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<br /> Home Federal Sa��ngs& Loan Assoc�ation of �ome Federa�Sa�ings&L�an Assoc�at�on of
<br /> �rand �s�and Grand Island
<br /> Z�� Sau�h LQcust Str�e� . 2�� South LacuS�Stre��
<br /> �Space AboWe Th�s Line Far Recording Data}
<br /> L�AN�RIGINAT4R NAME: L�sa IV�ay�r
<br /> NMLS C�MPANY�DENTIF�ER: 44�443�
<br /> D�E�] �F Tl���'�`
<br /> (PREAUTH�RI.�ED ��]�E� END� �R��]IT -�k'�[.TTZJRE AI]VAN��S ARE S��iTRED
<br /> BY TI�IS D�ED �F '�'RIJST}
<br /> TH�S DEED �F TRUST �"Se�urity �nstrumen�"� is made on Apr�� 14, ZQ�4. The gran�ors are RQNALD E
<br /> P�'�VERS and LAD�NNA R P�'L�ERS, husband and wife, whose address 15 SS7 E �AP�TAL AVE,
<br /> GRAND TSLAND, Nebraska �SBQI.-Z413 �"Borrvwer"�. Borrower �s no� necessari�y �he same as the Person or
<br /> Persons wha s�gn the Home Equi�y L�ne of Credi� Agreement, dat�d A�ar�� 14, Zfl�4 �"Can�rac�T'�. The
<br /> ob�iga���ns af Sorrawers v�ho d�d no�s�gn the Cap�ract are expla�ned fur�her �n �he s�c�i�n���led Successars and
<br /> As��gns Bound; Jo�n� and Se��ra� Liabi���y; Accommnda���n S�gner�. T��e trus�ee is Arend R. Baack,
<br /> Attorney vvhose address is P.�. Box 79�, �rand �s�and, I�ebraska 6S8U2 �"Trus�ee"}. The benef��iary is Hvme
<br /> F�dera� Sa�ings & Laan ASsociat�an af�rand �s�and, whi�h �s �rga��z�d and ex�st�ng under the �a�s of the
<br /> Un��ed S�a�es of Amer�ca and whose address is 22� South Lv�us� S�ree�, Grand �s�and, Nebraska �SS�1
<br /> �"Lender"�. R��ALD E P[]�V�RS and LAD�NNA R P��ERS h�.�e en�ered in�fl a Contract with Lender as�f
<br /> Apri� 14,�U�4, under�he�erms of�vh�ch Borrov�rer may, from time�o��me, ob�ain ad�ances no��o e�ceed, a�any
<br /> ��me, a xxYMA��MUM PR�N���AL AM�UNT �EX�LUDIN� PR�T�CT�V� ADVAN�ES)''�xx �f Ten
<br /> Thnusand and OOI��U Dvllars �U.S. $1�,U��.�U� �"�red�� Lim��'f�. Any par�y in�eres�ed in �h� details r�la�ed �a
<br /> Lender's ��ntinuing obl�g�.��on �o make ad�ances �o Borrower is adv�sed �o consu�� direc�iy with Lender. �f na�
<br /> paid ear�i�r, �he �ums awing under B�rrawer's�ontrac�with Lender��ll be due�n .�pr�i I5,���9. This Secur�ty
<br /> �ns�rumen� secures �� Lend�r: �a} �he repayment af�he debt under �he �o���ract, �i�h �n�eres�, inciuding fu�ure
<br /> advances, and all renewals, ex�ensi�ns and modxf ca�ions af t��e ��n�rac�; tb� �he paymen�of al� other sums, w��h
<br /> �nterest, ad�anced �o protect the secur�ty af�his Secur�ty .�ns�rument under �he pr���sions af the sec��on ti�led
<br /> Prntec��on of Lend�r's R�gh�s xn�he Praper�y;and�c}�he perf�rmance flf Borrower�s covenan�s and agreemen�s
<br /> under this Securi#.y �ns�rumen� and the Contra��. For�his purpose, Bflrrower, in cansiderat�on �f the debt and the
<br /> trus�herein�rea�ed, irre��cably granxs and,ca�a�eys ta Trustee, �n trusti;vvi�h power of sale,the fol�ow�ng described
<br /> proper�y located�n the C�[��TY of HALL, S�ate of Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 587 E CAPI'�'AL AVE,GRAND�SLAND,�ebraska 68$�1--24�3
<br /> Legal Description: '�'H E N�RTHE�tLY �NE HUNDR�D E�GHTY-'�`HR�E AND F�UR TENTHS
<br /> FEET �I83.4'} �F L�T ELEVEN ��1] UF �EER SUBD�V���UN DF L[)TS �,7, AND 9 �F
<br /> GARRETT�� SUBDIV�S�(]N �F PART �.F E �IZ �F SECTI�N 9, T�V"�`NSH�P �� N�RTH,
<br /> TaGETHER W�TH al� �he i_�npravemen�s no�v flr hereafter erec�ed an the prapert�, and aI� �asemen�s,
<br /> appur�enan�es, and fxtures na� ar hereafter a part af t}�e proper�y. A�l r�p�acements and additions sha�l alsa be
<br /> covered by �his Secur�ty �ns�rument. A1I of ��e faregain� is referr�d �o �n this Secur�ty �nst�-ument as �he
<br /> "Proper�y." .
<br /> B�RR��1LrER�4VENANTS �ha�Borrovver �s �av�fui�y se�sed �f the es�a�e hereby con�eyed and has �he r�gh�to
<br /> gran� and c�n�ey �he Proper�y and �ha� the Praperty is unencumbered, excep� for encumbrances of re�ord.
<br /> Borrovver v�arran�s and w��l defend generally the ti��e ta �h� Pr�per� aga�nst alI G�a�ms and demands, subjec� �o
<br /> any en�umbrances of re�ord.
<br /> Borrovver and Lender covenan�and agree as f�llows:
<br /> C��0��-��].�C4ri7��3c�f�CE S)7SfEf715,Inc.8ES3-ECAS-Z�I3LZ.O.E i.712
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Securi#y Instnim�r�t DL2d36 , €'a�e i vf 5 WWL�I.COEI3�)�T3i]CESyS�EI'E7S.CQ[T!
<br />