<br /> in�he Property and rights under th�s Security Ins�rum.en�; and �d��akes such ac�ion as Lender may
<br /> reasanably require�o assure that Lender's ir�teres�in the Property and r�ghts under�his Security Ins�rument,
<br /> and Borrower's obiigation t�pay th�sums secured b� this Securit�r �nstrument, shall�ontinue unchan�ed.
<br /> Lender may r�quire�ha�Borrov�rer pay such reins�a�err�.ent sums and expenses in one or mare�f th�fo��avving
<br /> f�rms, as selec�ed by L.�nder: �a}cash; ��}m�n�y arder? t�} ce��ified�heck, bank check, treasurer's cheGk or
<br /> cash�er's check, provided any such check�s drawn upon an�ns�i�utian whos�deposi�s ar� �nsured hy a
<br /> f�dera� agency, instrum�ntality or ent�ty; or�d} �����ronic Funds Trar�sf�r, Llpon reinstatemen�by Borr�wer,
<br /> �hzs Security �ns�rumen�and obl�ga�ions secured h�reby shall r�main fu11y effe����e as if no acce�eration had
<br /> occurred. Hov�ever, th�s r�ght to reinsta�e shall not apply �n�h�case of acce�erat�on under Section �8.
<br /> �4. Sale of Note; �hange af Loan Ser►►icer; Nvt�ce vf Grie�ance. The N�tie or a partial �nterest in the
<br /> Note��ogether wi�h th�s Security Instrumen�}can be so�d ane�r mor�times wi�hou�priar n�t�ce�o
<br /> Borrower. A sa�e m�gh�result in a change�n the�n�ity �known as�he "L�art Servieer"} tha�coiiec�s Periadi�
<br /> Payments due under the No�e and�his Securit�Ins�rument and performs o��er m�.flr�gage l�an servi��ng
<br /> �bliga�ions under the No�e, �h�s Security �ns�rumen�, and App�icabie Law. There a�so m�gh�be one or m.�re
<br /> changes of the Loan Serv�cer unr�ia�ed to a sa���f the Nate. �f�here�s a change of�he Loan Ser�icer,
<br /> Borrower will be gi�en v�ri��en not�ee of�he change whi�h wi�� state�he name and address af�h�new L.flan
<br /> Ser��cer, the address to which pa�ments shou�d�e made and any a�her infarn�za�ion RESPA requir�s in
<br /> c�nnection w��h a notice af�ransfer of servicing. �f�he Note is 5old and�hereaf�er the Loan is serW�ced�� a
<br /> Laan Servicer fl�her than the purchaser of�he Note, th�mor�gage�oan s�rvicing o�liga��ons�o Box-rnw�r will
<br /> remain�vi�h the Loan Servi�er or b�transferred �o a succ�ssor Loan Servicer and are n�t assumed by the
<br /> Na�e purchas�r unless��her�r�se prowzded���he Note purchaser.
<br /> Ne�ther Borrovver nor Lender ma�commence,join, or be joined ta an}�jud�cia� actian tas�i�her an
<br /> �ndi�idua� l�t�gan�or�he member of a class} �hat arises from�he other par�y's actians pursuant to this
<br /> Se�urity �nstrume��or tha�a�leg�s that�he other party has breach�d any pra�is�on�f, or any duty owed b�
<br /> reasnn of, �his Secur�ty Instrumen�, un��� such Borrovwer Qr Lender has no��fied the o�her party �v���h suc�
<br /> no��ce g��en�n�ompliance with the requirements of Section �5}�f su�h alleged breach and afforded the
<br /> o�her par�y hereto a reasonable perifld af�er the g��ing of such no�ice to take c�rrec�ive act�on. If Appl�cab�e
<br /> Law pro�ides a t�me period which must��apse bef�re cer�a�n ac��on can b��aken, that time perind�v�11 be
<br /> deemed to be reasonab�e for purposes of�his paragraph. The no��c�of acceieration and oppor�unity tn cur�
<br /> given�o B�rrower pur�uan�t�Sect�on 2�and the n��ice of acce�erat�on given to Borrower pursuant�o
<br /> Sec�i�n �8 sha��be deemed ta sat�sf�the no��ce and opportuni���o�ake corr��tive actian pro�isions of�h�s
<br /> Sec�ion 2D.
<br /> ��. Hazardvus Su�stances. As used in�his Sec�ion 2�: �a� "�Ia.�aj•dous Suhsta��ces"are�hos�substances
<br /> d��ned as�oxic o�r hazardous subs�ances, pollutants, �r v�as�es by �nv�ron.men�a� Law and�he following
<br /> subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, o�h�r flammable or��xic pe�r��eum pr�ducts, �ox�c pesticides and herbic�des,
<br /> vo�a��1e sa�vents, n7a�erials cantaining as��s�os or formaldehyde, and radiaac�ive materia�s; �h�
<br /> "�'nviro�rnertta�I..��v"means federal la�s and Iaws of the jurisdiction where�he Propert�is lacated�hat
<br /> re�ate to heai�h, safety or en��ronmenta�pratec�i�n; ��} "���uironrr2e��tal �'leanup"inc�udes any response
<br /> action, remedial act�on, or remo�al ac�ion, as def�ned �n En�rironmen�a� Law; and�d} an "Et�viro���rtet��al
<br /> Condi�ia��"means a cond��ion that ca.n cause, contribute��, or other�ise tr�gger an En�ironmen�al Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower sha11 no�cause�r permai�the presence, use, disposat, storage, ar release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or�hreaten to re�ease any Hazardou� Subs�an�es, on ar in the Proper�y. Borrower sha�� not da,
<br /> nar al�ov� anyane else�o do, any�hing aff�c�ing the Praper�� �a}�hat is �n�i�la�i�n of an� En�ironmen�a�
<br /> Law, �b}vvhich creates an Env�ronmen�ai �ond�tion, or�c} vvhich, due�o the presence, use, or re�ease�f a
<br /> Haza�rd�us Su�s�an�e, creates a�ond���on�hat adverseiy affects the value of the Praper��. The preced�ng tw�
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gle�amily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM 1NSTR�JM�NT �o�m�a�s��o�
<br /> VMP Q VMP6[N�)�13�2y
<br /> Wv�ters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Pag��3 af 17
<br />