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��14��1�� <br /> Tr�nsfer af the Prvperty or a Benef�cial Int�re5t in Barrower. �f ali ar any part of the Property flr any inter�s� <br /> in i� �s so�d or transferred �ar if a benefi��al in�eres� in B�rr�wer is soId or �ransf�rred and B�rrower is not a <br /> natural person} w��hout L�nder's pr�or wri�ten cflnsen�, Lender may, a� its opt�on, reyu�re immediate paymen� in <br /> ful� af aII suxns secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrument. HoweWer, �his option sha�l no� be exercised by Lender if <br /> exercise is prahib�ted by federa�law as of the date of this Secur�ty�nstrumznt. <br /> If Lender exercises this op�ion, Lender shalI giWe B�rrawer no�ice of acceleration. The notice sha�I pro�ide a <br /> period of n�t �ess �han the mirixmu�n number of days estab]�shed �y Ap�licab�e Law f�am the date �he notice is <br /> deliWered or mai��d w�thin whiCh Borrower n�ust pay a�I su�ns secured by this Secur�� Instrumen�. �f Borrower <br /> fai�s �o pay �hese sums pr�or to �he exp�ratlon of th�s period, Lender may �nvake any remedxes perm�tted by �hxs <br /> S�cur�ty Ins�rument w�thout further r�otice flr de�nand on Borrov�er. <br /> Barrower's Righ� ta �te�nsta�e. �f Borravver meets cer�a�n condi�ion�, B�rrowe�r sha�I have �he ri�ht to have <br /> �r�forcernen� af this Se�uri�y �ns�rumen� dlscontinued at any-�ime prior ��o the ear�ier of: �a} S days �or such other <br /> peri�d as Appl�cahle L,aw may spec�fy for reir�s�atement}before saIe�f���e P�-oper�y pursuan�to any pov�er of sale <br /> contained in this S�cur��y Instrument; or �b� en�r� of a jud�m�nt �nforcin� �his Securi�y Instrument. Thase <br /> c�ndit�ans are that B�rr�wer: �a} pays Lender aI� sums wh�ch then vW�u.Id be due under th�s Secur�ty Ins�rum�nt <br /> and the�ontrac�as if no accelera��fln had occurred; �b}cures any defau 1�of any other c�venants or a�reements;��} <br /> pays alI expenses i�curred �n enforc�n�thrs Se�ur�ty Instrume��, includin�,but na� l�mit�d to, reasonable att��-neys' <br /> fees t� �he exten�permitted by �avv; and �d}�a�es such acti�n as Lender ma� reas�nabIy re�uzre�o assur�tha�the <br /> l�en of this Secur�ty�nstrumen�, Lender's r��h�s �n the Property and Borrf}��r's ab�i�ati�n�o pay�he sums se�ured <br /> by this Se�urxty Ins�rument shali con��nue unchan�ed. Upon re�nstatement by Borrower, th is Security �nstrumen� <br /> and �he �b�igati�ns secured hereby shall remain fu��y effecti�e as if no acce�eration had accurred. How�ver, this <br /> r��ht t�re�ns�ate shall n�t apply �n the case of acceierat�an under�he sectian�itled Transfer of the Pr�pert� ar a <br /> Benef�cia�Interes��n Borrawer. <br /> Hazarduus �ubstan�es. Barrovver sha�� nat cause or p�rmit the presenc�, use, dispasal, starage, a�release of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on ar zn the Propet�y. Borrower shai�not do, nor al.low anyone e�se to do, any�hin�affec�in� <br /> the Proper�y �ha� is in �i��ation of any Env�ranmen�al Law. The preced in� twa sentences sha�1 not app ly to �he <br /> presence, use,or storage on the Praper�y of smaI�auan�it�es of Hazardous Subs�ances�hat are�eneral�y rec��nized <br /> �o be appropr�ate�o narma�res�dent�a�uses and to mazn�enance of the Pro�erty. <br /> Borrawer shall prompt�y give Lender�r��en notice of any�nvesti�ation,rl�.�m, demand, lawsuit or o�her ac�ion by <br /> any �o�ernmenta� or rebulatory abency or pr�va�e party �n�o:I�inb �he Praperry and any Hazardous Substance �r <br /> En��ronmental La�v af vvh�ch B�rrawer has actua� know��d�e. If Borrov��r �eartas, or is no�if ed by an <br /> Y <br /> �overnxnental or regutatory au�hor�ty,�hat any remova�or o�her remediation of any Hazardous Subs�ance affect�n� <br /> the Property is necessary, BorroWver shall prornpt�y take a�i necessar�y remedial ac�ions in accordance with <br /> En�xronmental Lar�v. ' <br /> As used in �h�s para�raph, 'iHazardous Substances" are those substances r�efir�ed as to��c or haza�•dous su�stances <br /> by Environmental Law and �he fo��ov�in� substances: �asolin�, k�rosene, o�her flammable or taxic petrol�um <br /> produc�s, taxic pesticides and.herbic�des, �olatile solvents, mat�rials �an�a�ninb asbestas or far�naldehyde, and <br /> radioac���e ma�erials. As used �n this parabraph, "Environm.en�a�La�" means federal �aws and laws of the state of <br /> N�braska�hat rela�e to health, safety or en�ironmental pro�ecti�n. <br /> Acc�lerati�n; Remedies. Lender shail gxve no��ce to Sorr�wer prinr to a�ce�era��on fo��nw�ng Borrawer's <br /> brea�h vf any cvvenant or agreement�n �his Securi�� Instrumen�or�h� Con�ract ur�der which acce�era��on <br /> is permitted �but not prior�o acceleration under the section tit��d Transf�r o�'th� Property or a Benef�cial <br /> Interest in :Borraw�r, uniess Appl�cable Law pro�ides o�h�rw�s��. Th�e no�ice sha�I spec�fy: �a} the defauX�; <br /> �b� the acti�n re�uired �a �ure �n� defaul�; �c� a date9 no� iess than �he min�mum number of days <br /> established b� App1icable Law from �he da�e the n�tice is��ve� �o Borrower� by which the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d� tha� failure �o cure �he defaul� on or before �h� da�e 5pecif�ed in the na�i�e may resu�t in <br /> acce�era��on of �he sums secur�d by �n�s Secur�ty �nstr��nent and sale af �he P�operty. Ta �he extent <br /> p�rm�t�ed by law, thQ no��ce shail fur�her �nform Barrow�r of�he right t� re�n5tate after acce�era�ian and <br /> the right to bring a court a��ion �Q a5sert the nan-existence of a def�ullt or any ather defense�f Borrower to <br /> acce�erat�on and sale. �f th� defau�t �5 not rured on or before the da��specif�ed �n �he notice, Lender at �ts <br /> op��on may requzre �mmedia�� payment in full af al� sum� secured �y �hzs Securi�y �ns�rument wi�haut <br /> furth�r d�m�nd and may invoke the pavver of sale and any other rem�d�es perm�tted by App��cab�e Law. <br /> Ta �he ex�er�t permitted by law, Lender sha�I be en��#le� �o collect �I� expenses �ncurr�d in pursuing the <br /> remedies prov�ded i� ��is Section, includ�ng, bu� not �im���d to, �reasomable attorneys' fees and cos�s of title <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If�h� pawe�-of sale �s in�o�edy Trus�ee shai� recQrd a notice�f default in each cnun�y in vvhich an� part �f <br /> the Propert� �s Iacat�d and shaZi maxl capie� of such no�ice �n �he ma�ner pre��ribed by Appl�cable Law �o <br /> Sorrav�ver ar�d ta the other p�rsons prescri�ed by AppIicable Law. A.fter the t�me requ�r�d �y App��eable <br /> La�, Trus��� sha�l g��e publi� notice of sale tfl the persons and in �he manr�er prescr��ed by App��cabie <br /> Law. Trust�e,w�thou�demand on Borrower, shaI��eil the Prop�r�y at publ�c auc��on �o �he h�ghes� b�dder <br /> at the t�me and p�ace and under the term5 des�gna��d in�h�no���e nf sale in one or more parce�s and in any <br /> arder Trustee determines. Truste� may pos�pane sa�e of aii or any par�ei of the Property by pubI�c <br /> announcQment ati the��me and piace af any �re�iousIy schedu�ed sale. Lender�r i�s desibne� may purchase <br /> the Propert�at any sa�e. <br /> Upan reeeipt vf pa�m�n� of�he pric� bid, Trustee shali del��er to th� purchaser Trustee's deed convey�ng <br /> the Pr�pert�. The rec��als in the Tru�tee's deed shal� be prxma f��ze ev�dence of�he �ruth of the s�a�ements <br /> d?004-2Q 13 Corn�liance Sysiems,inc.SEB3-BF�9-2413 L?.4.E�.7�? <br /> Cor�sumer Real Estate-SecUrity ir�strument DL20 7G Page 4�f 5 <br />