<br /> INDEBTEDNESS.This Security Ltastrument s�cures the p�inc�pal amount sho�n a�ove as may be ev�denced by a
<br /> promissvey note �r �.o�es vf e�ren, pr�flr or subsequent date heret�, 'vnc�uding fu�ure advances and every o�her
<br /> xndebt�dness of ar�� and �very kuad now' or hereaf�er ov�ring from Edmund R. �ersha�� �� Hame Federai
<br /> Sav�ngs & Loan Assac�ation of �rand 5�and, howsae�rer creat�d vr ar�sing, �nthe�her primary, secondary or
<br /> cantingen�, t�ge�ther with any �n�eres� �r c arges pro�ided in or aris�ng �u� of such indebtedness, as Vveli as �he
<br /> a�reemen�s and covenants of�h�s Secwr�.t��ns�rument and a�l Rela��d Dvcuments[here�naf�er a�i referred to as the
<br /> t r��7.C���]tEC�.�le55«�. �
<br /> FUTURE ADVA.N�ES.To th��x�ent perm�tted b��aw,�1ixs Se�urity�nstrumen���11 secure fu�ur�advances as�f
<br /> such advances wer�made on th�da�e fl��his Secur��y�nsiru.ment regard�ess of�he fac�tha�fr�m��me�a time�here
<br /> ma�be n�ba�ance du�under the n��e and regardiess of�rhe�her Lender.is ob�iga�ed��ma�e such future advances.
<br /> �RUSS ��LLA�TERA.LI�ATI�N. �� �.s �ie e�pressed in�en� of Gran��r �a cr��s cal�atera�i�e all of its
<br /> Indeb�edness and a�ligations to Lender, haws�ever ar�sing and when.saever incurred, e�.�ep� any nhliga��on
<br /> e��s�ing or arising against the pr�ncipal dwel�ing�f any�ran�or. :
<br /> '�ARRANTIES. �ran�Qr�, -f�r i�self, �t�s he�rs, p�rs�nal representa��ves, su�cessors, and assigns, represents,
<br /> �arran�s,c��renantis and agrees wi�1�.Lender,�ts successors and assigns,as fv�iows:
<br /> Perf�rmance �f �biigat��ns. Grantor pram�ses �� perfortn ai� �erms, cond�tions, and covenan�s af�his
<br /> Security�zas�.ru�men�and Related D�cumen�s in ac��rdance v�rith�he�erms c�n�a�n�d therein.
<br /> efense and T�tle t�Pra er .At the time of e�ecuti�n and de�.�very�f th�s instrumen�,�ran�nr is�a�fu�ly
<br /> D p �
<br /> seis�d�f the es�ate hereb� �nn�e�ed and has �he e�c�usive r�ght ta mortgag�, gran�, canvey and ass�� the
<br /> proper�y. Grantor c�venan�s�hat th�Property�s unencumbered and free vf a����ens,e��ept for encumbrances
<br /> flf record acce tab�e �v Lender. Further, Grantar c��enants tha�t Grantar wii� �arran� and defend generally
<br /> p
<br /> the t�tle �� the Pr�p erty against any and a�� c�aims and demands v�rha�s�e�rer, sub j ec� �� �he easements,
<br /> res�r�ct�nns, ar other encu.mbrances �of record accep�ab�.e �o Lender, as ma� b� Iis�ed �.n �he schedule of
<br /> exceptions tfl coverage in any abstract of t�.��e or �€t�e �nsurance policy znsuring Lender`s �nterest in �he
<br /> Prflperty.
<br /> Condi��an of�roperty. Grantor pr�mises a� a�l times to preserve and to main�ain�he Proper� and every
<br /> part th�reof in go�d repa�r, �ork�ng order, and cond���on an�.vvi�� from tllm��o �ime,make aI1 needful and
<br /> pr�per repa�rs sa that the�aiue af th�Praperty sha��n��i[n any way be unpa�red.�
<br /> Rem��al �f an Par� ��the Prop�rty.�Grantar prarn�se� nv�to rem�ve an�par�of�Iae Praper�y fr�m i�s
<br /> y .
<br /> present�o�ation,except for replacement,ma�n�enanc�and reloca�ion�n�he ardii.nary cours���bus�ness.
<br /> A.�#erat�ons t� the Prop�rty. Grari�or prom�ses �a abstain fram the commissi�n of any was�e on or �n
<br /> conne�rivn wi�h the Propert�.�wrth�r,�rant�r shall malfe no ma�eria�altera��ons,add��i.vns�r�mpr�vemen�s
<br /> �f any type vvhafsoe�er to tb�.e Prope�-�y, r�gardless of whe�her such a��eraf�ons; add�t�ons or �mpr�vements
<br /> wfluld increase the �ra�.ue of the Propert�, nor permit anyane to do so e�cepty far��nant impro�emen�s and
<br /> �amplet�an of��ems pursuan�tfl approved p�ans and spe�ifica�.�ons, �i�hQut Lender's pr��r �rr��ten c�nsent,
<br /> which consen� may b�,�i�th.hel.d 1�y Lend�r in i�s svle dxscre��on. Cran�ar v�ill comp�y ,vsrith al� laws and
<br /> regu�a�ions �f al�publ�c auth�riti.es ha�in.g�ur�sdiction�ver�he Property�ncluding,v�i�hout�im��ati�n,those
<br /> rela�ing to the use, �ccupancy and ma�ntenance thereof and shal� upon re�ues�pr�mp�I� suhmi�ta Lender
<br /> ,
<br /> e�ridence,of such�omp�xance. .
<br /> Ilue on Sale-Lender{s�ansent.Grant�r shall nat sel�,further encumber vr a�herv��se dxspose nf,e��ept as
<br /> h�re�.n pra�r�ded, any or all flf�ts �n�erest in any part �f�r a�� o��he Praper�y wi��.vu� �rs� ob�aining the
<br /> vt�ritten cansen� af Lender. �f any encumbrance� ��en, fxansfer or sal� ar agreement for �ese is created,
<br /> Lendez may dec�are u�a.media�e��due and payable,the entire ba�ance�f�he Indeb�edness.
<br /> Insurance. Cran�or pr�mzses tfl keep�he Pro�e�fiy_insured agai�ns�sucb r�sks and in such form as may�vith�n
<br /> �he saXe dxscre�x�n �f�Ilender be acc�p�ab�e, causing �.ender ta be named as �.ass pa�e� or �f requested by
<br /> Lender, as m�r�gagee. 'The �nsuran�e c�mpany shal� be chvsen by Gran�or subj ect �o Lender's appro�als
<br /> wh�ch sha�i nvt �e unreasonab�y �i�hheld. Al� �nsurance palic�es must provide tha� Lender �i�� ge� a
<br /> minimum of 1�days n��ice pr�or��canc��lation.A�Lender's discretzon,�rantar may be requ�red�a pr�duce
<br /> receip�s af pa�d prem�ums and rene�al p��icies. ��Grantor fai�s to obta�n�e requvred c��r�rage,Lender ma�r
<br /> d�so a�Gran�ar's e�pense.Grantor here��cUxe��s each and evezy insurer af the Proper�y to ma.�e payment of
<br /> loss�o Lend�r�v��h�he proceeds�o he appl�ed, on�y a�Lenderts �p��.on,to t�ie repair and replacement of�he
<br /> damag��r�oss ar�a�e app�ied to�he�adeb�edness w��h the surp�us,xf any,���e pazd by Lender�v�ran�or.
<br /> Payment af Ta�es and ���ier .�A�.ppl�cabie �harges. Grant�r prtimises� to p�y and to d�scharge �i�ns,
<br /> encumbrances,�axes,assessments,Iease payments and ariy other�harges re�at�ng t�the Property when�evied
<br /> or assessed agains��ran.�or or t�a.e Property.
<br /> Environmenta� LawS aud Hazardaus ar Toxic Mater�als. Gran�ar and.e�rery tenan� have be�n, are
<br /> res�nt� and shal� continue to b�e in stric� compl�ance ��tli any app��cab�e Iflca�, s�a�e and federa�
<br /> � Y
<br /> envi�r�nmen�al�avvs and r�gula��ons. �urther,neY�her Gran�ar n�r any tenan�sbia��manufactu.�-e,s�are,hand�e,
<br /> discharge ar d�sp�se of ha.�ard�us �r toxic ma�eria�s as may be defined b� an�s�a�e or federa� �a� vn the
<br /> Property, e�cept fo �1ie e�tent �he e�is�ence of such.ma�eria�s has been presen�i� disc�osed �n �r�ting t❑
<br /> Lender. Grari�or v�i��unmedia�ely n�t�fy Lender in wr���.ng af any assert�on or:claim niade b�an�party as�n
<br /> �he p�ss�ble v�ola�i�n af appli�ab�e s�a�e and federal environmen#al �av�s inc��d�ng the Ioeati�n af any
<br /> hazardQus or t�xic ma�erials on or about�he Praper�y. Gran�ar indemn�f�es and hoids�.ender harmless from,
<br /> w��hou� �imi�a���n, any l�ab��ity �r e�pense of t�ha�soe�er nature incurred direc��y or indiree��y out of or in
<br /> �?�U4-?flI3 Camplia�ce Systems,Inc.CBAE-FC2�-2413L2.❑.E1.555
<br /> Commercial ReaI Estate Secucity Ir�strument-DL44U7 Page 2❑F� w-ww.Corr�plian�eSysEerRs�am
<br /> 3
<br />