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��14��57� <br /> 4C� "Lender" is F�ome Federa� Sa�i ngs and L�an Assn of �rand I sl and <br /> Lender is a 5a��ngs an� Loan <br /> or�anized and ex�sting under the�aws of The St ate of N�braska . <br /> Lender's address �s 2Zl South Lo�ust St �rar�d Isl and �VE �88D� <br /> L�nder is th�benef���ary und�r this Secur�ty �nstrument. <br /> �LJ} y=Trusteer= �� Arend R Baack, Attorney <br /> �E� "�V�te" means the pramissory n�te signed b� Borrawer and dated Ap r�� ��, �0 l4 . Th�No�e <br /> states that Borrower owes Lend�r T1n1� HUNaRED TH I RTY TH�LISAND AND �€�I l�U <br /> Dfl�xars �U.S. $�3�,o 0 0.�� }p�us in��res�. Borrower has prom�s�d�o pay�hi�d�ht irz r�gular <br /> Periodic Payments and �o pay th�debt in fu�l not Iater than No���ber 1, 2�14 . <br /> �F} "Prope�ty" means th�proper�y that is�iescrib�d bela�v under�he headxng "Transfer of Righ�s zn the <br /> Proper�y." <br /> �G� "Laan" means the debt e�idenced by the No�e, plus �n�eres�, any prepaymen��harges and late charges due <br /> under the Note, and a11 sums due under this Secur�ty Instrumen�, plus in�erest. <br /> �H� "R�ders" mean� all R�d�rs to th�s Se�ur��y�n��rument�ha�are execu�ed by Borrower. The fo�lowing Riders <br /> are�o�e executed by Barrower �check box as app��cab�e�: <br /> � Adjusta�le Rate Rzder � �ando�minium R.ider � �eGond Home Rid�r <br /> � Bal�oon Rider � Fla�n�d IJnit Develapment Rider 0 �-4 Famxly R�der <br /> � VA Rider �Biw�ek��r Paym�nt Ri��r 0 �ther�s} �specify� <br /> ��3 "App��ca��e La►►v" m�ans a�i controlling applicable federai, state and��ca� sta�utes, regu�a��ons, ordinances <br /> and administrati�e rules an�.orders �that hav��he effe�t of law} as we�� as al� app��cable�inal, non-appealabi� <br /> judic�al npini�ns. <br /> �J3 "Commun�ty Assa�iation Ques, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and other <br /> char�es tha�are�mpose�on Borrower or th�Proper�y by a condominium as�ocia�ion, h�me�wners <br /> assaciatz�n or similar organiza�i�n. <br /> 4K� "E�ectronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, other�han a transact�on or�g�nat�d by check, <br /> draf�, nr sim��ar paper instrument, wh�ch �s �n�tzated through an�l��tranic��rminal, telephonic instrument, <br /> Compu�er, ar ma�netxc tape so as�o arder, instruct, or authorize a financial �nstitut��n t�de��t�r cred��an <br /> acc�unt. Such�erm includes, but is no��imited to, p�int-of-sa�e transf�rs, autnmated�e���r mach�ne <br /> transacti�ns, �ransfers ini�iate�by te�eph�ne, wire�ransfers, and automated�lear�nghause transfers. <br /> �L3 "Escrvw �tems" means those items tha�are descri�ed �n Sec�ion 3. <br /> 4 M� "�lilisce�lane�us Praceeds" mean� any compensa�ion, settlement, award of damages, �r proCeeds pa�d b� <br /> any third party �other�han insuran��proceeds pa�d under the coverag�s described in 5ecti�n 5} for; �i} <br /> damage to, or des�ruc��an of, �he Pr�perty; �ii}condemnat�on or a�h�r taking�f all or any part�f�he <br /> Pr�per��; ��ii}�nn��yance�n��eu of condem�nat�nn; ar t�v�m�srepresentations af, ar omissi�ns as�o, the <br /> value andlor condition of the Pro ert . <br /> N�BRASKA-Singte Family-�annie M�el�reddie Mac UN)��RM tNSTRUMENT Form 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP64N�;��3��} <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Ser�iees Page 2 vf 17 <br />