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��14��334 <br /> �a� An�such agreements will not affect th�amounts that Borra�ver has agreed t�pay for Mor�gage <br /> Insuranc�,ar any�ther texms of the Laan,Such agreements will n�t increase the amount <br /> Bvrrvwer wi�l av�e for Mortgage InsuranCe,and they wi��nvt entit�e B�rrawer ta any refund. <br /> �b} Any such agreements wi�l�.ot affe�t the rights B�rrQwer h�s-if any-with respect to the <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Prvtection Act af 199$�r any o�her lavv,These rights <br /> ma�in.clude the right to re�eive cer�ain d�sclasures,�v request and obta�n�ancellation of the <br /> Mnr�gage Insurance,to hav�the Mortgage Insurance term�nated autamati�ally,�ndlvr tv re�e�ve <br /> a refund of any Mortgage Ynsurance prem�ums that v��re unearned at the time of such <br /> cancel�ation or terminatian. <br /> 1'!. Assignmentof 1VliscellaneousProce�ds�;Forfeiture.A��Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby ass�gned to <br /> and shall be paid tv Lender. <br /> If the Property is damaged,suc�.N�iscellan�eo�s i'roceeds��hall�e applied ta restarativn vr repair�f the <br /> Property, if the restoration or repa�r is eGanom�ca�ly feasible and L�nder's security is not lessened. I3uring <br /> su�h repair and restoration period,Lender sha11 have the right to h�id such MisGe�laneous Proceeds unti� <br /> i.ender has had an opportunity to inspect such property to ensure the��rk has been cornpleted to Lender`s <br /> sat�sfaction,provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may pa�f�r the repairs and <br /> restoration in a single disburs�ment or in a seri�s of progress payments as the work is completed.Unless an <br /> a�reement is made in wri�ing or 1�pplicable Law requires�nterest to be paid on such Misce�Ianeaus Proceeds, <br /> Lender sha11 not b�required to pay B�rrower any interest or earn�ngs an such Misce�laneous Proceeds. If the <br /> restoration or repair is nat econanaiGally feasib�e or Lender�s security would be lessened,the Mxscellaneous <br /> Proceeds shal�b�applied to th�sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not th��.due,w�th the <br /> exces�, �f any,paid to Borrower. Such Miscel�aneous Proceeds shall be applied in the order pravided for in <br /> Section�. <br /> In the e�ent of a total taking,destruction,ar loss in�a�ue af the Praperty,the Misce�laneous Proceeds sha11 <br /> b�appl�ed ta the sums secured by this S�curity Instrument,whe�her or not then due,w�th the excess, if any, <br /> paid to B�rrower. <br /> In the event of a partial taking,destruction,or loss in value of th�Property�a�vhich the fair market va�u�af <br /> the P�operty i�ed�atel�befare��e partial taking,destructi�n,�r loss in value is equa�t�or greater than the <br /> amount of the sums se�ured by this Seeurity Instrument immediatel�before the partial ta.king,destruction.,�r <br /> lass in�alue,unless Borrower and L�nder atherwise agree in writing,the s�ms secured by th�s Security <br /> instrum�nt shall be reduced by the amount of t�he M�scellaneous proceeds mu�tiplied by t�.�follo�ving <br /> fr�ction: �a}the tvta�amaunt of�he�ums secured immediate�y before the partial tal�ing,destruction,ar loss <br /> �n�a1ue divided by�b)the fair mar�et�a1ue af the Property imm�d�ately before the partial taking, <br /> destruction,or l�ss in va�ue.Any balance shall b��aaid ta�3orrower. <br /> In the ev�nt�f a pa�tial t.�king,destruction,�r Ioss in�a�ue of the Property in v�rhich th�fair market�alue of <br /> �.��Prape�y imm�diat�ly before t'he partial ta�ing,destruction�or l�ss in val�e is less tl�an the amount vf the <br /> sums secured i.mmediately before t�e pa,rtial takin�,destructi�n,ar loss in va�ue,un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lender�therwis�agree in vvritin�,the Miscellaneaus Proce�ds sha11 be applie�i to the sum�secured b�this <br /> �ecurity�n.s#xument�het� or not the sums are then�ue. <br /> If the Property is�bandoned b�F3orrower,ar if,a�er notice by Len�ier to�orrower t�.at the�pposing Party <br /> �a�defin��d�n the�.e�t�enten�e)off�rs to mal�e a�.a�a�d to settle a c�aim fa�c damages,Bo�awer fails�o <br /> r�spon.d to Lender wi�hin 3D days al�er the date the notice is gi�en,Lender is authorized to co��ect and apply <br /> the Miscella'n.eous Proceeds e�ther to restarat�on or repair of th�Property or to th�sums s�cured by thxs <br /> NEBRASKA�ir�gte Family-Fannle MaelF�eddle Mac LIIdIFORM IIVSTRUMENTVYlTH MERS Farnf 3UZ8 1J01 <br /> VMP� VMP6A[NE��1342}.pfl <br /> Wo�ters Kluwer F��ar�cial Seniice� Fage 1�af 17 <br /> qfl33254�336� 4233 366 1a17 <br />