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��14��3�� <br /> fu�x of a�1 sums secu�ed by th�s Security �nstrumen�. H�vWe��r, this op���n shall not be exer�ised �y Lender if <br /> exercise�s prohib��ed by federal 1a�nr as of the date of this Se�urity Instrumen�. <br /> If Lender exercises �his �ptinn, Lender shall give Borr�wer notice of accelera�ion. The natice shal� pr���de a <br /> period of n�t less �han th� min�mum number of days estab�ished by Applicable Law fr�m �he date the notice is <br /> del��ered or mailed w��h�n vvhich Barrower must pay al� sums secured by th�s S�curi�ty Tnstrumen�. ��Borrov�er <br /> fails to pay�hese sums �riar �o �he expira�ian af this period, Lender may �n�oke any remedies permitted by this <br /> Securx�ty Yns�rument v�ithout fur���er notice or demand on Borrflvver. <br /> Bnrrower's R.i ht to Reinsta�e. �f B�rro�er mee�s ��r�a�n conditions, Borr�v�rer shall ha�e �he right to ha�e <br /> g <br /> enforcemen�of this Security �nstrumen� dis�ontinued at any time prior to the ear�ier of �a� 5 days ��r such o�her <br /> peri�d as Appli�able Law may specify fvr reins�a�emen�}before sa�e of'the Property pursuan�to a�y p�wer of sale <br /> can�ained �n this Se�uri� ��strument; or (b} enix� of a j udgmen� enf�rcing �h�s �Secur��y rnstrumen�. Those <br /> candi���ns are that�Barro�er: �a� pays Lender a�l sums�wh�ch �hen v��uld �e due und�r�his Securz�y �nstrumen� <br /> and the Cflntract as if no�acce�era�ion had occurred;(b}cures any defaul�of any other covenants�r agreements;�c� <br /> a s a1�ex enses incurr�d in�nfarcing this Security Ins�rument, including,but n��li.n�ited to,reasonabl�at�orneys' <br /> � Y p <br /> fees���he extent permitted b��aw; and �d�takes such action as Lender may reasvnably require to assure that the <br /> �ien of this Securi�y�nstrument,Lender's r�gh�s in�he Prape�-ty and B�rrower's obl�gatifln ta pay the sums secured <br /> �y �his Security �nstrument shal� continue unchang�d. Upfln reinstatenr�ent b� Sorr��er, �his Security Instrument <br /> and �h� obliga�i�ns s�cured hereb� shall remain ful�y effecti�e as if n� acce�era��an had oc�urred. H�wever, this <br /> righ�to r�instate sha�I not apply in�he case of acce�era�ion und�r�he sec��on�itled'Transfer af the pr�per�y or a <br /> , <br /> Beneficial Interest i�Borrower. ; <br /> Hazardnus Sub�tan�es. Bor�-��er shall no�cause or perm��the presence,use,d�sp�sal, storage, ar rel�ase af any <br /> Ha�ardous Subs�anc�s on or in the Properfiy.Borrower sha�l not d�,nar�al�ov5r any�ne e�se t�dfl,any�hing affectin�; <br /> the Properry tha� is in �iola��on of any E�v�r�nrnenta� Law. The pre��ding two sentenc�s shall n�t app�y t� the <br /> presence,use,or st�rage on the Pr�per�y of sma�I quanti��es of Hazardaus Subs�ances�ha�are generally re�ognized <br /> t�be appropriate�o nor.mal residentia�uses and�o maintenan�e of the Proper�y. <br /> B�rrovWer sha11 prompt�y give.Lender written n�tic�af any�nv�stiga�ion,c1a�m,demand,lawsui��r o�h�r ac�i�n b� <br /> any ��vernmentai or regula�ory ag�ncy or priva�e par�y involving the ProperCy and any Hazardous Subs�ance or <br /> En�irvnmen�aX Law �f v�hich B�rrov�er has ac�ua� know�edge. If Barrawer 1ea�-r�s, or �s na��f ed by any <br /> governmen�al or regula�or�auth�ri�y,tha�any remo�aX�r o�her remediation of any Hazardous Substance affect�ng <br /> the Praperty �s necessary, Barr�v�er sha�l pramptly �ake a�I necessary remed�a� actx�ns in a�cordance wi�h <br /> En��rQn�nenta�Law. <br /> As used�n th�s paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�an�es'° ar�those substances def�ned as toxic or ha2ard�us substances <br /> �y Environ�nenta� La� and �he following substances: gaso�ine, kerflsene, v�her flammable or toxic pe�ra�eum <br /> produc�s, �oxic pesticides and herbic�des; �olatile sol�en�s, ma�er�a�s �cantainir�g asbest�s �or fflrmaldehyde, and <br /> rad�aacti�e materials.As used in�his paragraph, "�n�ironmenta�Lav�"means federal laws and laws of�he state of <br /> Nebras�a that rela�e ta heal�h,safety or en�ironm�nta�protec���n. <br /> Acceleratian; Remedies. Lend�r.shail g�ve noti�e to Barro�ver prior to acceleration fo�lovrring Barro�ver's <br /> breach of�ny�o��nant❑r�greement in th�s Security in5trument or the Contra�t under which accelera�ion <br /> is permi��ed �bu� not prior t� acceleration und�r the section tit��d Transfer of�he Pruperty ar a Be�ef�cial <br /> Interest in Borrow�r, un��s5 Applicab�e La�v �ro��des otherwis�}. Th� notice shall specify: �a) �he defaul�; <br /> �b} �he action requ�red to �ure the de�ault; �c) a date, nnt less than the m�nimum inumber vf days <br /> establ�5h�d by Applicabie Law fr�m the dat�the notice is gi��m �a Borr�wer, by which �he default must be <br /> �ured; and �d) tha� failure t� cure the d�fau�t on or before �he date specif�ed in the no�ice may r�5ult in <br /> accelera�i�n uf the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Prvperty. To the extent <br /> permitted by Iaw, the notic� shall fur�her in�or�n Borr�wer af the r�gh� to re�nstate after acceieration and <br /> the right t�bring a court ac��on to as�ert the nnn-ex�stence of a default ur a�y�ther defens�of�orr�wer to <br /> acce��ratian and sa�e. If the default is no�cured vn ar bef�re �he da�e spec�f�ed in the nvtice, L�nder a� its <br /> opt�an ma� requir� �mmedia�e payment �n fuli of all sums s�cured hy thi� Security Ins�rum�nt w��h�ut <br /> further de�nand and may in�oke the puwer �f�a�e and an� other remedies permitted by Applicabie Law. <br /> Ta the extent p�rmitted by �aw, Lend�r sh�.li be entitled �v co�lect al� expens�s incurred in pursuing th� <br /> remedies provided in this S�ct�vn, including, but not�imited t�, reas�nab�e attorneys' fees and costs�f title <br /> e�ide�ce. <br /> If the po�v�r of sa�e is invoked,TruSte� shal� re��rd a natice of default in each caun�y in which any part vf <br /> the Prop�rty is located and shal�ma�i capies❑f such not�ce in the manner prescribed by Appl�cabl�LavW to <br /> Borrower and to thQ o�her per5ans prescrib�d �by Applicable Law. After �he t�me required b� A�pl�cable <br /> Law, Trustee shal� gi�e pu��ic notice af sale to the p�rsans and in the manner pres�ribed by Applicable <br /> Law. Trustee,without demand an B�rrower, shali sell���e Proper�y at pub�ic auetion �o the h�ghest bidder <br /> at th�time and place and under the�erms des�gnat�d �n fhe no�ice�f sale in ane or mure parceis and in any <br /> order Trustee det�rmines. Trustee may p�stpone sale �f ati or any parce� nf the Praper,ty by puhiic <br /> announ�ernent at the tim�and p�a�e of any pre�i�us�y scheduled �ale.Lender or its des�gnee m�y purchase <br /> the Proper�y at any�ale. <br /> Upfln rece�pt vf payment of the pr�ce bid., Trustee shal� d��i►ver ta the purchaser Trusteers deed con�eying <br /> the Property. Th� recita�s in the Tru�tee's deed shall be pr�ma facie ev�dence af�he truth �f th�statements <br /> made there�n. Trustee shail apply the proceeds af �he sale in the foilowing order: �a} �¢ ail c�sts and <br /> expenses ❑f exercising the power af 5a1�, and the sa�e, including the paym�n� of the Trust�e's fees actua��y <br /> C�3 24fl�-2�13 CQmpliance Syste�s,Inc.8EB3-9A5C-2013L2.D.E I.712 <br /> Cans�mer Real Estate-Security�nstrument DT..2436 Pa�e 4 vf 5 www.cnrr�pliar� <br />