<br /> satxsfactio�, prov�ded�hat such inspection shal.�be underta,ke�promptXy. Lender may pay for the repa:�rs
<br /> a.�d restorat�an�n a single d�isbursement or�.a seri�s�f progress paym.en�s as the work is comple�ed.
<br /> �CTnle�s an agreem.ent is ma:de in tivr�ting or Applicable La�v requ�res�terest to be paid oxx such
<br /> �11liscellan�ous�'roceeds, Lender sha��nat be requ�.red to pay Borro�ver any int�rest or earnir�gs an su��.
<br /> M�s�ellaneous Pr�ceed:s. If�h.e restorat�.an or r�pai�-�s not econom�.ca�ly feas�wb�e or]L��der's security�vauld
<br /> be�essened, the M�.scella�eous Praceeds sha1l�e a��a��ed�o�he sums secured by thi�Secti�r��.y�is�rurr�ent,
<br /> vvhe��ier or nat th�x�due, wxth�he e�cess, if any, �aic��o�3ox-�awer. Such�Vlis���Ia��aus l��oceeds sha��.be
<br /> applied�n the order prov�d�d for�n Section 2.
<br /> JCn.the event of a�ota1 taking, destructian, or Io�s in value of�he ProperCy, the 1Vli.sce��aneous]Praceeds shall
<br /> be appl.ied�o�he sums secured by this S�cur�ty In.s�ruxnen�, whetYier or not�hen due, with the�xcess, �if ariy,
<br /> pa�d�o Borr-ower.
<br /> � ]Cn�he event of a pa.r�ai�a�i.rig, d�struc�ion, o��os�i-�.v�ue of�h.e Propex�y ir�whic�the fa�r market value�f
<br /> the Pro�er�y�mm�diate�y before�he par�ia��akir�g, destruc��on, or Iass in va�ue is equa.�to or�reater�han the
<br /> arr�ount af�he sums secured by�his Security Instrument�x�vned�ate�y befo�e�he par��ia.��ing, d��struction, ar
<br /> , Ioss u�value; un�ess�3orrov�rer aza.d Lender other�ri�e agyee��t-irag, �he s�se�urec�by�us Se�urity
<br /> ]C�s#a�ument shal�be rec�uced by the amaunt�f�he 1V�is�e��aneaus Proce�ds multip�.�:�d by�h.e follow�ing
<br /> �-act�on: (a}�he to�a.�amount of�he sums secure,c�i�nmed�iat�ly bef�re the�aartia�ta�.�:g, des��t�a�, or loss
<br /> ir��a�ue div�ded by�b}the fair market value of the Proper�y�mmed�at�Iy before the par�i:a��ak�n�,
<br /> destruction, or Ioss in va�.ue. Any balance shaXl be pard�o Barrov�er.
<br /> ]Cnn�he e�ent of a pa�r�al�a�i.r��, destruetion, �r�oss�n value of the Proper�y�.n wluch the fair mar1���val.u�of
<br /> �he Propexfiy�mmedi.ately before the par�ial��g, destruct�an, or loss in va�ue is less�an�he amount of�he
<br /> sunas secured�mmedia�el.y before the part-ia�ta�i.ng, destruct�o�, or�oss in�alue, un�ess Borr�wer and
<br /> �ender otherwise agree�a writi.ng, the M�.scellaneous]Proce�ds shall.be applied to the sums secured by�his
<br /> �ecu�ty Ir�st�ru���t�rhe�her or not�he su��s a�e then due.
<br /> �f the Property�s abanc�one.�.by Borrower, or if, af�er��t�ce�y L,er�der t�I3o�-��ver that t.�.e appflsing Part�y
<br /> [as defzned in�he next sentence�o�fers�o ma;ke axi awa��.�o se�Le a c�air�a.f�r damages, Borrower fails to
<br /> respond�a Lenc�e�v�ri�3�days af�er t�e da�e th.e xio�.c��s given, Le�.der is authori�ed�o co��ect ar�d apply
<br /> #he M�sce�.�aneous Proceeds e��her-�o restora�on or repa.�r of�he JPro�erty or to�he sums secured by thxs
<br /> Securrty Instrunlent, vvhe�her or not then due. '��ppo s�.n.g P arty" me�.n s the th�rd p arty that otives Barrower
<br /> Miscel:�aneous Praceeds ar the party aga�t u�horn Borro-wer has a right of ac�ion iri.regard to Miscel�aneous
<br /> �roceeds_
<br /> �3arrou�er sha��be in.defau�t if any act�on or pr�ceec�rig, whethez civ�1 or crimina�, is begur�that, ir�Lender's
<br /> jx�dgment, could res�t in forfe�ture of�ie Proper�y or at�ier n�aterial i-�pairment of Lender's interest ir��e
<br /> �'�-o�er�y o�-righ:ts�d�r�his Secur�t�Ir�strument. �o�-oure�c�:�cure su�h a.�tefau�t and, �f acceX��-ation has
<br /> ��c�-e�., r��r�s�ate as�r�vv�c��d�n Sect��n 19, b�eausi�g�he a�tion or proc��di�.��o�e d�s�ss�d�vi�i a
<br /> x-�.ling tha�, �.L.e�der4��uc�g�nex��, p�eelu�es�oxf�it�r����e Propex-t�or�-�her ma.a��r�a��rn��.r�.e��of
<br /> Le�der4 s�riter�s��z�tl�e Proper�y or��ghts�der t�i�s See���y Ins�ment. 7C�ie p�-oce�ds of���.�ra�°d or
<br /> c�ai�n for damag;es t�at a�-e at�r�bu�a.ble�o the i���irm.en�of Lender°s�nterest�n the Prap��ty a�e he�-�by
<br /> ass�gned and sha��be pa�d ta Lend�r.
<br /> AlI Miscellaneou,s Proc�eds that ar�not applied to restoratxon�r repa�.r of the Pro�erty sha���e applied xn t�ie
<br /> order prov�ded for in Sec�ion 2.
<br /> z�oa�sx�
<br /> 6VEBRASKA-Si�tg[e Fam i�y-Fannie M aelFreddie]Ill ac llN[�ORNE 1N5TRUM t"T!T Form 3�28�!1�i
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi(NE)�'f 3�2 j
<br /> INolters Kluw er Fnartc�aE Servi�es Page�0 of�7
<br />