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��14��57� <br /> re�uired by RESPA, and Borra�ver shall pay ta Lender the arnaunt necessary to make up the def icien�y �n <br /> acCordance w�th R�SPA, but �n no m�re than �2 monthly payments. <br /> Upon paym�n� �n full of aI� surns se�ured by this S�curity �nstrument, Lend�r sha�l pr�mptl� refund to <br /> Borrower any Funds held�y Lender. <br /> 4. Charges, Liens. Borr�wer shal� pay all taxes, assessments, charges, f�ne5, and imposit�ons attr�butab�e�a <br /> the Pr�perty which can attain priarity o�er this Security Instrument, leasehnid paymen�s or ground ren�s on <br /> the Pr�per�y, if any, and �ommunity As�ociat�on Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f an�r. To the�xten�that <br /> these��ems are Escro�v �tems, Borrower shal�pay them�n th�manner pravzded zn Sec�ion 3. <br /> Barrow�r shal� prom�ptly discharge any lien v�hi�h has priority o�er�his S�curity Ins�rument un�ess <br /> Borrower: �a}agrees �n writing�o the payment af the�bligati�n secured by the 1�en in a manner acceptab�e <br /> �o Lender, but oni� so l�ng as Borr�wer is perf�rnling such agreemen�; �b}cont�s�s the lz�n in good fa�th by, <br /> or d�fends against enforc�men�of�he l�en�n, lega�proc��dings whi�h in Lender's apini�n operate�a pr�ven� <br /> the enfarcemen�of the l��n whiie�hose proc�edings are pending, bu�only unt�l �uch pro�eed�ngs ar� <br /> canclu�ed; or�c} s�cures fr�m the hald�r of the�i�r�an agreemen�sa�isfactory to Lend�r sub�rdina�ing the <br /> ii�n to �his��curi�y Instrum�nt. �f Lender dt�ermines�ha� any par�af�he Pr�perty is sub�ect to a lien wh�ch <br /> can atta�n pr�orx�y over th�s Security �n�trum�n�, Lend�r may give Barrower a notice ident�fying the�ien, <br /> '�Vzth�n �0 days of�he date�n�vhi�h�hat n�tice �s gi�en, Borrower shall sat�sfy the Ii�n or take ane ar more <br /> af the actians se� for�h above in this Sect�an 4. <br /> Lender may require B�rr�wer�o pay a ane�time charge f�r a rea� es�a��tax�er�f�cation andlor repar�ing <br /> service used b� Lend�r in c�nnec�xan w�th th�s L�an. <br /> 5, Rrvpe�ty Insurance. Bflrrower�ha�� k�ep the �mprovem.en�s now existing or hereafter ere�ted an�he <br /> Prop�rt� insured aga�nst Ioss by fire, hazards included wi�hin the t�rm "ex�ended�ov�rage," and any ather <br /> hazard� including, but no�limi��d�a, ear�hquak�s and fl��ds, for v�rh��h Lender re�uires insurance. Th�s <br /> insuran�e shal��e maintain�d in the am�unts �in�lud�ng d�du�tible�evels} and for�he per�od�that Lender <br /> requ�res. �hat Lender requzres pursuan�to the preced�ng�entences can change dur�ng �h�term�f the Loan. <br /> T'he�nsurance carr�er provid�ng the in�uran�e sha��be chasen by Borrawer subject�o L�nder's r�ght ta <br /> disappro�e Borrower's choice, �vhich right shall nat be�xer�ised unreasonab��. Lender may requ�re <br /> Borrawer to pay, in cannection wi�h this Laan, either: �a} a one-��me charge f�r f�flod zone d�t�rmination, <br /> cer�i�cation and tracking serv�ces; or�b} a�ne-time charge for f�oad z�ne det�ram�na��on and��rtif�cati�n <br /> serviCes and su�sequent charges each time remappings or sirnilar chaz�ges�ccur which reasonab�y m�ght <br /> affect such de��rm�nat�on or c�rtif�cati�n. Borrawer shall al�o be resp�nsible for th�payment of any fees <br /> �mposeci by�h�Fed�ra� Emergenc� Manage�ment Ag�ncy in connection w��h th�rev�ew of any fload zone <br /> d��erminat��n re�ulting from an�bj�ction by B�rrower. <br /> If Borrow�r fa�ls to maintain any�f the coverages descr�bed aba�e, L�nder may�btain insuran�e�o�erag�, <br /> a� Lender's�ptifln and Borrower's expense. L�nder�s und�r no ob�igat�an to purchas�an�par��cu�ar�ype�r <br /> amount of c��erag�. Therefor�, such coverage sha�� c��er Lender, but might��r m�ght na�pro�e�t Barrower, <br /> Borraw�r's equity �n the Prop�r�y, flr th�cont�n�s af the Property, aga�n�t any r�s�, hazard ar liabili�� and <br /> migh�prov�de great�r or lesser co��rag�than was previous�y �n effect. Borr�wer acknawiedges�hat the cost <br /> �f�he�nsurance c�verage so ob�a�ned m�i.ght s�gn�f�cant�y exceed �he cost af insurance tha�Barro�ver cou�d <br /> have obtained. Any a�moun��disbursed by Lend�r under this Section S shall became additi�na� deb�af <br /> Borrawer secured by �his Security Ins�rumen�. 'These amounts sha���ear interest a�the N��e rate fram the <br /> date af disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon na��ce from Lender�o BorrQwer <br /> requesting paymen�. <br /> NEBRASKA-SingIe FamiIy-Fan�ie Ma�l�reddie Mac UNlF4RM INSTRUMENT Fprm 3D28 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPS�N�f 413421 <br /> W�lters Kluwer�inancial S�r�ices Page fi of 17 <br />