<br /> Successor Trustee which was recorded on December 1�, �D'13 in �he recards �f the Register of
<br /> Deeds of Hall �ounty, Nebraska.
<br /> Edward E. Brink, Successvr Trust�e, referred to as Grantor, in considerat�on of $49,3��.��
<br /> and other valuable cansideration received from U.S. Bank Nativnal Association, , Beneficiary,
<br /> d�es rant, bar ain, sell, convey and confirm unto U.S. Bank Nationa! Associat�an, �he follow�ng
<br /> � 9
<br /> descr�bed real property in Hall Gaunty, Nebraska:
<br /> THE S�LJTH F�]RTY-F�UR �4�� FEET �F L�TS �NE �'I� AND TW� �2} lN
<br /> GRAND 1SLAND, HALL ��UNTY, NEBF�ASKA, commonly kn�wn as �2�4 North
<br /> Lincoln Avenue, �ran� island, NE 588��. .
<br /> T� have and ta hold �h� abo�e-describ�d premises together with all ten�ments,
<br /> h�r�ditam�nts and appurtenances �eionging unt� U.S. Bank Nationar Associatian, fore�er.
<br /> �RANT�R makes the following covenants wi�h U.S. Bank National Association:
<br /> �. Kathr�ne C. ��ieski and Ray P. Zeleski, as Trus�or�s}, failed �o pay the Beneficiary
<br /> payments which were contractual�y due, and th� �ran�or, at the r�quest vf the
<br /> Beneficiary, �lected to dec�ar� the entire unpaid principa� balan�e, tflgether with inter�st
<br /> a� once immediately due and payabie.
<br /> �. A Notic� of D�faul# was r��orded by Grantor on D�cember ��, �0'I 3, in �he records of
<br /> th� Register of �eeds af Hall �ounty, Nebraska, as fnstrument ���3�9559. Within 1�
<br /> days thereafter, a copy flf the rec�rded N�tic� of Defau�t was mailed by certified mail,
<br /> p�stage prepaid, to all parties entitl�d to notice, pursuant to the Deed of Trust and in
<br /> campl�ance with Neb. Rev. 5tat. �76-1��8 �R�issue 2�U3}.
<br /> 3. Kathr�ne C. Zeteski and Ray P. Z�leski failed to cure the default referenced in the Notice
<br /> of Defaui#within thirty �3fl} days after re�ordin� of the Notic� of Default.
<br /> 4. A Noti�e �f Trustee's Sale was executed by �rantor. At �east 2D days prior to the
<br /> �cheduled date �f safe, a copy of the IVotice of time and place flf the Trus#ee's Sale was
<br /> mailed by cer#ified mail, pastage prepaid, to all partie� entitled tn n��ice, pursuant to the
<br /> Deed of Trust and in compiiance w�th Neb. Rev. Stat. �7�-���H �Re�ssue 2��3}.
<br /> 5. Gran�or published the Noti�e of Trustee's Sale, which was originally scheculed to b�
<br /> h��d on February �8, ���4 at �D:�� AM, at the Lower Lobby of the Hall County
<br /> Courthous�, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, which Notice was published �n Grand
<br /> island Indep�ndent, ance a w�ek far 5 consecutive weeks, �ommencing on January ��,
<br /> 2�14. The fast publi�ation was at least 1� days prior to th� scheduled Trustee's Sale of
<br /> February �8, ��14 and verbally postp�ned on that date to the cont�nu�d sa�e date of
<br /> April 1, ��14 and the originally scheduled sale date was not later than 3� days aiter�h�
<br /> last publica�ion of N�#ice.
<br /> �. Granfor conducted th� sale through his attorney, �f the real property a� public aucti�n on
<br /> April 1, ��14 at ar about 1 D:�� AM, at �he Low�r Labby flf the Hall County �ourthaus�,
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Ne�raska. �rantar ac�epted the bid of U.S. Bank Na�ianal
<br /> Assoc�ation, Beneficiary, in the sum of $49,3�0.�� as the highest b�d upon #he real
<br /> property. The Grantor has compl�ed with the requirements �f Neb. Rev. S�at. �7�-1�D'I
<br /> File No. 147197
<br />