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��14��437 <br /> DE�� C�� �`R�JST <br /> Loan h��: ��'��5�5�'! ��ont��lu�C�� Page 2 <br /> acknovtirEedged by L�nder in writing, �a} any breach or �io�atfon af any Environmenta! Lawsr {b} any use, <br /> g�nera�ionr manu�ac�ure, starage, �reatment, disposal, re�ease or �hreatened release o� any Haza�dous Substanc� <br /> an, under� ahout or -��om the Property hy any prior owners ar occupants of �he Property, o� ��} any actua� o� <br /> threatened Ii�igat�on or c€aims ❑-� any Icind by any person rela�ting to such ma�fiers; and �3} �xcept as pre�ious�y <br /> disclosed to and a�kno�nrfedged by Lender in writing, {a} n�i-�her`r�-ustor no�-any�enant� contrac�or, agen�a�r o-�he�- <br /> autharized user of the Prop�r�y sha�� use, gen�rate, manu�acture, store, treat, dispose o�F or refease any Hazardous <br /> Sub��ance on,under, abou�ar�ram the Property; and �b} any such activifiy shal! he conduc�ed in campl�anc�with <br /> a�l app[icable �Fed�ra�, s�a�e, and �ocal �aws, regu�ations and ordinances, �ncluding withou� iim��atian al[ <br /> Environm�n�al Laws. Trustor authori��s Lend�r an.d its agents to en�er upon the Property �o make such <br /> inspectfans and �es�s, a� T�-ust�r's expense, as L�nder may deem appropria�e to d�termin� compliance of the <br /> �rop�rty wi-�h this sec�tion o�the �e�d of Trust. Any �nspec�ions or fiests made by Lsnder sha�[ be for L�nder's <br /> purposes only and sha[i not�e const�-u�d to create any res�onsibility or �iabiiity on the part o-�Lender t�Trus-�or�r <br /> �o any Qthe�-persan. The repr�sentat�ons and vvarr�nties con�ained herein are based on Trus�or's due diEig�nce in <br /> in�es�iga�ting the Proper�y �or Ha�ardous 5uhs�ances. `T'rus�ar h�reby ��} r�[eases and waiu�s any fu�ture c�aims <br /> against Lender f�r indemnity or contribu�ivn in the ev�n� Trus�or bec�mes liable -For cleanup or o�her costs under <br /> any such �aws; and {�} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender agains�any and a�� claEms, �Q55@S, <br /> I�abiii�ies, damages, penalties, and expenses wh�ch Lender may directly ar indirectIy sustain or su�f�r resulting�rom <br /> a breach a�this sec�ion o�the Deed o�Trust or as a e�nsequence of any use, gen��a�ion, manufacture, storag�, <br /> d�sposa�, r�lease❑r�hr�atened re�ease accurr�n� prio�tv Trustor`s�wnership or interest in�he Praper�yf vvhether or <br /> nof �he same was ar �hould haWe heen Icnown to Trus�or. The proWisi�ns of this section o�the Deed of Trust, <br /> inc�uding-�h�obligation to indemnify and de�end, shall sur�i�e the paym�nt o�the Indeb�edness and the sat�sfac�ion <br /> and �-econ��yance o�F the [ien o�this Deed a�r Trust and shal! no�be affected by Lender's acquis�tion o�any int�res� <br /> �n�he Property, whe�her by foreGlosu�re ar atherwise. <br /> �uisance, lJ�aste. Trustor shall not cause, cvnduct or permit any nuisance nor cvmmit, permit, or su��er any <br /> s�ripping o� or v�raste an ❑r�� �he Prope�-�y or any portior� o�the Prope��y. Ullithau�t Iimit�ng the genera[ity a�the <br /> soregnir�g, Trustor v�rill not remo�e, or grant t� any��her�arty�he righ�to remo�e, any timf�er, mineraIs 4�ncluding <br /> a�l and gasi, coaP, cfay, scoria, soil, �ra�re[or ro�k products wi�hout Lender's pr�o�vyrit�en c�ns�nt. <br /> Re�nava[vf tmp�ovemen�s_ Trus�ar sha�� no�demo�ish or remo�e any lmpro�emen�s fr�m�he Real P€-oper�withau� <br /> Lender's prior v�ritten cansen�, As a cand�tifln-�v the remo�al o�F any lmprovemen-�s, Lender may r��uire Trustar ta <br /> make arrangemen�s satisfiactory ta Lender to r�plac� such lmpra�ements wi-�h lmpravemen�s o� a� le�st equa� <br /> �afue. <br /> L�nder's Ri�ht to Ent��. Lender and Lender`s agents and represen�ati�es may �nter upan �he Rea� Property at a�� <br /> reasonable times to attend to Lender`s interests and tv inspecfi the Real Proper-�y for purpases o-� Trus�or's <br /> compliance with tne terms and conditivns of-�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> �orr�p��aa��e w�th Gnv�rnrnental Requ�renraen�s. Trustor shaf[ pramp�ly Gomp�y with a!� Iaws, ardinances, and <br /> regufations, nvvsr ar h�reafter in �ffec�, af all governmen�al app�icable �o �he use �r �ccupancy o��he <br /> �'raperty. �rustar rr�ay con�es�ir�good�aith any such�aw, ordinance, or regulafion and withhold complianc�dur�ng <br /> any p�oceed3ng, inefuding appropriate ap�ea.�s, s� long as �rus�or has no�i�ied Lender in writ��g prior to doing so <br /> and sa long as, �n Lender's sole opinivn, �ender's ir��erests in�he Proper�y are not jeo�ardi���. Lender may require <br /> � Trus�or�o post adequa�e se�u�-i�ky vr a.surety band, reasonably sat�s�ac�ary to Lender,to protec�Lender's interes�. <br /> Dufy ta Pro�ec�. Trustar agrees ne�ther �o abandon �r leave unattend�d the Property. Trust�r shall do a�� ather <br /> �cts, in addi��on to those ac�s se��orth abo�e in this section, whEch from the character and use of-�he Proper�y are <br /> reasanably nec�ssary tfl protect and preserWe th� P�op�rty. <br /> DUE �N SAL�-CDNSENT BY LENDFR. Lender may, at Lender's optian; decfare immediat�(y due and payable a!! sums <br /> secured by�his Deed af Trust upan the sale ar trans�er, vv'rthout Lender's prior�rvri��en consen�, of a13 or any part of the <br /> Rea.� Prop�r�y� or any fnter�s�in�he Real Property. A "sal� vr transfer" means the �on�eyance a�Rea� Property or any <br /> right, �itle ar interes� in the Rea[ Proper�y; whether legal, beneficia( or equitab�e; whether �oluntary or in�vluntary; <br /> �nrhe�her by outri:ght sa�e, deed, in:sta�lment sale �on�trac�, land cantrac�, �.�ntract fior de�d, deas�hoid in�erest �nrf��c a <br /> ter�m �reate�-�han�hree �3} years, �ease-�vptior� con�r�Ctr �C�7�I 5���� assignment, a�-firansder o�any ber:eT�c�al ir�ter�e�-�in <br /> vr�� any �and trust ho�dfng �i�le to th� I�eal Prflperty, �r b�r an� o�h�r method ofr conveyance ��an in�eres� i� �he Real <br /> Prop�rty. �iowe�er, this optior� sha�� no� be exe�c�sed hy Lenefer ��F such exercise �s �r��ibited b}� ��dera[ lav� or b� <br /> �Ve��asP�a�av�. <br /> TA�ES OaND L��NS. The �o��ovving pro�isions re[ating �� �he taxes �nd �iea�s on the Proper�y a�e part o��his Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Pay�nen�, Trustor shall pay when due �and �n all e�ents prior fia delinquency� a[[taxes, spec€al�taxes, assessmen�s, <br /> charges �in�Yuding v�rater and sewer�, �ines and imposit�o�ns ie�i�d againsfi or an accvunt of�the Proper�y, and snal� <br /> pay v�hen due a�� cla�ms for work dvne on ar for services rendered ar ma�er�a� furnished to the Property. Trus�or <br /> shalf maintain�he Property free o�all �iens havin� pr�ori�y�Wer or equa��o�he inte�-es�o�Lender under th�s I��ed a� <br /> Trust, except �or the I€en of �axes and a�sessrr�ents not due, except fvr the Exist�ng lnde�tedness referred fio <br /> below, and excep�as other�v�se provided �n this Deed af T�-ust. <br /> �igh��a C�ntest. �rus�or rnay�rvi�hhold paym�n�o�any tax, assessrnent; or c�a�m in cor�ne�tion vvith a ��od �ai�� <br /> d�spute�ver the o�ligatfan t� �ay, so lon� as Lende�-`s inter�s�in�he Pa�operry�s no��eopardi�ed. a�a lie� arfses�r <br /> �s �iled as a result o�F nonpaymen�, Trus�fl�- sha�� vuit�ir� �i-�t�er� ��5} days afker the ���n arises ar� if a �ier� �s �i1ed, <br /> wa�hi� fa��een �'�� ciays af�er�rus�ror has notice o��h� �i9ing, secur� �he dischar�e of�he �€en, or �� �Rc�ue�s�ed by <br /> Lender, depos�i��ith L�r�cler cash or a suf�ic�en�corpora�e su�-e�ty hond ar a��er se�ur��y�atis�ac�ror��o Lende�-�n�r� <br /> amvun�suffic�ent to discharg��he lien plus any cos�s and a�tor.neys' ���s, ar o�her�harges t�a�could accrue as a <br /> result of a forec�os�re or safe u,nder-the [ien, ln any can�es�, Trus�ar shai� de�end itsel�F and Lender and shall sa�isfy <br /> any adverse�udgrnent hefore en�arcemen�against the Prvperty. Trustor shall name Lender as an add�tional abligee <br /> und�r any su�-et�bond�urnish�� in the con�est prace�ding�. <br /> Evi�er�ce of Paya�en�. Trustor sha�� upan demand �urnish�o Lender satisfac�flry e�idence o�payment o�the taxes <br /> or assessment� and sha�l au�horize the appropriat� go�ernmen�al officia! �o deliver�o Lender at any�ime a writ�en <br /> s�catement o�th�taxes and assessments against�h� Property. <br /> �V��ice v�Cvr�s�ru�tion, Trustor shall notif�r Lender a�[east�Fi��een ��5� days before any �nr�a�lc �s cflr�rr�erace�, any <br /> ser�i�es are �u�n�si�edr ❑� any ma�terials a�e supplied �o �h� �raper��, �f�ny s�rae��anic`s Iien, ma�reria�rr�en`s lien, �r <br /> ather l�en cvu�dl b� a�serted on a�count a�th� �nror[<, servic�s„ or �.��er�ai�. �rus�vr �i[[ upa� req�est of Le.��er <br /> -�urnish �� L�nder ad�ance assurances satis�act��� tc �.enc�er �ha� �fr�s�€�r can a�d �ilf �ay the ��s-� af s�ch <br /> �m�ro�eri�en�s. <br /> PR�PE�T1C DAfI1�A�lE IIIrSLlRA�CE_ The following pr��asions re�atir�g to insuring �he Property are � par-�o��his 1]eed of <br /> Trust. <br /> iti![arnfenance of lnsurance. Trus�or shal[ pro�ure and rnain�ain �olic�es of -��re insurance v+ri-tE� s�andard extended <br /> caverage endorsemen�s on a rep�acemen� �asis �o��he -�u�� �nsu�-ab�e �a1ue covering ail �mprvvements on �he Reaf <br /> F'roperfiy i-n an amaunt suffici�nt to avoid applica�ion o� any ��insura;nce c[ause, and vvi�h a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in favor of Lender, together with such other hazard and liability insurance as Lend�r may reasonabiy require. <br /> Polic�es sha�� b� �rritten in form, am�unts, �o�rer�ges and basis reas�nab[y acceptabie t� and issued by a <br />