. ��14��49�
<br /> �� e�e�u�e and deli�er�o�he purchaser or purc��.sers at su�h sale any deeds flf conWeyance g�od and sufficien�at
<br /> �av�,pursuan��o�he s�a�u�e in su�h case made and prov�ded. The Trus�ee sha�1 apply�he pra��eeds of the Trustee's
<br /> sale, firs�, to �he casts and e�penses af exercising�he po�er of sale an� of�he sa�e, lncludi�:�g�he payment of the
<br /> Trus�ee's fees actually incurred; second, ta payn�en� of�he �bligati�n secured by the �ru.�t deed; �hird, to the
<br /> payment of�un�ar trust deeds, m�rtgages, �r ather �ienha�ders and the balari�e; �f any, ta rhe person �r persons
<br /> Iega�ly en�i��ed �here�o. The recita�s in the Trustee's deed sha1� be prima facie �vxden�e �f the tru�h of the
<br /> s�a�emen�s rnade in i�. if Lender cho�ses to in��ke�he power of sale,L�nder or Trustee vw�ll pro��de n��ice of sale
<br /> pursuan�to applicab�e Iav�. Any such sale �r a sale made pursuan�to a�udgment or a dec�ee fflr�he fareclosure
<br /> hereof may, a� the opti�n of Lender, be made en rnasse. The commencement of pr�ceecLings �n forec��se �his
<br /> Security�nstrument�ri any manner auth�r�ze�i�y 1aw shall be deemed as exercise��the abo��e�ption.
<br /> Upon t�ie ocGurrence vf an E�ent �f Defau��, Lender shail immediate�y be entitled to ma��e applica�ion fvr and
<br /> �b�ain the appo�ntmen�of a rece��er for�he Proper�y and�f�h� earn�ngs, xncame, issue an��profi�s of it, with the
<br /> pov�ers as �he ��urt making the appa�ntments ��nfers. Gran��r hereby irrevocably consents to such appain�men�
<br /> and waives n�tice of any a�p���ation�herefor.
<br /> N� �VAI�ER. N� delay or failure �f Lender�� exercise any right, remedy, p�wer or pri�vi�ege hereunder sha�t
<br /> affec�tha�r�ght,remedy,pavve��r pri�ilege n�r shali any single or par�ial e�erczse there�f p�rec�ude th�exerc�se�f
<br /> ariy rxgh�, r�medy, pov�rer or privi�ege. No Lender delay or failure to de�nand stric�adherence to �he terms of this
<br /> Security Instrument sha1�be dee�ned��cans�i�u�e a c�urse af conduc��ncons�sten�v���h Lender's r�ght at an��ime,
<br /> before or after an e�en� of d�fault, �o demand stric� adherence t� the �erms of�his Se�urity Instrument and the
<br /> Rela�ed D�cuments. � �
<br /> SUBSTITUTE TRU�TE�. �ender, at i�s opt�a�, �m.ay�r�m t�m�t���rne remove Trustee a�:�d appoint a success�r
<br /> trus�ee to any Trustee appo�nted hereunder by an ins�ru�-nen� recarded in the �oun�y i�r� which �his Securi�y
<br /> Instrumen� �s recorded. Without con�eyance of the Property, the successor �trus�ee sha�i succeed to aIl the ti�Ie,
<br /> p�v�er and dut�es conferred up�n Trustee herein and by applicable Iaw.
<br /> Ja1NT A�D SEVEI�AL LIABILiTY. �f this Security�ns�rument shflu�d be sxgned by more than one person,al�
<br /> persons exe�u�ing this Security�ns�rument agree�hat�hey sha�1 be�oin�iy and severa�ly b�uYad,where permit�ed by
<br /> Iaw. - � � � �
<br /> SUR�1'I'�AL. Lender's rights in this S�curity�nstrumen�wxl� con�inue in ��s successars and assigns. This Securifiy
<br /> �nstrurn�nt is b�nding on alI heirs,execu�ors,admzn�stra�ors,assigns and successors of Grantar.
<br /> NQTI�ES ANI3 'V'4�'�IVER �F N�TICE. Un�ess o�h�rvvise required hy applica�le �avv, any notice or demand
<br /> g�v�n by I�ender�o any party �s co�sidered effe�tive: (i� when i� is depos��ed �n the United S�a�es Ma�1 v�i�h the
<br /> appropria�e postage; �ii} when it �s sent �ia electrflnic rnax�; �iii� �vhen it is sent ��a facs�mi�e; �iv} when it is
<br /> deposited wi�h a nation�.�ly recognized o�ernight�ourier ser�ice; ��} an �he day of person��.� dell�very; or ��i} any
<br /> o�her cornmercially r�asonahle means. A copy of any no��ce sha��be sent to ea�h par�r a��:he address of�he par�y
<br /> gi�en a� �he beginn�ng af this Securi�y �nstrumen� uriless an al�ernat�ve address ha� be�n pravided to Lender �n
<br /> wri��ng. Ta�he ex�ent permit�ed by law, �ran�ar waives n��ice of Lender's acceptance of�h.is S�curity�ns�rument,
<br /> defenses based�n surefiyship, any def�nse ar�s�ng fr�m any elec�ion by Lender under�he Un�ted S�a�es Bankruptcy
<br /> Cade, Uniform �ammercial ��de, as �nacted in the s�a�e wh�re Lender is I�cated or ath+�r appl��able �aw �r in
<br /> equity, demand, no�ic� of accelerati�n, notice of nonpaymen�, presen�men�, �rotest, no�ice of d�shan�r and any
<br /> o�her no�ice. -
<br /> R.�QUEST F�R N�TICES: Gran�cor request�that c�pies af�he notice�f defau�t and n��ire af sale be sen�to�h�
<br /> address of ea�h party given at the beginn�ng of�he Security�nstrument.
<br /> SECURITY I�STRI�M�N'�`.
<br /> WAIVER U�' APP`I�AIS�MENT RIGHTS. �rantor �aives a�� appraisement r�ghts re�a.ting�a �he Proper�y to
<br /> �he e�ten�permit�ed b�law. �
<br /> LENDER'S E�PENS�S. Gran�or agrees��pay al� expenses �ncurred by Lender in�onne�c�ian vv�th enforcemen�
<br /> of i�s righ�s under�he�ndebtedness, this Securit�Ins�rumen�or in�he event Lender�s madf�parry t�any����ga�i�n
<br /> because of�he�xis�ence �f�he �ndebtedness or this Securi�y�nstrumen�, as�ell as court c{�sts, cal�ec��on charges
<br /> and reasona��e a�torneys'fees and d�sbursemen�s.
<br /> ASS�GNABIL�TY. Lender may ass�gn or othervvise trans�er this Se�urity �nstrument or any of Lender's righ�s
<br /> under this Securi�ty Ins�rumen�wi�hout nal:ice �o �rantor. Gran�or may no� assign �h�s S�ci�tr��y �ns�rument or any
<br /> parti af�he Securi�,y Ins�rument with�u��he express wri�ten consen��f Lender.
<br /> G�VERNING LA'VV. This Security�nstrumen�w�l� b� g��erned b��he laws �f the Sta�e of Nebraska including
<br /> a��pr�ceedings arising fr�m���is Securit��ns�rum�n�. �
<br /> SEVERABILITY. �f a cour� of campeten� jur�sdictian determ�nes any term ❑r pro��is�an af �his Secur��y
<br /> �nstrument is in�al�d or proh�bited by app�icable �av�, fihat term or praWision v�i�l be ir.�effec�i�e �o the exten�
<br /> required. Any�erm or prn�isifln that has been de�errniried��be in�alid or pr�hibited will b�e severed.from the res�
<br /> of th� Securi�y Instrumen� v���hout in�a��dating the r�mai��d�r �f either the affected pr�vision or th�s Security
<br /> Instrumen�.
<br /> C�2004-2013 Compltance Systems,Inc.CBAE-FOFB-2413L2.�.E1.655
<br /> �ornmercial Reai Estate Se�urity Instrurnent-DL4��7 Pa�e�of S w�vw.comptiar�cesystems.com
<br />