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��14��531 <br /> full �f a�� sums secured by �his Security Instrument. Hov�ever, ��is �ption shall r��t be e�ercised by Lender �f <br /> exercise is prohi�ited by federal law as of�he da�e of th�s Securi�y Ins�ru�r�ent. <br /> �f Lender exercises �his ap��on, Lender sha�� �ive Borrower not�ce of ac�elera�ion. The no���e shall pr��ide a <br /> per�od of not �ess ��.an �he minimum numb�r af days establ�shed by Applicable Law from the da�� �he n�tice is <br /> deli�ered or mazled wi�hin wh�ch BorroWver must pay a�l sums secured by this Secur��y Ins�rumer��. �f Borrower <br /> fails to pay �hese sums pr�or t� the expira�ion of�h�s period, Lender may in�ok� any remedi�s per�n��ted b� this <br /> Security Ins�runlent withou�fur�her no��ce or d�mand on Borrov�er. <br /> Bvrrow�r's R�ght �o Re�nstate. �f Borrower meets cer�ain �ond�t�ons, Bor�rower shail haWe the ri�ht to ha�e <br /> �nfarcemen� of this Securi�y �nstrumen� discontinued a� any time prior ta �he ear�ie� af: �a} 5 days �o�- such other <br /> period as App�ica�le Law rr�ay spe�ify for reins�a�emen��befar�sale�f the Proper�y pursuan�to any power of sale <br /> c�n�ain�d in �h�s Secur�ty �nstrument; or �b� en�ry of a j udgmen� e�farcing th is Security I ns�ru��nen�. Those <br /> cond��ions are that Borr�v�er: �a� pays Lender al� sums which then wfluid �e due under this Security Instrumen� <br /> and�he�ontrac�as if no ac�eleration had oc�urred;�b}cures ax�y defau�t�f any o�her co�enants or a�r�emen�s;�c} <br /> pa�s all expenses incurred in enforcing this S�curity Instrun�ent, includin�,but no��imited to, reas�nable a�orneys' <br /> fees to th� ex�ent p�rm��ed by law; and �d�takes such actian as Lend��-may reasonably requ ire to assure �ha��he <br /> l�en af this Security Instrument, Lender's rz�hts �.n the Proper�y and Borro�er's obliga�ion to pay�he sums secured <br /> �y th is Security Instrument shall cantinue unchan�ed. U p�n reins�a�e�-nen� by Barrower, �his Security I nstrurnent <br /> and �he obl i�atians secured hereby sha�1 re�ain fu��y effec�ive as if no acce�eration had occurred. Howe�er, �his <br /> ri�ht to reinstate shall not apply in�he�ase of acceieration under the sec��on t���ed T'ransfer of�he Pr�perty ar a <br /> B�nef���a�Interest�n Sarrov�er. <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances. Borrower s�ali na�cause or permi��he presence, use, disposal, stora�e, ar reIease of any <br /> Haza�rdaus�ubstances an flr in the Praperty. Barr�wer sha11 nat do,nor allow anyone else�o do,any�hin�affectin� <br /> �he Propert� fihat is �n ��o�atian of any Environnr�enta� Law. The preced�n� twa sen�ences sha�l na� apply to the <br /> presence, use,or s�ara�e an the Prop�rty of smal�quantities�f Ha�ardous Substances�ha�a�e generally r�cogn��ed <br /> to be appropriate�o normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Pr�perty. <br /> Borrnwer sha�l prompt�y�ive L�nder vvritten n�tice�f any in�estiga�ion, cla�m, demand, lawsu���r o�her action by <br /> any �o�ernmen�al or re�ula�ary a�ency or private party in�olving �h� Prape�y and any Hazardous �ubs�ance or <br /> En�ir�nmental Law of which Borrovver has ac�ual know�ed�e. If B�rrawer learns, ar is no�if ed by any <br /> ��vernmenta�or re�ula�ory author��,that any remo�al �r a�her remedia��on of any Hazard�us Subs�ar��e affe��in� <br /> �he Praperty is necessary, Barrower sha�I pramp�ly take alI n�cessary remedia� act�ons �n accordance w��h <br /> En��r�onmentai Law. <br /> As used �n�his para�raph, "Ha2ardaus Substances" are those subs�ances defined as toxic ox-hazardflu� substances <br /> by En�ir�nmen�aX Law an�. �he followin� subs�amces: �as�I�ne, kerasene, other flammable �r toxi� pe�roleum <br /> pr�duc�s, tox�c pes�icid�s and herbicides, �ola��le sol�ents, ma�er�als con�ainin� asbes�os ar formaldeh�de, and <br /> rad�oacti�e mater�a�s. As used in this para�raph, "Er�vironmen�al Law" rneans fede�-al laws and laws af the s�a�e of <br /> Ne�raska tha�relat��o h�al�h, safe�.y or environ.rn.e�.ta� prate�t�on. <br /> Acceieration; R�med�es. Lender shall gi�e na��ce to B�rrawer prior �o ac�eiera�i�n f�ilowir�g Borrower's <br /> breach of any�a�enant or agreement in this���ur�ty �ns�rument or the Contra�t under which acce�era��on <br /> �s perrn����d �but na� prior�o accelerat�on under the sect�or� �itled Transfer �f the Proper�y or a Beneficial <br /> In�erest �n Borro�er, un�ess App�icab�e �aw pravides a�herw�se}. The no�ice shali specify: �a} �he default; <br /> (b� �he aetion �-equired to �ure �he default; ��} � da�e, not �ess �han the minimum number �f days <br /> es�ablished by Applicable Law from �he da��the notxce xs gx�en �o Svrrower, by whxch �he defau�� must be <br /> cured; and �d} that fa�lure �o eur� �he default �n or before the da�e speci�ed in the n�tice may result in <br /> acce�era�ion af the sums se�ured by fih�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� and sa�e �f th� Property. To the exten� <br /> permi��ed by ��w, �he notice sha�� furthe� infarm Sorrovver of th� r�ght to reinstate after a��elera��an and <br /> the r�ght�o bring a court ac��an �o assert the non-exxsten�e af a defau��or any o�her defen5e of Forrower�o <br /> acc�lera�ion and sale. If the defau�t �s not cured on ar before the da�e spee�f�ed in �he notic�, L�nder a� ��s <br /> option may requ�re �mm�d�ate payment �n fu�l of al� sums secured by this Security Instrument w�thout <br /> fur�her demand ar�d may in�oke the pov�er flf sa�e and any other remed�es perm�tted by App�icab�e Law. <br /> To the �x�ent p�rr�itted by law, Lender sha�� be ent���ed to co�lec� a�i expens�s incurred in pursuinb the <br /> remedies Pro��ded �n th�s Section, inc�ud�ng, bu� no� �imited �o, reasonab�e a�tornQys' fees and costs af tx��� <br /> �vidence. <br /> If the povver of sale is in�oked,Trus�ee sha�I re�ord a notice of defau�t in each c�unty in which an� par� of <br /> �he Property �s located and shall ma��copx�s of such notice in the manner prescribed by Applic�ble Law ta <br /> Borrower and t� the other persons pre5cribed by Ap�lical�le Law. After �he time requ�red by Applicab�e <br /> Law, Trus�ee shat� give pu�lic no��ce of sa�e �o �he person� and in the mann�r prescribed �� Applicable <br /> Law. Trustee,wi�hout demand on Borro�vver, shal�sel�the Praperty at publi� auc#�an �o �he highes� bidder <br /> a��he t�me and p�ace and und�r the�erms d�sig�ated �n the natxce of sale in one or more parcels and in any <br /> order Tru��ee de��rmines. Trustee may postpone sa�e af all or any parcel of the Prvp�r�y by publiC <br /> announ�em�nt at�he time and p�ace af any pre�i�usly schedu�ed sa�e. Lender or its designee may purchase <br /> the Property at an�saie. <br /> Upan receip� of payment of�he price b�d, Truste� shali del�ver to the pUrchaser Trus�ee's deedl con�eying <br /> the Property. The rec��als �n �he Trustee's deed shaXl be prima fac�e e�idence of the truth of�he statem�nts <br /> made there�n. Trustee shall appiy the proceeds of the sale in the fax�aw�ng order: �a} �o all costs and <br /> ex�enses af�xerci�ing the pav��r of sa�ey and the sa�e, inc�udinb �he payment of the Trus�ee's f�es ac�ua�l� <br /> Q'?Q04-2d]3 CQ�npliance SysteFns,I nc.8 E83-�3F5G-?a 1�L2.0.E I.7 i 2 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Ir�strument DL203G €�a�e 4 Q�5 www.comp�iancesyst��ns,cam <br />