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��14���77 <br /> ful� of all sums secured by �his Secur��y �nstrument. Hovvever, this opt�on shall not be exercised by Lender if <br /> exerc�se is prohibi�ed by federa� �avv as of th�dat��f this 5ecurity Znstru�nent. � <br /> �f Le�.der ex�rcises this op��on, Lender sha�l give Barrawer nat�ce of accelera�ian. The no��ce shail p�o��de a <br /> per�od of no� �ess than the m�nimum numb�r of days estab�ished �y App�icab�e Law fr�m �h� date t�e not�ce is <br /> deli�er�d or mai�ed within which Borrawer must pay a�1 sums secured by this Securi�y �nstru�nent. �f B���ov�er <br /> faz�s �o pay �hese sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender �nay invoke any remedies permit�ed by th�s <br /> Securi�y Ins�rumen�w�thou�further n�t�ce or de�nand�n B�rrovver. <br /> Barrow�r's R�gh� to Reinstate. If Borrower mee�s cer�ain c�nd���ons, Borr�vver shall ha�e the right to ha�e <br /> enforcement of�his Security �nstrumen� disCantinu�d a� any time prior�o the earlier of: �a� 5 days ��r such ather <br /> period as Appiicable Law may specify far reinstatement�b�fore sal�af�he Proper�y pu�rsuant ta any povver of sa�e <br /> c�nta�ned �n this Securxty Ins�rumen�; or �b� entry af a judgment ��forcxn� this S�curity Instrumen�. Those <br /> �ondi�ions are that �nr�awer: �a� pays Lender a�I sums v�h�ch then wau�d be due under thxs Security Inst�ument <br /> and the Contract as rf no ac�e�era�ron ha�.o�curred;�b}cures any defau��af any�ther�o�enan�s or agreernents;�c} <br /> pays a�i expenses zncurred in enf�rcinb thzs Secu�rity Instrumetat, �ncludin�,but not lim��ed to,reasonabie at�arneys' <br /> fees to the ex�ent permitted by �aWv; and�d�takes such action as Lend�r may reasonably require to assure�hat the <br /> lien of thxs Securi�y Ins�rument, Lender's ri�h�s in the Proper� and Borrower's obli�at�fln�� pay the sums secured <br /> by this �ecuri� �ns�rumen� shall con��nue unchan.�ed.. Upo� re�ns�ate�ent by Borrower, th�s Security �ns�rument <br /> and �he ob�igations secured hereby shall rema�n fully effect�ve as if na acce�erati�n had accurred. However, this <br /> ri�h�ta rexnsta�e shail no�appiy in the case of accelera�ion under�he s��tinn titled Transfer of the Prvper�y ar a <br /> Benefic�al�n�eres��m �vrrower. <br /> Hazardous Substances, Borrower shall nat cause or permi��he presence, use, disposa�, stara�e, or re�ease�f any <br /> Ha.�ardous Substanc�s an ar in the Proper�y. Borr�wer sha�l no�do,nor a�1�w anyane else to do, any�hin�affec�in� <br /> the Property �hat �s in v�o�ation of any En��ronmental Law. The precedin� �wa sentences shal� no� appIy �o the <br /> presence, use,�r storabe on the Property of s�nal�quanti�res of Hazardo��s Substances�hat are��nerally re�ognized <br /> �o be appropr�ate to x��rmai reszdentia�uses and�a m.axn�enan.ce of�he Property. <br /> B�rro�v�r shai�prompt�y gi�e Lender writ�en not�c�of any Yn�esti�ation, cla�m, demand, lawsui�or ather act�on by <br /> apy ���ernmentat a� re�u�atory a��ncy or pri�a�e par�y invo���n� the Proper�y and any Hazard�us Subs�ance or <br /> Envir�nn�ental Law of which Borrflwer has ac�ua� knowled�e. �f Borrawe� Iearns, or is notified by any <br /> ���ernmentai or re�ulatory au�hority,tha�any removal or other remediation of any Ha�ardous Substance affectin� <br /> the Proper�y is necessary, Barr�wer sha�l promptiy �ake all necessary rerned�a� act�ans in accordance wi�h <br /> En�ironmental Law. <br /> As used in�his para�raph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are those substances def ned as toxic or hazardous suhs�ances <br /> by En��ronrn�nta� Lav� and th� foiiov�ing subs�ances: gaso�ine, I�erosene, other flam�riabie or ��xic petr��eu�n <br /> produc�s, �ox�� pes��cides and herbicides, �olati�e sa��ven�s, materials �ontainin� asbes�os �r formaldehyde, and <br /> radxoacti�e rna�erials. As used in th�s para�raph, "En�ironmen�a� Lavv" ��neans federal laws and Iaws �f the s�ate of <br /> Nebraska tha�rela�e��health, safe�y ar en�ironmental pr�tec�ion. <br /> Acceleratifln; R�me���s. Lender shail gi►ve na��ce �o Borrovrrer prior ta ac�elerat�o� fa��owir�g Borrow�r's <br /> breach of any cQ�enan�or agreement�n �his Securi�y Instrument or the Contrac� under which acceIerati�n <br /> � is perm�tted �but not prior to a��elerat�on under�he sec�ian tit�ed Transf�r of�h� Property or a Ben�f�cial <br /> �nterest �n Borrower, unle5s Appiicab�e Law pr�v�des o�herw�se�. The no�ic� �halI specify: �a� the d�fault; <br /> �b� �he action required to cure the defau�t; �c} a da�e, not �ess �han the minimum number af days <br /> es�ablished by Applicable Law from the da���he nflti�e�s gi�en to Sorrawer, by wh�ch �he defaul�m�st be <br /> cured; and �d� that fa��ure t� cure the default tin or before the date spe�if�ed �n the notice may resu�t �n <br /> accelera�ion af �he sums secured by thxs S�cur�ty Instrumen� and sale vf the Property. To �he ex�ent <br /> permitted by �a�v�v, t�e �atice shall further infarm Borrower of the righ�to reinstate after acceiera��on and <br /> the righ�to br�ng a court act�on to ass�r��he nan-�xYstence of a defauI�vr a�y ather defense of Borrov�er ta <br /> accelerat��n and sal�. �f the defau�t �s not �ur�d on or �efare the date spec�fxed in the na�ice, L�nder a� �ts <br /> option may require �mmed�ate payment xn full of a�l sums 5ecured by �his Secur�ty �ns�rumen� without <br /> further demand an� rna� invake the power of sa�e and any other remedies p�rmi�ted by Applicable Law. <br /> To the ex�ent p�rm�tted by Iaw, Lender shail be enti��ed to co��ect a�l expenses �ncurred in pursu�ng the <br /> remedies prov�ded in �hxs Sect�on, inc�uding, buf nat l�mit�d to, reas�nab�e a�torneys' fees and costs of ti�le <br /> e�idence. <br /> If�he power of sa�e �s invoked, Trustee sha�� r�card a no�����f defaul� in each coun�y �n which any part �f <br /> �he Prapert� is �ocated and sha�l �na�� copies of such notic� in �h� manner prescribed by Appl�cable Law to <br /> �orrower and to th� o�her persons prescribed b� App�icab�e Law. After the time required �� Appiicab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shal� gi�e pu���c notic� of sale �a the persons and �n the manner pre5cribed b� App�i�able <br /> Law. Trustee, w�thou�d�mand an Borrower, shall sei� the Property at pub�xc auc�inn to the highest bidder <br /> a��h�time and p�ac�and under�he�erms de�ignated in �he notic�of sa�e in one or more parcels and in any <br /> order Trus�ee de�ermxnes. Trustee may p�s�pone sa[e af al� or any parce� af the Property by pub�ic <br /> announ�ement at�he t�me and place af any Pre�xously s�hedu�ed saie. Lender ar�ts designee may purchase <br /> �he Propert�at any saie, <br /> Upon rece�p� of pa��ment of the pr�ce bid, Trustee shali deliver �o the purchaser Trustee's deed can�eying <br /> the Property. The r�c�ta�s in the Trustee's de�d sha�l be �rima fa�ie e�idence of�he�ruth of�he statements <br /> made �herein. Trustee sh�ll apply the proceeds of �he sa�e in the fo��owing arder: �a} to a�i cas�s and <br /> �xpen5e� af exercisirng �he povver of saie, and the sa�e, includinb the pa�men� of�he Trus�ee's fees actually <br /> 0 200�-24�3 Campliance Systems,]nc.8ES3-38�2-2fl i 3 L2.O.E i.7]2 <br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Se�urity lnstrumer�t DL203G �'a�e 4 of S www.compiiancesystems.coiz� <br />