af a�otaI taking of�he Property, the pr�ceeds shall be app�ied �a �he sums secured by th�s Secur� <br /> tY <br /> Instrumen�, whether ar na� �hen due, wi�h any excess paid to Borrower. �n �he e�ent of a par��al tak�n� of the <br /> Pr�perty in wh�ch the fair market �a�ue of the Property imrnedia�ely before the tak�n� is equal ta or breater than <br /> the am�un� of�he sums secured by th�s Security Znst�-umen� immediately bef�re the �akin�, un�ess B�rrawer and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree in writip�,the sums secured by this Security �ns�rument shal� be reduced by the amount�f <br /> �he proceeds rnu]ti�Iied by�he follov�ing fra��ion: �a}the�o�al amoun�af the sums secured �xnmediately before the <br /> taking, d�vYd�d by �b� �he fair marke� �alue of�h� Property immedia��ly �befare �he taking. Any balance shall be <br /> paid to B�r��wer. In the e�ent of a par�ial �aking of the Proper�y xn which �he fai.r marke� �a�ue of�he Property <br /> �mmed�a�eiy before the takin� is less �han �h� amount af the sums secur�d immediateIy before �he taking, unless <br /> Borrav�er and Lender otherv��se agree xn wr�ting or ur�less Applicable La�v atherwise provides, �he proceeds shaI� <br /> be applied�a�he sums secured by this Securi�y �ns�rumen�whe�her or na�the sums are then due. <br /> If�he Pr�per�y �s abandoned by B�rrov�er, or if, after noti�e by Lender ta Borrower�hat the condemnor offers to <br /> �nak� an award or se�tie a claim fo�dama�,es, Borr��ver fax�s�a respond to Lender v�ithin the minirnum num.ber of <br /> days es�ablished by AppIicable Lavv after the date�he na�ice is given, Lender is authori�ed tfl callect and appiy the <br /> proceeds, a� its option, e�ther ta res��ra�ron or repa�r �f t�e Praper�y or to the sums secured by this Securr�y <br /> Instrument, whe�her or n�t then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower a�herwise a�r�e in wr��inb, any applica�ion af proceeds �o principal shal� no� extend <br /> �r postpane�he due da�e of the payments due under�he Cantrac�ar�hange�he amaun�of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrovver Nv� Re�eased; Forbearan�e �y Lend�r No� a Wa��er. Extensior� af �he time for paymen� or <br /> mad�f ca��on of amor�i�a�ion of the sums secured by �his Security Ir�strum�n� �r-an�ed by Lender �o Borrower ar <br /> any successor �n in�erest of Borrower sha�I not opera�e to re�ease �he �iabi�ity of the or�binal Borrower or <br /> Borrav�er'� successtirs in interes�. Lender shalI not be requ�red to commence proceedings aba�ns�any successar�n <br /> in�erest ar refuse�o ex�end t�me for paymen�qr o�herwise mod�fy amartiza�ion of the sums secured by�his Security <br /> Ins�rum�n� by r�asan of any d�mand made by the oribina� Borrov�er ar Borrov�er's successars in interest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerci�in� any r��h�or remedy sh�.�1 no� be a vva��er of or prec�ude the exercise of any <br /> r��ht or remedy. <br /> Successor� and Assigns Baund; Jaint and Se�eral Liabi�i�y; Accammodat�on Signers. Th� ca�enants and <br /> abreements of th�� Security Ins�rument shal� bind and benef��th� successors and assigns of Lender and Barrotiver, <br /> subjec� ta the pro�isions of s�c�ian titled Transfer of �he Proper�y or a Leneficial In�erest in Borrower, <br /> Borrower's ca�enapts an d agreemen�s sha�l be���nt and se�eraI. Any persan whq co-si�ns this Se�urity�.nstrume�t <br /> but has n� personaI Iiab�]�ty under �he Con�rac� �"Accommodation Si�ner"�: �a� is co-SI�Tl1nb th�s Securi <br /> � <br /> InS�rU�en� aI7Iy �� tY14��a��, gran� and can�ey �hat Accflmmoda�ion Signer's inte�est �n the Proper�y under the <br /> t�r�r�s of the Secur�ty Ins�rumen�; �b� �s no� persona�Iy oblibated �a pay �he sums secured by �his Securxty <br /> Ins�rum�nt; and �c} a�rees that Lender and any ather Borravwer may.a�ree to ex�end, modify, farbear ar make any <br /> accommoda�ions v�ith r�gard to the�erms of this Secu�ity Ir�strumen�or�he �ontract�ui�hau�tha�Accammada�zon <br /> S��ner's consen�. <br /> Loan �harges. If�he Inar� secured by this Securi�y Instrument is subje�t �o a taw which sets maximum �oan <br /> char�es, and�ha� law is fina�iy Yn�erpreted sa that the in�eres�or o�her�oan char�es �ol�ected�r to be co�lec�ed in <br /> connect�on with th� �oan exceed �he perm���ed limi�s, then: �a} any such loan charge sha�I be reduced by the <br /> am�unt necessary�� �educe�he charge ���he permXt�ed l�m�ts and �b� any sums a�ready collec�ed from B�rrower <br /> �hich exceeded permit�ed l��nats wiil be refupded �o B�rrower. Lender may ch�ose �a make �h�s refurid by <br /> reducin� �he principal owed under the Contrac� ar by makin� a direct paym�nt to Borrower. If a refund reduces <br /> princi�al,the reductian v��l�be�rea�ed as a par�ial prepayment under the�ontract. <br /> No�ices. Any natice to Borr�w���ded far in �his Security Instrument shall be �i�en �y deli��ring it or �y <br /> mailin�i�by firs�c�ass mail unless Applicab�e Law requires use of ano�her nr�e�had. The no��ce shall be direc�ed to <br /> �he Pr�per�y Address or any ather addr�ss Borrawer desxgna�es by n����e �� Lender. Borrower a�rees �o pr�vide <br /> Lender �vi�h Borro�er's rnos� current �naiI�n� addr�ss, as i� may change fro�-r� �ime--�o-time. Any notice �o Lender <br /> shall be�,i�en by f rst class mail �a Lende�'s ad�ress s�a�ed herein or any ather address Lender designates by no�ice <br /> to Borr�wer. Any notice provided far �n th�s SecurY�y Ins�rumen�shalI be deemed to have �een�iven �a Borr�wer <br /> or Lender when bi�en as pro��ded�n�h�s para�raph. <br /> �o�erning Law; Severabili�y. This Secur��y Instrument sha�l be go�erned by federal law and the Iaws of the s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. In the e�en� tha� any pravis�an or clause of thYs Security �nstrument flr the Can�ract conflicts v��th <br /> ApplicabI� Law, such conflic� shall no� affect other provis�o�s of th�s Se�ur�ty �ns�rument or�he Con�rac� �vhich <br /> can be given effec��vithaut�he conf�rcting pro�ision. To this end the pr�visions af�his Securi�y Instrumen�and�he <br /> Contrac�are declared�o be se�erable. <br /> Sorrower's Copy. Borr�wer shall be�i�en one copy of�his Security Ins�rument. <br /> Transfer of�he Property or a Benef�cial �nterest in Borrawer. If ali or any par�of the Proper�y or any Yn�erest <br /> rn it is sa�d ar transferred �or �f a benefic�al 1n�erest in �orrower is sold ar �ransferred and B�rrawer is no� a <br /> natural person� wi�hou� L�nder's pri�r writ�en consent, Lender may, at its opt�on, require immedia�e paymen� in <br /> �Z0�4-?41�Ca�r�pliance Syste���s,Itzc.8EB3-Q3A0-241;L2.a.E1.7I? <br /> Cansum�r Real Estate-Security[s�stn�ment DL2�;f� F�a�re;of5 www,� <br /> � <br />