<br /> , ¢ .�-���� �::&:�4..:: ��14��543
<br /> .��.�x_ �
<br /> I-�u�d�ec��,hs ��,���.��� f�et t��ie narCh�es��4�n����sa��i�ou�v�est��er���1��-�;th.��e c�e#�.�c�g ri:g�t QD°
<br /> � ���4I" and r�n�sau-t.�.erl�, along ax�d u�a�.�h��r�st�.ine�f s�d S�u��rest�u��r���ST����,a�ista�a.c�af'�'-u��
<br /> Thor�s�nd���1Ll�ndr�d�`or�y�evez�ag�.S��re�.Hun��d�s��.,��?.���f���tt��e,���v�r�.�t��rn.e�of s��d S a�h�es�
<br /> �uar��r {��II��; t�e��e d�fl��g i�� S�� ��' 2�,� and��i-�.g:�as�er��, ��n� and u�fln�he so�tb: �i�:� �f said
<br /> SQu��res��ua�e��S�'����, a.c€�:sta�c��of T�ro'�`h.�usan.d Si�I�un:d��d�i�y a:�.a���r���,..�H��ed�is��?s5�.49}
<br /> �eet � th� s�u�a��st �orn�r ��.saxd S�u�he�st �t�e�- ���I���; th.��e� �efl.e�g Ief� �4� 4 I e �3 p' �n�r�n���
<br /> e�er�ya aigng a-�d up oa the s aut�I�.e flf s�.�.��ut.h�a.��uar�e��S��f��, a c�a�ss�ance��1�'in.�I�C�dre�F`i�y and�ae
<br /> ��e�t�.s ����.�.0} f��t; ��ien�e ������ng �.e� �C�� 0�.` 5�" and n�ni�z����a��I�, � d�.s�aA�e ���n� Hund�red ��,y
<br /> �ax-e�an.�I�ev�nty�Q�:r�u�.cir��t.,�s���3.�43�ee��er���e c��f[��t�ib��i���° �3�S�'� a�;ci�.��.�.a�a:s��rI�,p aral�e�
<br /> �ri��b:e sau�h �i�� a�sa�i� ��u�i.�a� �ua`��r�S�i��4�s �, dis�n.�� Qf�`�� �-I��.���t �'�r��:ty��e an.d S�y T�o
<br /> I�unclrer�� ����,b?] �e��; t.�e�:�� def�e�€�.� ri�it 89° ��� �4" a�z�.rrzt�ni�ag sQr��ierl�� a:d.����� ���ne H�.m.dr�d:
<br /> Sz� T'�:ree a�.d S e�r�xz�y ��ur I�u�a�:.r�edf�is �I��.��� f�e�tfl a �a�.� ��x fi�..e ���.t� �.�e Qf s��id ���:theast ��.ar�e�r
<br /> �5��.���; t��n�� d��[���in� I�� 89� 55` 04�' ar�ci��n� easteri�r, ��n.� and:up�n-�.e saut�i Ti�.e �:f saY.�: ��i��h.e�
<br /> �t�ar��r��E�f��, a distar�c� �f��i� �h.at�san�Fa�r�undxed Si���i.t a�xd T'u���t��our I-�un�red�hs ����-�S�4�
<br /> fee� �o �h� sou�:�a.�t �orn�r �f s�.id �a�zt�.e�s� �z.�ter ����.f��;:�h�en�� d��.ec�n.g �.�� ��� �2` ��r' and �iu�
<br /> nfl�.er-�y, a dz�ta:nce flf T`���"housa�.ci���Iund�-����rc�F��e ar�:d T��r��r ���u.��r�d�h.s �?,��5.��}feet to the
<br /> ,s ou��ast�arn�r af�.e�a�a.eas��uaz�er��I��;fi.��enc�d�f Lec����t a�° ��'3 4 i' �id���n.�n g n�rtherl�; a�.on�
<br /> - ans�u�o�.�e eas�Lua.�t��sa�d Nar�east�uar�er���4�,a di�e���T�a Tho�:sa�.d S�Hu��e���r���ve and
<br /> �'�en�r�'�ra I�i�:dr��i�hs��,���.?��fe���a fi.�i�p�int of he�it�ni�..,�,��c�ptz�r:b�b.�re��m��.par���sit�.ated in a�aart❑�
<br /> saa�d IVo��ast�uar��r�I��-�, ir.�a part af sazd I�l'ai�b.we�t��a��z���I4�, in a gar�,af sa�����th�res���ar��r
<br /> �5�����,���n a.�art��f�a�.d�o�eas�Q�a���-�SE1��),an.d b�in�m�r����u�ar.�y de��x��ed�s���a�s: �
<br /> Firs-� �a asc�r�i �.� �fl�.� o��e�i�:ni�a.g, s�ar� ��ie no�z�asfi ���ner �f s�:���ar�.eas� �uar�eF �Il��� th��.��
<br /> ri�i����st�r��,a�.on�a`�.t��xpan the�.or�I�ne af s�.��I�ar�east�za��r��l4};a d�s�an.ce o����'�;�us�nn.r�F��-e
<br /> �I�ndred Thir����.e a����z�r ��ve �Iu�.d�ed�hs ��,�3�.�-�� ���t; tl�e��� �.efl���g �ef� 9�� ��' �I" �n.c�-�-�rnn���
<br /> s��h�r�.�,a d�.s�a.�.�e�f�i�h��I�:dr�c��i�S��re�and���i�h�H�idr�dt�is[��?_�S�feet t��h���`�`TJAI�p oi�t
<br /> ��be��g; �h�n�� ����u�ng sau�her��r, a.�.��a a�t� u�ao�. �i� pre�io�s�� descr�e� �au�°se; a dis-�a:nc� of 5��.
<br /> ��..��d �"� T'�a �.�i �'� Tu�o I Iunc�re�t�zs ��3�.32� fee�; ���c� def�ec`�b ��f� �4° ��' ��tg and �-��
<br /> east�r��,a�st��e a����Iu��:r�€�����_��f����h��.ce���I�c��rx�`�9�°�4'Q�"an�.r��i.-n���sau��rl�,a d�.�tanc�
<br /> a���:�`T.���xs�.n��IO��_fl��e��;�:e�ace���e�tin.��.�:t 9�°4�}`��'f az�.�ra�n:�,��,��r�st�r�.�r�a�is`�an..ce of��Hunc�r�d
<br /> ��Q 4_�} f�et; ther��e de�..e�t�ri���f���° ��' ��-« an��-Q.�so��h�r�y; a d�.stan.c� of?�i����dre��o.r���g��ax�d
<br /> ��v��uu.�r�-d�s��48.���f�et;�:�e�.ce�.e�1e��r��it 89���'33"a�.d r��nn�n��rester��, a�s�ax�c�����z�I-��dred.
<br /> �im:��r S�and���i�e�uzzc�redths��.�5_��fee�;t�.e�c�d��I�ct�rin��.�ft�°��' 1�4'z a��.rti�r��n b����.�ves�er�y��.
<br /> d.�:s�a�ce o��i�I��dr��I��y�a�r�nnd S��T��Ht�.�x�d�.s����.���f���;�e�:�e�.ef����a.a r��hi 4�°��r��'�a�d
<br /> rr��xg�-estwr��,a�iist�nce af�flzir H�drea T�r��.��a�.td��f�S��It�d��d�s��I.�.S�f�����nc�d�f��c�i�.�rz�h.�
<br /> 4�° �S' �S'� an,ci r�. n�n g n��.�res��zi�r, a distan�e �f�ne T��usa��.T�ro �-Iu:ndr�d Sev�nt�3�'�va a�.�T�we�t� ��
<br /> H�d��d�is��,���_�5�fee�;�henee d�fl�ct�.�r��t�����'��" a�:��.n��4rt�:�r��7�.�ist�n�c���T�ro`I�.Qus�:n.d
<br /> Tbre��iund.r��ths���i�z�an�.S e�re�.�r��r��-I�xn.�red�.s��,��8.��},�e�t;�i��ace���I�ct,�:g�.�a.�59°5�-'��"and
<br /> ru�,-��n a a�r�h.eas��r��, a dista�.c� af ��ze fiha�a�.� Ni�e �nd fiv����y F��e I�ur�dr�dtb.s ����a 9.��� ��e�; t�ience
<br /> d�f�ec�.�r�g�at���S�'��"an.d r-u�.in��ast�r�y,a dis�ee of`l��e�u�.el��d.E�gh��e�r�an.d S���n��.m,dr�d�hs
<br /> ��S�_�}�} fe��;�.en.�e�ef��c�in�r�ght�S� ����'� ar��rui�:a sQi�t.�.�a:st�r�y= a d�.sta.�.c� o��]r��T`�aus�nd�`flu�t��n
<br /> �nd�e���-��a:�Hu�da�e�th��I,�I�,�'I}feet t���A�T�T�,p oiu��f be�a.�.�:n�
<br /> A�
<br /> .A�ac�of�and��m.pr�s�n.g a p ax-�of t.�.e�or�east��ar�e�r����],a�ar�fl�th��TQr�h�e��uar�����l'1�4�,a p ar�
<br /> t�f�e��u�u��s��ua����S��f��,and a pa.s�af�e Sou�heas�Quaa���r�S��l��o�S�c-�.��3Ei��e����S�,Ttifl�rnsh�.p
<br /> �l�v�Il��I�l�"�r�h,�an��Ten��.���I'�st of the 6�h P.�VI.,HaI��o-�ty,I�e�ras�a,a.�d more pa�z�u�.�Iy d�scr��Oed as
<br /> fv�.o�rs= �
<br /> F�rst t� a.�cer�ava �.� pa�n� o�be�g, sta�at�e sau�.east c��a.e� o��id ��u:�a.east �u�er �5�����; th�nce
<br /> rr�nr��west�r�y, a�a�g and upon�i� s��:�h li€ne at�a��.Sou�h.eas���ar�er����.��}, a di��n�e�f�o�zr- and I��nety
<br /> �ne I-�u�z�r�d�hs��.9���ee�t��:�.�,.�T�"�L�Qi�it�f beg�uzQ;sa�d pfli�:t a.�,s�bezx�:g a�.�.�ap�x��.a��G��er�f
<br /> �he r�g�a�of�a�a�.�.�da�aac��nd�i�so�thv�est c�x�a.er Q�a�ar���,�-efe�rec�t� as T'T�.�T 2�T�_��D" an a s��v
<br /> dat��Sanx�ar-y��,�QD�,by��e I7.'�1'a�n�r��...5.I��.���;�.��i�e�ef.�ect�x�rig�:�S��3�`��" an�r�xu�.iti:g aar�her��r,
<br />