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��14��33� <br /> ser�ices�nd subsequ�nt charges eac�tirr�e remapp�ngs ar similar chan�es accur�hich re�.sonabl�might <br /> affect such determin.ation or certificat�on. �orrower shall a1s�b�resp�nsible for the payment of any fees <br /> imposed by the Federal Emergen�y Management Agency in connection�vith th�re�r�e�v t�f any flood zone <br /> determinat�oa resulting from an objecti�n by Barrower. <br /> If Barrawer fai�s�o maintain any of th�co�erages d�scribed abo�e,Lender may obtain in.�urance coverage, <br /> at Lender's opti�n and Borrower's expense.Lender is under�v obligation to purchas�any particular type or <br /> amvu�t of coverage.Therefare,such co�erage sha�l c�ver Lender,but might or might not pr�tect Borro�ver, <br /> Borro�er's equity�n the Pr�p�r�,or the conten.ts vf the Proper�,aga�nst an�r risk,ha�ard or�iabi�ity and <br /> might provide greater or 1�ss�r co�erag�than was previously in effect. I3vrrawer acknowledg�s that the cost <br /> of the insurance caverag�so obtained might significantly exceed the cost of insurance that Bon�wer cau�d <br /> have vbtained.Any amounts disl�ursed by L�ender under this SeGtion S shalt become additianal deht�f <br /> Borrower secured by th�s Security Instrument.Thes�arnounts shall hear in�erest at the Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and sha11 be payab�e,with such int�rest,upon not�ce from Lender to Borrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> Al1 insurance po�icies requued by Lender and renevva�s�f such p��icies sh�.l�be subj�ct to Lender's right t� <br /> disapprove such po�icies,sha1�inc�ude a standard rnor�gage c�ause,and sha1l name Lender as mortgagee <br /> andlor as an additional loss payee.Lender shall ha�e th�right�o hold�he po�xcies and rene�val certificates. <br /> If Leader r�quires,Borrower sha�I promptly give to Lender all rec�ipts of paid premiums and xenewal <br /> n�tices,If Borrower obtains any forrn of insuranGe co�erage,not otherwise requir�d b�L�nder, for damage <br /> to,or destruction of,the Prop�r�y,such p�lic�shall include a standard mortga�e c�ause and shall�ame <br /> L�nder a�mortgag��andlar as an additional loss payee. <br /> In the�v�nt of loss,$orrower shall give prompt notice to the in.surance carrier a�d Lender. Lend�r may <br /> mak�proof of lass if not made promptly by Borrow�r.Unle�s Leader and Borrawer otherwise agree�n <br /> writing,any insurance proceeds,whether ar not th�underlying insuran���as requir�d by Lender,�ha1�be <br /> applied to restvration ar re�aair o�'the Froperty, if the rest�ration or repair is ec�nomically feasib�e and <br /> Lender's security is not�e�sened. Dur�.ng such repair and restoration periodA L.ender sha11 have the right ta <br /> hoid such insur�nce proceeds until Lend�r has�ad an.oppartu.n�ty tv�nsg�ct such Prop�rt�to ensure the <br /> wark has been completed to Lender"s satisfaction,pro�rided that such�nsp�cti�n sha11 be underta�en <br /> promptly. L�nder may disburse prac�eds f�r the repa�.rs and r�storation in a single payment or in a series of <br /> progress pa�rments as the vvork is complet�d,Unless an agreement is made in w7r�ting or App�icable La�v <br /> requires�nterest to be paid on such insurance proceeds,Lender sha11 not be rec�uired to pay$arrawer any <br /> inter�st ar earnings�n such proceeds. Fees for pub1�C ad,�usters,�r other third part��s,retained�y Borrower <br /> shall not be paid flut of the insurance proceeds and shatl�e the sole obligation of Borrower. if the restorat�on <br /> or r�pair is not econ�mically feasible or Lender's security�vou�d be 1ess�ned,the insurance proce�ds sha11 be <br /> applied to the sums secured b�this�ecurity Instrument,vvhether or not then due,with the excess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrawer. Such insurance pro�eeds sha11 b�ap�lied in the order�rovided far in Sectior�2. <br /> If Borrower abandons the Property,Lender may file,nega�iate and settle any avai�able insura�ce c�aim and <br /> re�ated ma�ters. �f Bor���ver dve�nat res�ond�v�thi.�3�days to a r�ot��e�ror�Lender t�.a�t�.e��tsuFance <br /> caxrier has offered to settle a claim,then Lender may negotiate a.nd settle the claim.�he 3�-day per�ad will <br /> b�gin when the notice is gi�en. In either event,ar�f Lender acquire�the Praperty under Sec��an 22 ar <br /> otherwise,Borra�ver h�r�by assigns to Lender(a}�orrawer'�rights to any�nsurance proc�eds uY an amvunt <br /> aat to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Nate or this Security Instr�iment,a�nd�}any other af <br /> Bo�-�rower's rights(other than the right ta an.y r�fund of unearned premiums ga�d by Barrower)under all <br /> insurance pa�icies cover�n�the Prop�rty,insofar as such rig�.ts are app�icab��t�the coverage v���.e <br /> Proper�y.Lender may use the�nsurance praceeds either tQ re�air or r�store the Froperty ar to pa�amounts <br /> unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument,whether or nat then due, <br /> NE9RASKA-Single Family-Fartnie MeeJFr+�die Mac UMtF�RM 1NSTRU�ENT VI{!TH MERS � � Form 3�28'1141 <br /> � <br /> VMP� VMR�,4�NE)t93U2}.44 <br /> �Nalters K��we�r F�narteial Senrices Page 7 of 9 7 <br /> q�3325?5�251 pZ33 3U9 �?17 <br />