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<br /> Home Federa�Sa�ings&Laan Assvc�a��nn�f Home Federa�Sa�ings& Loan Assoc�a�inn�f
<br /> Grand Is�and Grand Is�and �
<br /> 221 South L�cust Street �21 Sauth Lncust Street
<br /> �Spa�e�ba�e This Line For Recording Data} .
<br /> L�AN�RIGINATaR NAME: Lisa�Nayer .
<br /> NMLS C�MPANY�DENT�FIER: 44�443
<br /> DEED �F �Ri1ST
<br /> BY THIS D�EI� t]F TRUST)
<br /> TH�S DEED �F TRUST �"Se�urit� Ins�rumen�"} is made fln Apr�� 1�, ZU�4. The gran�ors are Dana�d D
<br /> Mehring and Mar��yn J Mehr�ng, husband and w�fe, whflse address �s 10� Pondervsa Dr, Grand Isiand,
<br /> Ne�raska�SSD3--�54fi �"Borra,wer"}. Borrower �s not necessar�ly the same as the Person or Persons�ha sign�he
<br /> Home Equi�y L�ne�f Cr�d��Agre�ment,da�ed Apr�� 1�, Z��4�"Can�ract"�. The�bl�gat�ans of Barrowers whv
<br /> did not s�gn the �on�ra�� are expla�ned fur�her �n �he section �i�led Succe�s�rs an� Ass�gns Bound; Jfl�nt and
<br /> Se�eral Liab��ity; AcComm.oda��an Signers. The trus�ee �s Arend R. Baack, At�orney vvho�e address �s P.�.
<br /> B�x 790, Grand Island, Nebraska �SSU2 �"Trus�ee"}. The beneficiary is Hame Federa� Sa�ings & Loan
<br /> Assa��at�an of Grand Island,v�hzch�s arga�a�zed and exist�ng u�der fhe la�nrs of the Un�ted States of Amer�ca and
<br /> �hase address �s ZZ1 Sou�h Lacus�Street, Grand Is�and,Nebraska�SSD�. �"Lend�r"}. Dona�d D M�hring and
<br /> Marilyn J Mehring ha�e en�ered in�� a Can�rac� w��h. Lender as of Apri� �.1, ZU�.4, under �he �erms of vc�h�ch
<br /> B�rr�wer may, fr�m t�m� �o time, ob�ain advances nat �a exceed, a� any t�rne, a x*.xMAXIM UM PR�NCIPAL
<br /> AM�UNT �E��LUDING.PRaTECTIVE AI�VANCES�'�`xx of Thir�y Thvusand and �411U� Dal�ars �U.S.
<br /> $3�,UU�.UU}�"Credi�Limi�"}. Any par�y in�eres�ed in�he detai�s r��ated to Lender`s cant��u�ng ob�iga���n�a make
<br /> advances to Borrower �s ad��sed �o consu�t directi� w�th Lender. if not paid earlier, the sums av��ng under
<br /> Barro�er's C�ntract with Lender vWi�l be due an Ju�y 15,���5. This Se�urifiy�ns�rumen�secures�o Lender: �a�the
<br /> repayment of the debt und�r�he Contract,w��h�nterest, including future ad�ances,and a��renewa�s,e�tensi.ans and
<br /> m�d�fca�i�ns�f the �ontrac�; (b�the pa�men�of a�� o�her sums, ���h �nterest, ad�anced��pro�ect the secu.r�ty of
<br /> thzs Secur�ty�ns�rumen�under�he pra��s�ans af�he se��ion���led�'ratec�ifln�f Lender's Righ�s in the Proper�y;
<br /> and �c}�he perfarmance of Borra�ver's��venan�s and agreer�nen�s under�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rumen�and the Contrac�.
<br /> F�r �h�s purpase, Borr�vver, in ��nsiderati�n of the debt and the trus� here�n Created, irre�acab�y grants and
<br /> conveys ta Trus�ee, in trus�, w�th po�ver flf sa�e, the fQllow�ng descr�b�d property located �n�he Caunty �f Hal�,
<br /> State of Nebraska: .
<br /> Address: 1�Z Pandervsa Dr,�rand Island,Nebras�a�8��3-�545
<br /> Lega� Descr�p��on: Lot Twenty B �Z�B} l3�nck �ne (1�, P�nderosa Lakes �s�ates Subd��ision,. �ity vf
<br /> Grand Island,Hall�flunty Nebras�a
<br /> T��ETH�R �WITH al� �he irnpravemen�s novv or ��reafter erec�ed on �he pr�perty, and al� easements,
<br /> appur�enances, and fx�ures now or h�reafter a part af the praper�y. All r�p�a�ements and add�t�ons shall alsa be
<br /> ca�ered by �his Secur�ty Ins�rumen�. A�l of the forego�ng is referred to �n th�s S�cur�ty �nstrumen� as the
<br /> '►Property.►,
<br /> B�RRa�ER C�VENANTS �hat Barro�ver is Iawfu��y �e�sed of�he es�a�e hereby �onveyed and has the righ��o
<br /> gran� and co��ey the Propert� and �ha� :the Praper�y �s unencumbered, excep� for encumbrances of rec�rd.
<br /> B�rra�er v�arrants and �vi�l defend genera�ly the t�tle �� �he Property against al� claims and d�mands, subjec� �o
<br /> any encumbrances�f record. �
<br /> Borrower and Lender c��enant and agree as falIovvs: "
<br /> Payment af Pr�ncipa�and In�erest; ��h��r�harges.Borrvwer shall pr�mptiy pay vvhen due the principa�of and
<br /> interest on the deb�owed under the Con�rac�and la�e charges or any v�her fees and charges due under�he�antrac�.
<br /> fl Za04-2D l 3 C�mpiiance Systems,Ir�c.8EB3-DE86-2�13L2.0.E t,712 � '
<br /> Consu;ner Rea!Es#ate-Se�urity�nst�ment 1]L2036 Pa�e 1 vf 5 rnrw�w.eompIiancesystems.corn
<br />