<br /> fu�� of al� sums secured by th�s Security Instrument. Hawe�er, th�s �ptian shall not be exerc�s�d by Lender if
<br /> exercise �s prohzbited by federal Iav�as of�he da�e of this Secur��y Instrumen�.
<br /> �f L�nder e�ercises thzs option, Lender shall gi�e Barrflwer no��ce of accelera�ion. The nat�ce sha�1 provide a
<br /> period of. �ot �ess thap the minimu�n number of days establish�d by App��cab�e Law fro�n �he date �he notice �s
<br /> de�ivered ar maz�ed within which Barrower must pay al� sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument. If Borrower
<br /> fails to pay �hese sums prior t� the exp�rat�on of this per�ad, Lender may in�oke any re�medies perrx�itted by this
<br /> Security Ins�rum�n��ithou�fur�h�r na�ice or demand an Borrower.
<br /> Borrower`� Right �o Re�nsta�e. If Borrawer meets cer�ain conditio�.s, Barrowe�r sha�i ha�e the r��h� t� have
<br /> enforcemen�of this Securi�y �ns�rument d�scon��nued at any time prior t��he ear�ier of: �a} 5 days �ar such other
<br /> peri�d as App�icable Law may spe�ify for re�nstate�nent�before sale of�he Property pursuant�a any power af sale
<br /> contazned in �his Secur�ty Ins�rumen�; or �b} en�ry of a �ud�men� enfor��n� th�s Security Instrument. Those
<br /> condit�ons are that Borrower: �a� pays Lender aI� sums wh�ch ��en vvau�d be due unc�er th�s Securitv Ins�rumen�
<br /> �
<br /> and�he Con�rac�as if n�acceleration had occurred;��}cures any defau�t of any oth�r cavenan�s or a�reemen�s;�c3
<br /> pays a�l expenses �n�urred in enforc�n�this Securi�y�nstrument, inc�udinb,but not limi�e�to,reasona�Ie a�torneys'
<br /> fees�a �he ex����perm�tted by�aw; and�d��akes such action as Lender rr�ay reasnnabiy requrr��a assure �ha��he
<br /> �ien of this Secur�ty Instrument, Lender's ribhts in the Pr�per�y and Borrovv�r's obliga��on t� pay th� s�zms secured
<br /> by this Securit� �ns�rumen� sha�l c�nt�nue unchan�ed. Upon re�ns�atem�nt by BarrovWer, �his Securi� �nstrumen�
<br /> and the obligat��ns s�cured hereby sha�� rexna�n fu�ly effect��e as if n� accelera�ion had occurred. H�we�er, this
<br /> right ta re�nstate sha�I n��apply in the case�f accelerat�on under the sec�ion tit�ed Transfer�f the Proper�y flr a
<br /> Beneficxai In�eres��n Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. Barro�ver sha�l not cause or p�rm��the presence, use, disposa�, stara��, nr re��ase of any
<br /> Hazardaus Su�s�ances on�r in the Properry. Barrower sha�l not do, nor al�ow anyone eis�ta da, any�h�n�aff����n�
<br /> the Pr�per�y �ha� is in v�oIa�ion of any En�Xr�nmen�al Law. The pre�edin� �wo sen�ences shalI n�t appIy to the
<br /> presen�e,use,nr stora�e on the Prape�-ty of small quanti�ies of Hazardous Subs�ances that are�eneraI�y reco�n ized
<br /> to be appropria��ta normal residen��a� uses and�o�na�n�enance of�he Proper�y.
<br /> Borrovver shal�prompt�y�ive Lender wri�t�n notxce of any investi�ation, c�ai.m, demand, Iawsu�t ar other action by
<br /> any ���ernmen�al ar regulatory agency or priva�e par�y inWal�in� the Prflper�y and any Hazardous Subs�ance ar
<br /> EnWironmental Law of wh��h Borrov�e�- has actual knovvled�e. �f Borro�er �earns, or is n�tif�ed by any
<br /> ����rnmental or re�u�atflry au�hority, �hat any rema�a� �r other remediat�on of any Hazardflus Subs�ar�ce affec��n�
<br /> the Proper� is necessary, Borrovver shall promptly take a�� necessary remed�a� ac�ions �.n accardance v��th
<br /> En��ronmental Law.
<br /> As used in this para�raph, "Hazard�us 5ubstanc�s" are�h�se substances defined as��xic or hazardous subs�ance�
<br /> by Environ.men�a� Law and �he followin� subs�ances: �asa�ine, kerosen�, other �.ammab�e or �oxic petro�eum
<br /> products, t�x�� pestzcldes and herb���des, vo�atli� soluents, ma�erials containing asbes�os or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioactive�n.a�er�als. As used �n thXs para�raph, "En�rronmenta� Law"means federa� Iaws and Iavvs af the sta�e af
<br /> Nebraska that r�la�e to heaXth, safe�y o�r env�ronmen�a�pro�ectian.
<br /> Acceleratzon; Rem�d�es. Lender sha�I gi�e r�oti�e to Bnrrower pr�ar �o acceiera�ivn fo�low�ng �orrov�ver's
<br /> br�ach �f any co��nan�or agreemenfi in this�ecur�ty In�trumen��r�he Contrae� under v�hich a�ce�era��an
<br /> is perm�tted �bu� not prxor to acce�eration under the sect�on �i�led TranSfer af�he Proper�y or� S�neficxal
<br /> Interest �n Barrflwer, un�ess Applicab�e Law provides o�herwise}. Th� not�ce sha�� spec�fy: �a� �he defauit;
<br /> �b� the actian requ�red �a �ure the defauit; ��� a date, no� less than �he m�nimum numb�r of da�s
<br /> es�a�lished by Ap�I�cabie Law from �he date th�no�ic� is given �a Borrower, b�which the default m ust be
<br /> cured; and �d} that fa�lure �o cure �he d�fau�� on or before �he da�e spe���ied �n �he notice may resu�t in
<br /> acceleration of the sums secured by this S�curx�y Instrumen� and saIe of the Property. To �he ex�ent
<br /> perm�tted by Iavv, the nati�e shall furth�r inform Borrower of the right �o reinstate aftQr �cc�lera�xon and
<br /> the right to brzng a�aurt ac�ion t�assert the n�n-existence of a default or any other defen5e of Borrower to
<br /> acce�eration and sale. If�he defauit xs n�t cured on or bQfar� �h� da�e specifzed in the notx�e, L�nder at x�s
<br /> option ma� requ�re immediate payment in full of alI sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrument without
<br /> further demand an� rnay �n�ake �he power of sa�e and any other r�medies permi��ed by Appii�ab�e Law.
<br /> Ta the extent perm�tted 'by �aw, Lender sha�� be enti��ed ta calIect al� expenses incurred �n pursu�ng th�
<br /> remedxes pro�ided in �h�s Sect�on, inciudir�g, bu� no� tim�ted �o, reasonabie attarneys' fees and costs �f title
<br /> e��dence.
<br /> If the power af��1� �s �nvaked, Trus�ee shall record a no�i�e of defau�t �� each coun�y xn which any.part�f
<br /> the Property is lacated and sha�� ma�l copies�f such no�ice �n �he manner prescr�bed by App�x�alble Law �o
<br /> Borrower and ta the o�her persons prescribed by AppIieabie Law. Af��r the t�me requ�red by .Applicab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e pub�x� notice of sa�e to �he persflns and xn th� manner prescribed by App�icable
<br /> Law. Trustee, wi�h�ut demand on Borra�er, shal�se�l �he Property a� pub��e aucti�n to the h�gh�es� b�dder
<br /> at the t�me and pIace and under the�erms des�anated in �he notice of sa�e�n on�or more �ar�e�s�nd in any
<br /> ord�r Trus�ee determ�nes. Trus�ee may pos�pane sa�e of all or any par�el of th� Property by public
<br /> announcern�nt at�he��me and p�ace of�ny pre�ious�y schedul�d sale. Lender ar�ts des�gnee ma� purchase
<br /> �ne Property a�any sa�e.
<br /> Upon receipt of paym�nt of th� price bzd, Trustee shal� deliWer �fl �he pur�haser Trustee's deed can�eying
<br /> �he Prflperty. The recitals xn the Trustee's deed sha�� �� prima facie e�fdence of�he�ruth af the s�a�emen�s
<br /> made ��aerein. Trus�ee sha�l apply the proceeds of the sale I�1 the fol�owing arder: �a} tv alI C45t5 and
<br /> expenses of exer�ising the power of sale, an� the 5a�e, inc�uding �he payment of the Trustee's fe�s actually
<br /> �2464-2�]3 Compliance Systems,Inc.SEB3-65Ad-2413L2.0,E1.7]2
<br /> Cansumer Rea3 Estate-Security Instrument DL2a3G Page 4 af 5 www.cQmpliancesystems.com
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