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Tom Leatherwood, Shelby County Register of Deeds: Instr. # 14024347 <br />3. To endorse any checks or other instruments received by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and <br />made payable to Washington Mutual Bank. <br />4. The form which the Attomey(s) -in -Fact shall use for endorsing promissory notes or <br />preparing allonges to promissory notes is as follows: <br />Pay to the order of <br />Without Recourse <br />FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION <br />as Receiver of Washington Mutual Bank <br />By: <br />Name: <br />Title: Attorney -in -Fact <br />201402330 <br />FDIC further grants to each Individual full power and authority to do and perform all acts <br />necessary to carry into effect the powers granted by or under this Limited Power of Attorney as fully as <br />FDIC might or could do with the same validity as if all and every such act had been herein particularly <br />stated, expressed and especially provided for. <br />This Limited Power of Attorney shall be effective from March 1, 2014, and shall <br />continue in full force and effect through February 28, 2015, unless otherwise terminated by an official <br />of the FDIC authorized to do so by the Board of Directors ( "Revocation "). At such time this Limited <br />Power of Attorney will be automatically revoked. Additionally, upon the termination of employment <br />from Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (for any reason) of any Attorney(s) -in -Fact named herein, such <br />terminated employee's power and authority provided pursuant to this Limited Power of Attomey shall <br />immediately be revoked and be of no further force and effect as of the date of such termination. Any <br />third party may rely upon this document as the named individual(s)' authority to continue to exercise <br />the powers herein granted, unless a Revocation has been recorded in the public records of the <br />jurisdiction where this Limited Power of Attorney has been recorded, or unless a third party has <br />received actual notice of a Revocation. <br />Limited Power of Attorney for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. February, 2014 Page 2 of 4 <br />FDIC as Receiver for Washington Mutual Bank / Servicing Rights Purchase and Sale Agreement, July 17, 2006 <br />Prepared by: Susan Lovelace and Darlene Waller, FDIC, Dallas Regional Office, Legal Division <br />Series 4: WF- 2014 -002 <br />