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��14����7 <br /> sentences sha�� not app�y ta the presence, us�, or storage an the Prop�r�y af small quan�i�ies af Hazardaus <br /> Substances tha� are g�nera�ly recagniz�d to be appr�pria�e to narmal residentia� us�s an���main�enan�e af <br /> the Proper��r �inc�ud�ng, but no�Iim�ted to, ha2ard�us subs�an�es in c�nsum�r products�. <br /> Barrawer shal�pr�mp�ly gi�e Lender wrztten na�ice of�a} any �n�vestigation, c�aim, demand, lawsui�or ather <br /> ac�ian by any go�ernmental�r regu�at�ry agency or pr��ate par�y �nvo�v�ng the Proper�y and any Ha2ardous <br /> Substance or Env�ronm�ntal La�v of which Barrovver ha�a��ua� knaw��d�e, �b} any �nv�ronmenta� <br /> Candition, including but nnt limited to, an� spilling, leaking, dis�harge, release or threa�of re�ease af any <br /> �azardous�ubstance, and��} an�Gandition caused by�he presence, use or release of a Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> wh�ch adversely affe�ts the va�ue of the Proper�y. If Borr�wer learns, or is na�i�ed by any ga�ernmental or <br /> regulatary author��y, ar any pr��a�e party, tha�any remo�ai or o�her rem�d�ation of an��azardous Subs�ance <br /> affecting the Proper�y is necessary, Barrower shal� promp��y�a.�e alX necessary remed�a� actions in <br /> accnrdance w�th Env�ranmen�al Law. Nathing herein shall cr�a�e any ab��gat�on on�.�ender for an <br /> �nv i ronment al C��anup. <br /> Non-Unifarm �ovenants. B�rro�v�r and Lender co�enant and agree as follows; <br /> ��. A�celeration; Rern�d�es. Lender shall gi�e not�ce�a Borrawer prior to acceleratian fa��ow�ng <br /> Borro�v�ver's brea�h of any covenant ar agreement in th�s Securi�y Ins�rument {but nat prior to <br /> acce�era��on under Sec��on 1$un�ess Applical�le Law pro�vides otherw�se}. The notice shal�specify: �a} <br /> �h�defau��; �b} �he ac�ion requ�red tv cure�he default; �c} a c�ate, nn�l�ss than 3U days from�he date <br /> �h�no�i�e is gi�en�o B�rrower, �y wh�ch.the d�fau�t mus�'h�cured; and �d} that fa��ure to cure the <br /> defauit on ar�efare�he date spec�fied in�he na���e may resu�t�n acce�era��on of the su�rns secured by <br /> th�s SeCur��y InStrumen.t and saie of�he Property. The no�ice shail fur�h�r inForm Borrower of the <br /> righ�to rein��ate af�er acce�erat�on and the right�a br�ng a�ourt ac�ion��assert th�non-exis��nce oF a <br /> defau��or any ather defense af Borro��er ta acce�erat�on and sa��. If�he defau����no�cured an vr <br /> before�he da�e specified in the natice, Lender at its optian may require�mmediate pay�m.en��n fu��of <br /> a�l sums secured by this Security Instrument wi#haut fur�her demand and nr�ay in�ake the pvwer af�a�e <br /> and any v�her remedies permitted by App�icab�e Law. Lender shali be en�i��ed ta ca�lec�a�l expenses <br /> incurred�n pursu�n��he remed�es provided in th�s Sec��on��, including, �ut not�imi�ed�o, reasona�ie <br /> at�orneys' fees and costs af t���e e��dence. <br /> If the power of saie is invoked, 'Trus�ee�ha��r�card a na�i�e of defau��in each�oun�y�n�vh�ch any <br /> par� of�he Pr�per�y is Ioca�ed and sha�l mai� capies of such no��ce in�he manner pre�cribed by <br /> App��cab�e Law to Barrower and to the a�her persons prescribed b�Applicable Law. Af�er�he time <br /> requ�red by App��cab�e Law, Trustee shal� give pubiic natiCe of sale�a�he persans and in�he manner <br /> prescribed by App�icable I�aw. 'Trus�ee, withou�demand on Borrower, sha1�sel�the Proper�y at publ�c <br /> auc�ion�a�he highest bidder a�the��me and p�ace and under�he�erms des�gnated�n the no�ice of sa�e <br /> �n one ar more par�e�s and�n any order Trustee determines. 'I`rustee�nay pos�pone sa�e of a��tir any <br /> parce�af�he Pr�p�r�y by pub��e announcement a��he t�m�and p�a���f any previous�y schedu�ed sale. <br /> Lender or��s des�gnee may purcha�e�he Prap�rt�at any�a�e. <br /> Upvn r�ceipt vf payment of the price b�d, Trus�ee sha�� de���er�o�he purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> Convey�ng the Property. The reci�ais�n�he Trustee's deed sha�l�e prima facie evidence of the tru�h of <br /> �h�e s�a�ements xna���here�n. Trus�ee shall appiy the pro�eeds of�he sa�e in�he Following order: �a} �o <br /> a��cos�s and expense�of exerc�sing�he pawer of 5a�e, and the�ale, �nc�uding�he paymen�of the <br /> Trus�ee's fees actua�ly incurred and reasonab�e attoxrx�eys' fees as perm�.����d by App��Cab�e Law; �b}to <br /> all sums secured by�his Security Ins�runr��nt; and �c} any excess�o�he person or persons legaliy <br /> ent�tled to it. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM lNSTRL3M�NT Fvrm 3028 11A� <br /> VMP[� VMPfitN��41302} <br /> Woiters Kluwer Fir�ancia[Ser�iGes Pag�7 4�f�7 <br />
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