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��14��44� <br /> fu�1 af al� sums secur�d by this Securi�y �nstrurnent. Hawe�er, this �pti�n shall nat be exercised by Lender �f <br /> exercis� �s pr�hibited by federal �aw as flf�he dafe of�his Securi�y Ins�r��men�. <br /> �f Lender exerczses th�s apt�on, Lender shaI1 �iWe Bor�ower no�ice af acce�era�ion. The no�ice shall pro�ide a <br /> per�od of no� �ess �han the m�nimum number �f days estab�ished by App�icable LavW from �he date �he no�ic� �s <br /> del�vered �r mailed with�n wh�ch Borrawer must pay all sums se�ured b� this Secur��y Instrumen�. �f B�rrower <br /> fails ta pay these su�ns prlar�o the exp�ra��on a��his period, Lend�r ��ay in�oke any re�r�edies permit�ed by this <br /> Se�urity �nstrun�en��vithout fur�her no�ice ar den�and tin Borrovver. <br /> Bvrrawer's R�ght to Re�nsta�e. If Bflrrower �mee�s certaxn cond��ians, Borrower sha�l haWe �he ri�ht �o ha�e <br /> enforcemen� of thzs Security ��zstrum�n� d�scantinued a� any t�me priar �o the ear��er of �a} 5 da�s �or such o�her <br /> per�od as Applicab�e Lav�may specify for�reins�atemen�}before sale af the Properry pursuant to ar�y pnwer of sale <br /> contained i� th�s Se�ur�� �nstrum�.ent; or �b} entry of a j ud�men� enforc�ng this S�curi�y �ns�rument. Those <br /> condi��ons ar� tha� Borrower: �a} pays Lender a�I sums vvh�ch then wauld be due under �his Secur�ty �ns�rument <br /> and the�ontrac�as�f n�acceleratian had occurred;�b} cures an�default of any other co�enants or a�reements; �c} <br /> pays a11 expenses �ncurred in e�f�rcin��his S�cur�ty Instrument, in��udin�,but not limited to,�reasonabie at�orneys' <br /> fe�s to the ex�en�perm�tted by Iavv; and �d��akes such ac�ion as Lender may reasonab�y requ�re to assure tha�the <br /> �ien of�his Securi�.y�nstrument, L�nder's ri�hts in the Pr�perty and S�rr�wer's obli�a�ion to pay�he sums secured <br /> by �his Security ��.s�rumen� shall continue un�han��d. Upon reins�at�ment b� Borrower, this Secur��y Instrumen� <br /> and �he ab�ibations secured hereby shall remain fully effecti�e as if no acce�erati�n had o�curred. However, �his <br /> ri�h���reinstate sha�l na�app�y �n�he case�f a�ce�era��on under�he section txtled Transfer of the Proper�y ar a <br /> Benef�cia�In�erest�n Sorrow�r. <br /> Ha�ardous �ubstances. Borrower shal�not cause ar permit the presence, use, dispasal, stora�e, or�re��ase af any <br /> Ha�ardflus Substanc�s on or in�he Praper�y. Borrower shail not do,n�r al�ow anyone e�se�o do,anythin�affec��n� <br /> �he Property that is in �ialat�on af any En�ir�nmen�a� Law. The preceding tv�o sentences shal� no� appiy �o �he <br /> presence, use,or stflra�e an the Proper�y of smal�quantities of Ha�ardous Substanc�s tha�are�enera�ly reco�nized <br /> �o be appropriate ta z�ormai res�dentia�uses and t�main�enance of the Properfiy. <br /> Borro�er shall prompt�y��v�Lender written nnt�ce of any in�esti�ation, c�aim, demand, lawsuit or other acti�n by <br /> any �a�ernrr�en�al or re�uiatory a�ency ar pr��ate par�y in�olvin� the Praperty and any Hazardaus Substance or <br /> Environmen�al Law of wh�ch Barr�wer has actua� knovvled�e. If Bor�rower learns, ar is no�if ed by any <br /> go�ernmen�al or r��u�atory au�hori�y,�hat any removal nr other ret�ed�atian of any Hazardous Subs�ance affecting <br /> the Property is necessary, Borrawer shall prompt�y take aI� necessary remedial ac�ions in acc�rdance with <br /> Environmental Law. <br /> As used in this pa�a�raph, "Hazardaus Subs�ances" are those subs�ances defined as �oxic or ha�ardous subs�ances <br /> by En�ironmentaI Law and �he foIlnwin� substances: �asoi in�, kerosene, o�her fla�nmable �r toxic petroi�urn <br /> produc�s, to�ic pes��cides and herbicides, �o�atile s�l��n�s, mater�als conta�nrn� asbestos ar formaldehyde, and <br /> radioac���e mat�ria�s. As used in���s para�raph, '�En�ironmerrtal Law" �-neans federa� �aws and laws of the state of <br /> Nebraska tha�rela�e�o health,safety or enWironmentaI protec�ion. <br /> Acc��erat�on; Rerr�edies. Lender sha�l bi�e na��cQ to Borrower priar �u ac�eleration fo�Iowinb Borrower's <br /> breach of a�y co�enant ar agreement�n �his S�cur�ty ��s�rumen#ar�h�Contra�� under which accei�ration <br /> is permitted [but nat prior to accelera�ion under the se�tion txtled Transfer of the Property ar a Benef�cial <br /> �n�ere5� in Borr�vver, un�ess Appiicab�e Law pro��des a�herw��e�, The not�ce sha�� �pec�fy: �a� the defauIt; <br /> �b} the acti�� required t� cure the defau�t; �c� a date, no� I�ss than the m�nimum number of days <br /> es�ab��shed �y Applicable Larv fram the date t�e notYce is gi�en to Borrower, by which the defaul�mus� be <br /> cured; and (d� �hat fai�ure �v cure th� defaul� on ar before the date spec�f��� in �h� not�ce may re�ult in <br /> aceelera��an of �he surns secured by �hxs Security �nstrume�t and �a�e of the Praper�y. To �he exten� <br /> perrx��tted by Iavv, the noti�e shalI further inform Barrower of the r�ght to re�ns�at� af��r a�ceIera�ian and <br /> �he right�o brfng a caur�act�on to ass�r��he n�n-exis��nce of a defau��or any ather defense of�3arrower to <br /> accelerat�an and sa�e. Zf�h� defau�t is not eur�d on or befare �he date specif�ed in th� nfltice, Lender at i�s <br /> aption may requ�r� immedia�e payment in full of ali sums seGured �y this Secur�ty [ns�rument withaut <br /> fur�her demand a�d may in��ke �he pov�er of sale and any other remedies perrnit�ed by App�icabie Larv. <br /> To the e�tent permi��ed �� law, L�nder shail be ent�tled to cvlle�t all expenses in�urred �n pursu�ng �he <br /> rem�dies pro�ided in th�s S�c�ion, inc�uding, b�� nv� �im�ted ta, r�asonab�e attorneys' fees and costs of tx��e <br /> e�zd�nce. <br /> If the power of�ale xs in�oked, Trus�ee shali record a no�i�e nf defauit in each c�unty in wh�ch any par� of <br /> the Proper�y is �o�ated and shal� mail cvpies af such nat�ce zn the manner prescribed by Appiicab�e Law to <br /> Barrower and �n th� ��h�r per�ans prescrib�d by Appl�cabie Law. After the t�m� requ�red by Applicabl� <br /> Lawy Trus��e shalZ �ive pub��� no��ce of sale �o �he p�rsons and in th� manner pr�scr�bed by Appl�ca�ie <br /> Law, Trus��e, w�thout demand an Borrower,sha��seli the Property at public auct��n �o �he highes� bidder <br /> a�the time and place and under�he terms de�igna�ed �n the notice of sa�� in one or mor�parce�s and in an� <br /> order Trus��e de�ermines. Trustee may postpane sa�� of ax� or any parcel af the Proper�y by publ�c <br /> annnuncem�nt at�he time and p�a�e of any pr��iou5iy schedu�ed sale. L��nder or its des�gnee may purchase <br /> the Proper�y at any�ale. <br /> Upon receip� of payrnen� of the price bid, Tra�stee sha�� de��ver to thQ �urchaser Trustee's deed con�eying <br /> the Praper�y. The r�cita�s �n the Trustee's deed shal� be prima facie ���dence of the tru�h of the s�a�ements <br /> mad� there�n. Trustee shal� app�y �n� proceeds of the sa�e in �he fa�low�nb arder: (a� ta a�� co5ts and <br /> exp�n�es of exerc�sir�g �he power of sa�e, and the sa�e, inc�ud�ng the paymen� of the TruS�ee's fe�s actually <br /> �2�D�-2Q 13 Campliance Systems,�nc.�ES3-FD 14-20]>L�.4.E I.7I2 <br /> Consu�ner Real Estate-Security Instrurx�ent DL20;G Page 4❑f S www.�v�r�� <br />