<br /> A11y�.pp�xcation of�aayme�ts, insui ailce proceeds, oi Misce�la�eoL�s Procee�s�o principal dt�e under�he No�e
<br /> sha�1 no�ex�en�.oz•po�tpone�he due�.a�e, o��cha�ge�he amoun�, of�he Periodic Payments,
<br /> 3. Funds far Escrow Items. Boz�rou��r sha11 pay to L�nder on f:he day Pe���ac�ic Payments a��e due unde���he
<br /> No�e, un����he Note is pa�c�in full, a sixm��he"Funds�'��o pro�ide fo��payt��ent of afnoun�s dL�e For: �a}�axes
<br /> and assessnlex��s ar�d o�her�te�nns which can at�ain pt�io�•i�y over�his Se�L��•ity Ins�rumen�as a li��or
<br /> eilcumbra�ce o�a.the Proper�y, (�}�ease���Td payx�ze�l�s or g�•ound rer�ts on f;he Prop�r�y, rf a�y, �c�p�en-�iu�ns
<br /> for any�.r�d a��insuz-�.�ace required by Lender ur�c�er S�ction 5; azac��d}M�r�gage Insurar�ce pi emiums, if any,
<br /> ar any sums payable by Borrowet�o Le��der in lieu of�he payment of Mor�gage Insu��.nce pre�nr�.�ms it�. �
<br /> accat9dance vvi�h�he p�ovisians af Sec�ion 1�e These���ms are called"Escrow I�e�x�s." At origi�nation or a�
<br /> �.���r t�me du�•ing the�erm of the Loan, Le�ad�r rr,ay requi�-e�ha�Com�nl�r�i�y Associa��o�l Dl�es, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, �f any, be escrov�ed by Ba�-rower, �.nd sucli dues, fees anc���5essments s�iarl be an Escro�v�r
<br /> I�.em, Barrovver s�ia�1 promp�ly f���•nish to L.ende�•al1 no�ices of�.mo�nts�o be paic�u��der�his Sectiio��,
<br /> Ba��rov�e��sh�.1�pa�Lender��1�Fuzads f�t•Escrow�i:ems uri�ess T�ender wa�ves Borrovve�•`s abliga�i�n ta pay
<br /> �he Fu�ds�or a�y or a�l Esc�•o�v Items, Lend.er may waive Bo�roVvet•'s obr�gai:io��o pay�o Lende�Tut�ds for
<br /> ar�y or a11 Esc�o�w Z�ems at any t��r�e, Any such vva�ve��may or�ly be in wt-���ng, I�the evet�t af s�.�c�.vvai�e�•,
<br /> T3orrov�er s��a1�pay di�•ec��y, w�er�a�.�.�v�lere payable; �:he amoun�s due for a��y�scro�I�ems for v�hzch �
<br /> pa��nex11;af I`unds 1�as bee��wai�ed�y Le�ld.er a��d, if Le�lder�requires, sla�.l1 Furnisl��o I.ender r�ceip�s
<br /> evic��nci�lg s�.��h paymen�v�i�hi�1 su.ch ti��e p��tod as L�nde�•ma���eq�.�ii�. Bo�•1•ovver's ab�igation�o��al�e
<br /> s�.�ch payments and to p��ov�de��eceip�s sha11 foz�a��p���poses�e deeme�.to be a cove�aan�a�d agreem.en�
<br /> con�aiiled it1�h�s Secu���ty Instrumellt, as�.he p1�r�se"�oven�.tlt a�1c�ag�•eerr�e��" is�se�ir�S�c�za��9. If
<br /> Borrn�e���s�b�igated�a pay Esc�•ow��e1x�s�.�rect�y, pursua�n���a waive�, a�d Barrowe�•fails to pay�he
<br /> �.tnoun�due fo��an Escrovv I�em, Len�e��may exercise�tis rig�hts�.�nde��Sectio�l9 and pay suc�.amoun��.nd
<br /> Bort°ovve�shaT1�hen�e a�Iiga�ed L�nder Sec�ion 9�o repay�o Len�e�a��y suc1�amo�.�t1t. Le�der m�.y r�volfe
<br /> ��e wai�er as�o any or a11 Esct•ow��ems a�any�iri�e�y�.notice given in acco�•dal�ce with Sec�ion 15 and,
<br /> upon such t•evocatzon, �3ort•owe�•sha��pay�o Le�1de�•�.�1 I'unc�s, and i�1�uch anlountis, that are then�enuired
<br /> unc�ei��his Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Len�er mays r`lt r`llly�1t11e� collec�and�o1d Fui�ds i��an amaun��a}suffi�ient to p�rmi�Lende�•to a�p�y�he
<br /> Fu�d�at t�e�fine specifiec�unc�e�RESPA, and(�b��at ta exceed�11e n��.xixnum an�ount a ien�er can�•equire
<br /> unc�e�°I�SI'.A. Lender sha11 estrmate the a.mo�n�of Funds due oia the�asis of c��rren�d�.�a a�d reasonable
<br /> estima��s of�xp�nditut es of fi.ii.ure Es�r�v5r��en�s or o����t v�ris�ix�ac�o�dance v�i��.�p�ltcab�e L�.w.
<br /> Tl�e Funds shall be held it�a��insi�itutio���vhase��pos�ts ar�rnsu�ed by�.fe�era��.gency, ir�stz•�me�lta�ity, or
<br /> er��ity�inc1.L��.i�g Let��e��, �f L��der is��.n ins�i�u�ioi�vvllose deposits a�e so insur�d}o�•in any Fe�era7�Iome
<br /> Laan Bat�Ic, L�11�.�t•sh�l1 apply the I'u�ds�o pay the Escrovv Ite�n�s no 1ate���hat�t��e�i�n�specifie�.�.�ndei•
<br /> RESPA. Le��c�e��sha11 n��c��.���e Bo�t�owe�•�01•halding anc���ply�i��tlle F�.�nds, a�1n�.zally arialyzir�g��e
<br /> es�row�ccount, o��verrfying���e Esc�•ow I�ems, t�n�ess Le�de��pays Bot�ro�t�ve�•inte�•es�on�he FL�r��s ar��.
<br /> .A��al�cable La��pe�•t�1��s Lenc�et•�a�laalce such a ch�rge, �n�ess����gr�e�n�n�is n�ac�e it1'wr��ing o��
<br /> Appli�al�le La�rec�ui�es in�erest�01�e paic�.on the Fu�c�s, Le�der s11a�1���:be requi��ed to pay Bor��o�ei�any
<br /> interest or ear�li�gs on�;he I'unds. Borrnwet•a�d Leri�e��ca��agt•ee in vvri�it�g, howevet+, �hat inte�esti s���.�1 b�
<br /> ��:id on the Tu.tlds. L�r�det•sha1�gz�e to I3orrower9 vvi��ou���arge, an at��ua�accout1ting oF��e�`u�ads�s
<br /> re�uit ed by 1�.�CSPA.
<br /> I-f�hei'�IS a SU1��l15 C]�T'L11�C�5�1e1C�111�SC�'OW� as e�efi�ed under RESPA., Let�de�sha�l�.ccou�lt�o T3orrowe��For
<br /> t��e e�cess funds i�1 accot°t�a�1Ge wztla RESPA, If t��e��e is a shortage of Fut�ds held i�esc�ow, as cleftne�u�ac�e�•
<br /> RESPA, Lenc�e�•sha111�otify Bo����owei•as�•e�uired by RESPA, and T3o�t•ower s��a1��ay to Le�rder t��e an�a��t
<br /> i�e�essary�o r��a1�e�.ip the s11ot,��.ge��.a�accot c�an�e vt�itl�l�.�SPA, bu�i��t�fl t11o�e tlaa�a 12 matlt�aly payme�l�s, ��
<br /> �:�-�e��e is�.deficiency oF I'u��.s held�n escrov�, as defined ut�d�r RESPA, Lei�c�et•sha�l�o�ify Bo�•�•ovver�s
<br /> 2�ao�ss3
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ir�gle�am i�y-�annle M aalFreddie M ac UNfF'DRM INSTR�M�NT Form 3�28�I��
<br /> V M P QQ
<br /> WolYers Kluw er Financlal 5ervicas VM P6�N�} 1302}
<br /> Page af�7
<br />