<br /> Transfer of the Pr�perty or a B�nef�cial Int�r�st i� Borra►�v�r. �f ali or any part�f the Properl�y or any in�erest
<br /> in it is sold or �ransferred �or if a benefic�a� �n�er�s� in Sorrower is �o�d �r transferred and B�rro�er is no� a
<br /> natura� pers�n} without Lend.er's prior �vrit�e� consent, Lender may, at i�s �p�i�n, r��u�re imme�iate paymen� �n
<br /> full of al� surns secured by ��i� Se�urity Instrumer�t. I-�owe�er, this �p�ion shall no� �e e�ercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise is pr�hibi�ed by federa�law as of the da�e of this Security Ins�rument.
<br /> If Lender exerc�ses this opt��n, Lender shall gi�e Borrower not�ce of ac�eleration. The n�tice shall pr��ide a
<br /> per�ad��f nat less �han �he minimum number of days established by Appl�cable Lavv frflm �he date �h� �otice is
<br /> de�i�ered or mailed varithin w�ich B�rr�v��r must pay a�l �ums �ecured by �h�s Secur�fiy Ins�trumen�. If Borrower
<br /> fa�Is to pay these surns pr�or�o �he exp�ra�i�n of this period, Lend�r may �n�oke any remedies permitted by th�s
<br /> Security Instrument�with�ut fur�he�no��ce or demand an Borrower. �
<br /> Borrower's Right tn R�ins�a�e. �f Borrav��r �.e��s c�rta�n con�itions, Borr�vver shail have the right to have
<br /> enfor�ement of this Se�urity �nstrumen�discontinued at any time pri�r�o the �ar�ier �f: (a� 5 days �flr such othe�
<br /> period as Applicabie Law may specify for reins�a�e�.�ent� �efore sa�e of the Prflperfiy pursuant�o any po�er of sale
<br /> contained in �his Security �ns�rumen�; or �b} eri�ry of a �udgment enf�r��ng this �Secur�ty �ns�rument. Thos�
<br /> condi��ons are tha� Borrower: �a} pays Lender ail sums which then would be due under�his Securi�y ins�ru�men�
<br /> and the�ont�-act as if n�a�celerati4n had occurred;�b}cures any defau���f any ather covenants or agr�ements;�c}
<br /> pays aIl e�penses incurred in enforcing�his Security�ns�rument,inciud�ng��Jl�t n4��lm���'C����reasflnable a�torneys'
<br /> fees to the ex�en�permit�ed�y�aw; and�d}�a�es su�h a�t�on as Lender rx�ay reasonably rec�u�re t� assur�tha��he
<br /> 1�en of�h�s Secur�ty�nstrument, Lender's r�gh�s in the Property and Borr�v�er's a�ligatz�n to pay�he sums secured
<br /> by �his Se�u�i�y �ns�rumen� s�ta�� cont�nue ur�changed. Upon reinstat�ment by Borro�er, this�Secur�ty �ns�rumen�
<br /> and�he ohliga�iaris secured hereby sha�� rema�n ful�� effective as if n� acce�era��an had accurred. How�ver, �h�s
<br /> r�gh���reins�ate sha]1 not apply in the case of acceiera�:ion under the se�t�on�itled Transfer uf�he Property nr a
<br /> BenQfic�al Interest in Barr�yv�r.
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances.B�rxower shall no��ause Qr permi�the presence,use, dispasal, storage, �r re�ease af any
<br /> Hazardflus Subs�ances an ar in�h�Praperty.�orra�er shaXl no�do,nor�all�w anyone else�a do,anything aff�c��ng
<br /> the Properry tha� �s i� �vi�Ia���n ❑f any En�viror�men�al La�v. Tl�e preceding t�vo sentences shal� nat a�p1y �a �he
<br /> presence,use,vr storage on t�e Praperty of smal�quantities af Ha�ard�us Substances that are genera�Iy rec�gnized
<br /> �o be appropr�a�e tfl normal residential uses and to ma�n�enance of the Proper�.
<br /> Borrov�er sha�l pramptly g��e Lender written no�ice af.any inves��ga�ion,c�a�m, d�rnand, �arnrsuit�r o�her a��ion by
<br /> any governmenta� ar regula��ry agency or priWate party in�o�ving �he Proper�y and any Hazardous Su�stan�e �r
<br /> En�ironmen�al Law af which Borrower has a��ua� knowledge. �f Bflrr��er learns, or is notifi�d by an�
<br /> g�vernmentai or regu�atory au�hority,�ha�any remo�a�or ather remediati�n�f any Hazard�us Substance affect�ng
<br /> the Proper� is necessary, Borrov�er sha11 prompt�y �ake a�l r�ecessary remedia� actions �n accordance with
<br /> En�ironmen�a�Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "�Cazardous Su�stances°' are�h�se substances defined as�oxic Qr ha2ardous substances
<br /> by Envir�nmen�a� Lav� and the foi�vwing subs�amces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammab�e or �o��c �e�r�leum
<br /> praduc�s, ��xic pes�i�ides and herbicides, vo�atile sfliWen�s, materials �con�aining asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioactive materia�s.As used in this paragraph, "Env�ranmen�al Law"means federa� 1a�nrs and lavvs�f the sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska tha�re�at���hea��h,safety or environmenta�protec�i�n.
<br /> Acce�era�ion; Remedies. I.lender shall gi�� notice �o I�orrv�v►�er prior �o accelerat�on foll�w�ng Barrov�er's
<br /> breach af any c��e�ant�r�greement in this S��urity instrumen��r th��ontract und�r vvhi�h acceleration
<br /> is perm�tted ��ut no�priar t❑ accelera�ion unde��he s�c�ion txt�ed Transfer of the Proper��o�a Bene�cial
<br /> In�eres� in Borrow�r, unless App��cab�e Lavv pravides vth�rvv�se}. The natice shali specify: �a� the defauit;
<br /> �b} �he action required fio cure the defaul�; �c} a dat�, no� less than the minimum nu�n�aer of days
<br /> es�ablish�d by Applicabl�Zaw from the dat�the na��ce is gi�en ta Borrower, by which�he default must be
<br /> �ur�d; and �d) that faiiure to cure the defa�it vn or hefore �he date speci�ied in th� no�ice may result �n
<br /> acce�eratio� of the sum� secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrum�nt and sale of the Prop�rty. Ta the extent
<br /> permitted b� law, �he notice shall fur�her inform Borro�ver of the right to r�insta�e after acceleratitin and
<br /> the righ�ta bring a caurt acti�n to assert�he n�n-existence of a d�fau�t or any ather defense of Barrower to
<br /> acce�erat�an and sa�e. If the default is not cured on ar befnre the date specified �n the notic�, Lender at its
<br /> option may require immediate payment in full ag ai� sums se�ured by �h�s Se�urity Instrument vvithou�
<br /> furth��r d�mand and ma� in�ak� the power af�al� and any other remedi�s permit�ed by Appli�ab�� Law.
<br /> To t�e �xten� permitted �y �aw, Lender sha�� be en��tled t� ca��ect all �xp�n5es incurred in �ursuing the
<br /> remedies pro�ided �� th�s S�c�ivn, includ��g, bu� not ����te�ta, reaso��a�le attarneys' fe�s and c�5�,�of title
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> If the power of�a�e is in�oke�,Trustee shal� re�vrd a n��ice of default in each caunty in which any part of
<br /> the Property is lacated and shal�mail cap�es�f�uch n���ce in the manner prescribed �ay App�icable I1aw to
<br /> Borr�wer and t� the ❑ther p�rson� prescribed hy Applicab�e LavW. After the ��me re�u�red by Applicable
<br /> Lavrr, '�`rustee shal� gi�e public no�ice of sale �� the persons and in the manner prescr�bQd by Appl�cabie
<br /> Law. 'I`rustee,without deman.d on B�rrower, 5hai1 s�ll#he Pra�er�y at pub�ic au�tion to the highest �idder
<br /> at�he��me and place and under the term5 de5ignated in tl�e nntice of sa�e�n ane or more parcels and�n any
<br /> order Trustee det�rmines. Trustee may pastpone sal� of all or an� parcel nf th� Pr�perty by pul���c
<br /> announc�m�nt at the time and �lace�f�ny pre�viously sched��ed s��e. Lender or its designe�may purchase
<br /> the Proper�y at any sa�e.
<br /> T.Jpan receipt of payment of the priCe b�d, Trus��� sha�l del�ver ta the purchaser Trust�e�s ���d con�ey�ng
<br /> the Proper�y.The recitals in �he Truste�'s d�e� sh��I be pr�ma fac�e e�iden�e af the truth af the statements
<br /> Q 2444-20 T 3 Campliance 5ystems,Inc.8EB3-ECAS-2D 13L2.O.E 1,712
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security I�ist�-ument DL2a3b Pa�e 4 of 5 www.campiiancesys#ems.com
<br />