<br /> fu�l of alI sums se�ured by this Security Ins�ru�ment. Howe�er, �h�s apt�on sha�i no� be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exerczse is prah�bzted by federal lavv as of the date of�his S�curi�y Instrumen�.
<br /> �f Lender exercises �his aption, Lender sha�l �ive Borrower natice of acce�eration. The notice sha�I pro�ide a
<br /> period af not less than the nl�nimum nunzber of days establ�shed by Applicable Lav� from �he date �he notic� is
<br /> de��vered or mailed �i�hin vvhich Borrovver m.us� pay all sums secured by this Security Ins�rumen�. If Bor�rawer
<br /> faz�s to pay �hese sums pr�or to the expirat�on of th�s period, L�nder �nay invake any rem�edies perm�t�ed by ���s
<br /> Secur�ty�nstrum�.ent without fur�her natice or demand on B�rrower.
<br /> Sorrawer's R�ght �� Rexnsta�e. �f Barrower meets cer�ain condi��ons, Borrower shal� ha�e the r��h� �o ha�e
<br /> enforcement of�his S�cur�ty �nstrumen� di.scant�nued a� any time priar ta the ear�ier of �a� 5 days �ar such other
<br /> period as Appiicab�e Law may spec�fy for reinstatement}before sale of the Proper�y pursuant to any power of sa�e
<br /> con�ained in thxs Security Instrument; flr �b� entry of a judgmen� enf�rc�n� this Security Ins�rumen�. Those
<br /> condi��ons are �ha� Borrow�r: �a} pays Lender all sums which then would be due under �his Security �rxs�rument
<br /> and�he Contrac�as�f no acceleratx�n had occurred; (b�cures any�.efault of any other co�enan�s�r a�reem�nts;�c�
<br /> pays al�e�penses �n��ar�-ed irt enf�rcin�th�s Securi�y Inst�-ument, in�lud�n�,bu�no�Iimi�ed to,reasflnab�e at�orneys'
<br /> fees�o th� ex�ent permi�ted hy lav�; and �d�takes such act�on as Lender may reasonably �equire �o assure that th�
<br /> I�en of th�s Secur�ty Instrum�n�, Lender's ri�hts in the Pr�per�y and Borrower's ob�igation �o pay the su�ns secured
<br /> by th�s Secur�ty Ins�rum�n� shal� con�inue unchan�ed. �pan �eins�a�ement by Bor�ower, th�s Security Zns�rument
<br /> and the obl��a��ons s�cured hereby shai� re�nain fully effective as if no accel�ration had oc�urred. How�Wer, this
<br /> r��h���reinsta��sha�� not apply in the case �f accelerat�on under�he section titled Transfer of�he Property ar a
<br /> Senef�c�a�Interest in Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous Subs�an��s. Borrow�r shall not�ause or permit the presence, use, disposa�, stora�e, or reiease of any
<br /> Hazard�us Substances on nr�n�he Proper�y. Borrovver shalI no�do,nor a�low anyone e�se t�d�,any�hin�affec��ng
<br /> the Properry �hat is in �iola�ion of any Env��-onmental Law. The prec�d�n� two sentences shall not apply to the
<br /> presence, use,�r s�ora�e an the Proper�y�f smal�quan�i��es of Hazardaus Substances fihat are�eneral�y rec��nized
<br /> to be appr�pr�ate�o n�rma�res�den�ia�uses and�o mai��enance of the Properry.
<br /> Barrovver sha�I pr�mptly���e Lender written nflti�e of any investi�atian, c�a�m, demand, lawsui�or oth�r action by
<br /> any �overnmen�a� or re�ula�ory a�ency or p�ivate par�y in�oiving the Proper�y and any Hazardnus Substance ar
<br /> Environ�n�n�al Law of which Borrower has ac�ual knowled�e. If Borrawer Iearns, ar is no�ified by any
<br /> ���ernmen�ai �r reguiator�authori�.y,tha�any ren�o�a�or o�her rem�dia�i�n of any Hazardaus Subs�ance affectin�
<br /> �he Property is nec�ssary, Borr�wer shai� promptly �ake al� necessary remedia� ac�ions in a�cordapce wi�h
<br /> En��ronmental Law.
<br /> As used in�his para�raph, r'Haz�.rdous Substances" are th�se subs�an�es defi.n.ed as toxic or hazard�us substances
<br /> by Envir�nmental Law and �he fQ��aw�n�, substances: gas�line, k�rasene, o�her flammable ��- toxi� pe�ro�eum
<br /> produc�s, taxic pesticides and herbicides, vola��le so]vents, materiais containing asbestos o�r forma�dehyde, and
<br /> radioacti�e ma�erials. As used 'rn this para�r�aph, "En��ronmental Law" means federal �aws and laws of the state af
<br /> Nebraska�hat reia�e ta hea�th,safet�or en�iron.�enta�prote��ion.
<br /> Accei�ration; Remedies. Lender shal� giv� notice �o Borro�ver prior to acce�eratian fo��owing Borrower's
<br /> breach flf any covenant or agreemen��n this Securi�y Instrument or the�ontra�t under wh�ch acce�era��on
<br /> xs perm�t�ed �but not pr��r ta a�c�lera��on under the section �itied Transfer of the Proper�y flr a Benef�cial
<br /> In�erest �n Borrawe�, un�ess Applicab�e Law pro�ides v�herwise�. The nat�ce shal� specify: �a} �he defaul�;
<br /> �b} the act�on requ�red to cure th� defau�t; �c� a da�e, not less than the m�n�mum number �f days
<br /> es�ablished by AppZ�cable Law fr��n �he da�e the n�t�ce�s gi�en to Borr�wer, by wh�ch the defaul�must be
<br /> cured; and �d� �hat failure �o cure �he defaux� on or before the date spec�f�ed in �he no�ice may result �n
<br /> a�ce�eration of the sums secured �y this Securi�y Ins�rum�nt and sale af �he Proper�y. To the exten�
<br /> perm�tted by law, t�e not��e shai� fur�her inform B�rrovver of�he right to re�ns�ate aftQr acceiera�ion and
<br /> �he r�ght tQ bring a cour�a���vn��assert the non-ex�stence of a default Qr any other defense of Borrawer tn
<br /> acceZerati�n and sai�. �f the defau�t is n�t cured on or before the date specified �n the notice, Lend�r at �ts
<br /> �ptiar� may require xmmedia�Q payment �n fuli of ail �ums se�ured by �his Se�uri�y �nstrumen� vvithou�
<br /> further demand and may in�vke �he power vf sale and any other remedies p�rm�tted by Applicable Law.
<br /> To the extent permxtted by law, Lender shal� be entit�ed �o co�xect a�l expenses incurred �� pursuing the
<br /> remed�es pro��ded �n this Section, inc�ud�nb, bu� no� �imited to, reasonab�e a��vrneys' fQes and cos�s a�'��tle
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> If the power of sa�e �s invoked, T�-ust�e shai� r�cord a nfl���� of defau�t �� each county �n which any par� of
<br /> �he Prapert� is �oca�ed and shall �na�� co�ie� of su�h nati�e xri the mann�r pr�s�ribed by AppIicable Law to
<br /> Barrower and ta the o�her persons prescribed by App�icable La,c7v. After the time requ�red by Appi��a�le
<br /> Law, Trus�ee�shai� g�ve public notxce of sa�e to the persons and in �he manner pres�r�bed �y Appl��ab�e
<br /> Law. TruStee, wi�hout demand on Borrower, sha�l se�l the Pr�per�� a� pub�i� auction to the highest �idder
<br /> at th��ime and �lace a�d under the terms de�xgna�ed in th�no�ice�f sale�n on.e or more parcels and in a�y
<br /> order Trustee determ�nes. TruS�ee may past�one sale of aii ar any parce� of the Property by pub���
<br /> announcement at th��ime and p�ace of any pre�ious��scheduled sa�e. Lender or��s des�gnee may purcha�e
<br /> th�Property a�any�a�e.
<br /> Upon re�eip� of pay�nent nf�he pr�c� �id, Trus�e� shal� deZ��er to the purcha�er Trusteets deed conveying
<br /> the Pr�per�y. The r���tals �n the Trustee's de�d shall be pr�ma fa��e evidence of the truth of the s�atenaent5
<br /> made there�n. Trus�ee shall app�y �he prflceeds of th� sale in th� foll�wing order: �a� to al� costs and
<br /> expenses of ex�rcisir�� the power of sa�e, and the sates inc�uding �he payment �f the Trust�e's fees actua���
<br /> �2�D4-2413 Camplia�ce Syste�s,Inc.SEB3-3C7F-?Q]3 L2.fl.E l.7 l 2
<br /> Cv�sumer Real Estate-S�c�rity Instr�rt�ent DL203G 1'a�e 4 af 5 www.�QF7l�]iBriCESySt�t�'lS.COi13
<br />