<br /> , , ��14��413
<br /> • L�?�N#:��,30�1��
<br /> ar�ro�d rertt�o�n��rop�r�,I�arr�r,�n�l Cammu�i�ty��ssQc�a�csn�3u�sF Fe�s,a�d eni�,fi�
<br /> any<Ta��er�fhat�e item,�are�sc�ro�r it�mst�o�rQ�rec sh��l pa��h�m in the rr�ann�r�ro�id�d'
<br /> i n��Ct�ars 3.
<br /> �orrnv�r�r sha�t pror���di�c►har���n�ii�n�rhich��s Rr��r�t�r#�er�his�r�y�ns�rr�nt unl�ss
<br /> Bar'ro�e�:�a}ag��s in�ng to�he p�yt�rt�nt flf�h�vbl�atts�n s�atr����#h��ie�lr�a m�nne�r�c�c���b�e
<br /> f�Ler�d�r��ut�n[�s4[on�as�arrr�rer is perfarmin�su�h��r��mer��j con�the�ien�n g�ad�i#�
<br /> ��,€��'d�f�rtdS against�:nfo�m�rrt�f t�t�i�en in,t�g�i�r��Cl'rngs whf ch in L.�nd��'��pinit�r����rat�r�
<br /> Rr�v�nt the�r�for�m�nt vf the li�n v�a�hite'th�pr+o►c�:et��ng�are p�r��ngf�ut�n[�u��'1 s��ri pr�ir�gs
<br /> �r��ant�ud�d;a��c}��,,r�s firar�th�h ol��r a�th��ier��n a�re�m�r�s�'t�s�a��ry�a�Lend�rsubordi na�ng
<br /> �h�[��n t�thls�ecunr�r�nsix�me�t,���.�nd�r r��te�nes tha#an�part�f��*rvp��r�y is subje�to a[ie�
<br /> �rhi�h r,.a�at�a�n�rit�rit�av�r this�c�ri�In�trum�nt,�nd�'rn�y g�gs�t'�`��r a�ta��e id�n#�Et'�g
<br /> th�Gen.�l41'�hin��d�ys of th�d�rt�on�r[�ic�th�t no�c�is gi�ri,�tarra��r�ha�l s���i�h�Ii�n ar�ake
<br /> . �n�ar mora of�t�ac�iQr���ar��b�v�in this�i�n�4.
<br /> Lend�r may re�uire B�r�v��r ta pa�� ��-��rn�t�h�e f4r a t���t�t�x�erifit��un�r�l�r
<br /> re�o�ting ser�ce us�d b�Ler��d�r i��nne�d�tt�vi�ihi�L�ar�,
<br /> �: Prr�per�lnsU ra�nc���4rra��r��a�l kc�ep i��rr��r��rneni�r�ow�aas�r�g c�r her��er�r�c�l an
<br /> the F'rv�r�y�nsur�d agains��ass b��re,h�zards in�ud�d�v�thzn�term"�end�ca�rerage=�'an�an�
<br /> oi��r�aza�ds ir�du�l�rt�t I�u�n at�rn it�d t�r earthqu�kes�n�floc�ds,for�vh��h�rtder r�q u�r�s in�ura nt�
<br /> "�'his�rtsurartce sha 1�f�main�ir��d iri the�m o u r�t�{inc�udirt�d�d u�'ble����s�ant#f�r th�p�Roc�s�at
<br /> ��nder�q��t�s.1�t Len�er�q u i��u�su�n��o#��p ret�dinA�nte.n�s can Gha rx�e dur�rtg�ft�
<br /> t�rm o#the�.oan.The in�ur�nr,�,c�rrie�prfl�idin��e�nS�r�nt�sh��f�C�tBs�n�y��rr�r su���#�
<br /> �.�1�r�s n�hfi t���a�prov��rr��r�r's chai���h i�r�g ht�h�1!n�t b�:�xercas�t��nreasan��.L�nd�r
<br /> rr�a�req��r��IT�rer�v p�yr i�]C►I3�"1�"1�CfI4C1��h�k`�"L�?�CI,ei�h�r:�a1�r vn�-rime r��r�e�rar�o�ct�o n�
<br /> de�rr��n��onT cer�i#ic��fln�r��d fr�rk�n�s�rvices;�r����r���r��c��r��for f���l a�rt�det�rmin��i�r�
<br /> an�l c�r�if�r.a�ion ser��s an�subs�uen��harges�r�n t�me r�ma�pir�s arsFimi��r t��nges o���rhirh
<br /> r��s�n���y mi�I�t a���t sus��e�rmi�r��i�n or c�rtifica�i�n.���ro�rer shal��[s�b�r�s�or������r i�
<br /> Pa�m�r�t of�n�f��s i m�o�ed b�r�Federal�met�en�y�li�r�ag�rn�r�t�g�n�r iR cv nn�c�ian uf��the
<br /> re�ie�v af�n���s�d zon�d�t�rm�na��n r�sul�in�fram an abi�c�i�r���B�oRv�r�r.
<br /> lf F3orrow�r f�;ls to m�in�i in�ny�f Yhe�ca�ra��s d�scri b�a bave,�end�:c rrt�c�v�ta ir�ir:ssu r�nc.�
<br /> t�vera��,�i Lent��r�s�p#ian�n��rr�er`s�xp�n�.L��td�r i�und�r no ob��a��r�#�purch�e any
<br /> p�rt�ccutar t�pe�t�m�tun�af vo�er���.'��f�r��such cau�r���e s�aq co�r L�r��r,b�urt mig��or mic�ht
<br /> n�#prQt�ct�t�rro�rer,Borrau��r���quity 3n t��Prc���rt�r,art�e�onfents�f fih�Pr��r�t�r=agair��r�y risk,
<br /> t�az�r�i ar lia�i�ity and�ti�l�t pro�de�rea#er ar�r ta�verag��ar��ras�r�riovs�y in ef#ee�t.E�orrv�r�r
<br /> a�knov►��dg�s tha���e cx�t�f#�irt�ur�n���ot�t���so o��in�d mi���s���i�t�r�exc�d th�c�os�
<br /> af ins�r�n�e'�hat�orrae��r�uld ha�a��ain��.���rry�u�i�d is�u rse��y Ler�d��c�d�r this Se�tion
<br /> �st��1�beco r��d�i�i�n ai�ebt��B�rr�er se�cred�y th�s S�curi�In�rner��.'F�es��mQun#�shaal
<br /> ��ar in��rest�t�h�Na#�r�te fr�m#��d��e af dis��rsem�r�t�nd sh�ll b�payab�s,�i�h su�r in�r�.�,
<br /> upon n�t�c:�frQm�.�nd�r to Bac�rc�irer r�que�tin�pa�r�n�n�
<br /> �I insur�ri���Iir.a�s req�cir�d�y I,.er�d�r and r�ne�tals a�Fsuc:h p�lic�s�I1a�l���u1���c�to L��r`s
<br /> t�gh�to disa�pr�v�sut�r pc�[�c[es,sn��[�r�d��:a�as�ard mc�r�a��c�ai.r�e,and sh�I�nam��nt��r as
<br /> m8rtg a��e�nd�4r as a n ad��ionat loss���.L�nd��s�II ha��e�h�ng h�to��Id�he�iiaes ar�r�sze�al
<br /> c�rfi�ca�tes.�f��nder r�uir�s��nr��r�shaq�r�m��y gi���o Lend�r aq reaeip�s 4f pa�d prtett�iums and
<br /> �n�aC n�t�c�,ff�orrov�ar'obtain�a.ny f�m�t�f rrtsur�nt��o�rer��e,nat�th�r�rFS�r�qu�r�d by�.�t�d�r,
<br /> f�r�am�gs t�,ar��ru�ion af,the propert�,st�h�ali�sh�Il�nt�ud�a stan�aral mvr��g��au�e anc�
<br /> sh�l[n�m�L,�ttid�r��mAr#ga��ant�lor'��n ad�itip��k�ss��e�e.
<br /> �n�h��v�xxt af lass,B�rr��er sl�ll�iv�promp�no�r����h��risurar�c��rri�r ar�d�r�d�r.L�nd�r
<br /> rn�y rri�k���+pof of loss����m�d��rom�tiy�y 8�rrv��'.Ur��s�L.e�er�nd BQn���;r c�th��tis��g��
<br /> irr�ri�in�=any insur�rr�e�ra�e�ds,v�hether r�r not fih�:und�rly�n�ins�srant��+v�s r�quir�d�y L�nder�
<br /> sh��t Ia�a p�tied t�re.starafiv�a r r�p�ir af�h�,Fro�er�rs i��e r�storatiQn o�`r�pair is�on�r�ti�a��f�asib��
<br /> anal�nd�r's s��tr�E��s not�ss�n�d.D u ririg��at�t re�a ir and re�st�s�ti�n p�rivd��,�n��r sha��have�he
<br /> r�ghfi ta hb�d�u�ins��nce p��eds un�ii L�er�d�r h.as ha�i ar����ortuni�,r to ir�p�t�suc�F�r�p�to .
<br /> �r�sure the�ork h���n cx�mp�;t�d t��..�nd�r's s�t'�c�ior�,p�vid�d t�at suc�insp��i4n sh�q�
<br /> ���rta�cen Rromp�r.Ler�d��r ma�di��vr�e pr�s�e�s fnrfi.Y�re�a�rs and r��ra�lon in a s�n��pa�n#
<br /> vrin a�ri�v�,pr�gress payrne��s as the�a�c�s cx�mp�t�d.�lrtless ar�a�re�m�n�i�m�d�in►�ri�n�o�
<br /> �pC�able I..�w�qtti��s�t�t�b��id ort s��h insu�an��rt��ds,L�nd�rsh�u nQ��r�qr�ir�d t�
<br /> pa���rroverer�ny i�t�t�t�r��mirt�s o�Such�rt�c��ls.��s�Ar pubiic�t�jt�sters�ar othe�'t�i�'d p�r�,
<br /> r��airt�d by�rrov�er sh�li nat b�pa�t�u�of#h�insu�nt�pro�ds ari�S�II be the Sole obGga�ion a�
<br /> �arr�u�r.if t,h�res�o r�ir�n or r�:p�ir is r�o'��n�mical�y�eas�b�le o r�er't�1er'S�ecurii��r�ra�[d be��n�d,
<br /> f,h�ir�sc�r�n�Rrs��s s1�a�t 1�appiied t���ums��u��d�y�h�Sec�.tri�y lns�rn�nt,�h���r�r
<br /> n��t�t�n due,�+r�th th��xc�s,�f any,p��d�a 8��r��er.�u�h insur�a�r.�prot�ds��[�i��ppii�I[n#�
<br /> ord�r pro�d�cci�or i�Se�ion 2.
<br /> lf 8�r+ro�v�r a laans�ans�h�1���,l..ender�na}�1�:nego#ate a nd se'�e�n��v��a�te insu ranc�
<br /> c�airn and r�a�d rnat#�rs.I�'�rro�er d��nat r�sp�nd�ri#��n��d��s ta a r���ic�e�rom L,�der�h��t t�e
<br /> �r�s��-ar�c:arr�c�:r'�as�ff�t�s�e#�a c�aitt��th�r�i..end�s tinay neg�ti��te�r�s���h�e c,�aim.T�t��a�
<br /> " d�y�r�ad�n'I�b��in�►�en th�n��s�in�e�.tn�`�rev�nt,o�;�[�nd�r ar�uir�s th�Propert�u�d�r -
<br /> !ni#t�l�:
<br /> ,
<br /> NEBl�4,SKAk�e Famt��ann��a�e�dd�e A�ac U��R��S�'Ru�t�N't'Fare�t�6 7� �[,�
<br /> ��e�,lr�c. l�"dg��c�f 1'l I+1�E�7�U �2�� '
<br /> ���
<br /> �4I1�'i4 Z�.39 Rl�f!='�"Y'•
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