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ATTACHMENT TO DEED OF RECONVEYANCE DATED MARCH 28, 2014. <br />FOR MILTON MOTELS, INC. <br />EXHIBIT "A' <br />A tract of fan$ uprising a part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S1/ZSW1/4) of Section <br />Twenty Seven 07), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine - (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said S1/2 <br />SW1 /4; thence southerly along the West line of said SW1 /4 a distance of 73.0 fee thence detleetoog left <br />88° 41' 13' and running easterly, a distance of 168.0 feet; thence deflecting tight 88° 30' 15' and running <br />southerly, a distance of 74.64 feet to a point on the easterly right-of -nay line of Locust Street, this being <br />the actual place of beglag; thence continuing southerly along the last described coarse and along said <br />rightvof.way line, a distance of 46.65 feet to a point of emvaturer, thence southwesterly along the are of <br />a curve whose radius is 93.15 feet (the bikial tangent of which coinddes with the preceding course <br />produced), an arc distance of 53.28 feet to another point of eurwatnre; thence southwesterly along the <br />arc of a curve whose radius is 272.48 feet (the initial tangent of which coincides with the final tangent <br />of the preceding curve produced), an arc distance of 154.5 feat; thence running southerly along said <br />right-of-way line and along the final tangent of the preceding curve produced, a distance of 26 feet <br />thence easterly along the north line of the S1/2 SW1 /4 SW1 /4 a distance of 2644 feet thence deflecting <br />left 91° 33' 05' and rosining northerly, a distance of 229.2:3 feet; thence deflecting right 88° 15' 01' and <br />running easterly a distance of 56.74 feet; thence deflecting left 88 15' 01' and running northerly, a <br />distance of 195.4 feet; thence de lecthng left 90' 06' 19' and running westerly, a distance of 6.11 fed to a <br />point of curvature thence northwesterly along the arc of a curve whose radius is 122.99 feet (the long <br />chord of which deflects right or 49' 02' from the preceding course) on are distance of 82.15 feel', thence <br />running northwesterly along the final tangent of the preceding course produced, a distance of 72.0 feet <br />to a point of curvature thence northwesterly along the arc of a carve whose radius is 331.88 feet (the <br />initial tangent of which coincides with the preceding course produced), an are distance of 121.53 feet to <br />the Actual place of bed. <br />201402339 <br />
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