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��14��159 <br /> upon default under t�e Unif�rm Gommerc�al Cade, �nc�uding, w�thaut limiting the generality of <br /> the foregfling, the nght ta tak�possessian of the �o��atera� ar any part thereof, and to tat�e suc� <br /> �th�r measures as Lender may deem ne�ssary for �he �are, pr�tectian and preservat�on of the <br /> �oi�ateral. i�Jpon request ar demand of Lender af�er the occurren�e and during the contir�uance <br /> of an E�ent �f�efau�t, Indi�idual Banrav�er shal�, at its expens�, assemble �he Ca��at�ra� and <br /> ma�� zt a�a�labl� tv Lender at a �onven�ent p�ace [at the Lar�d if tar��i��� pr�perty� r�a�anably <br /> acc�ptab�e to Lender. Indi��dua1 Borrow�r shall pay to Lender on�.�man� any and a��reas�nal�l� <br /> and documen�ed expenses, including reasanable and dvcumented �egal expenses and att��neys' � <br /> fees, incurred or paid by Lender in protectin� its interest in th� �oilatera� and in enforcing its . <br /> ri�hts hereunder v�rith respeGt to the�ollateral, in e�ther cas�, a#�er the�ccurrence and during the . <br /> cvntir�uance of an Event of D�fault. Any no�ice af sa1e, disposition. or �ther ir�tend�d a�tion by <br /> Lender �vith resp�ct to the �o��atera� sent ta Indivi.dual Borrower in ac�ardance w�th the <br /> pravisions hereof at �east ten �1 Q) Busin�ss Days pr�ar to su�h action, sha��, exce�t as otherwise <br /> pra�ided by app�icable �aw, constxtute r�asonab�e natice t� Ind�vidual Barrower. The prace�ds <br /> of any disposit�on of�he Co�Iatera�, �r any pazt ther�of, may, ex�ept as otherwise requirec� by <br /> ' app�icab�e�aw,be app�ied by Lender to the payment of the Debt in such priarity and proportions <br /> as Len�ier in its dis�retion sha�I deem proper. Individua�Borro�er's(debtor's}pri.ncipa�plac�of <br /> business is as set far�h an page one�1�hereo f and the a�idress of Lender�secured pa�rty)is a.s set <br /> for�h on page one�1}hereof. <br /> Section 1.4 „�ix,,,,t,ure_�'_�'���. C�ain of the �roperty i� or will b�came <br /> "fixtures" �as terrn is defined in the �niform �amm�rcial �ad�) vn the Land, and this <br /> Se�urity In�trument, upon b�ing fi�ed for record in t�e rea� estate recards of the city or ca�,nfi� <br /> wherein su�h f�xtures are situat�i, sha�� ap�rate a�s� as a financir�g st�tement riamir�g Indivi�ual <br /> B�nra�ver as debtor ar�d Lend�r as se�ured party �Ied as a fixture fi�ing in ac�ordance with the <br /> app�icable provisions of sa�id Va�iform �ammerc�al Code up�n such of t�ie Property that is or <br /> may bec�me fixtur�s. Indi�idual Barrower authorizes Lender to file or r�c�rd financin� <br /> s�atements vvith r�s�ect ta the Praperty with�ut the signature af the Indivi�dua� Borrawer in �uGh <br /> form and in such offices as Lender reasonab�y determ�nes ap�rapriate t� perfect �he s�curity <br /> interests of Len�ier. Sueh finar�cing statements may describe th�Col�at�ra�andlor the Property in <br /> the same manr�er as described in this Martgage or may cvntain ara indicatian or descr�pt�an of <br /> c���atearal that d�s�ribes such pr�perty in any ather mar�ner as Lender may determine, in ixs <br /> reas�nab�e discretion, is necessary or prudent to ensure the perfect�an of the security inter�st �n <br /> the Prop�rt�grant�d to L�n��r in c�nr�ection herewith, including, withvut limitation, describing <br /> s�.ch praperty a� "A�1 assets of debtor wheth�r now owned or hereaf�er acquired", "Al�personal <br /> property af debtar whether now�wned or hereai�er ac�uired", "A��persona�prop�rty of d�btar, <br /> �n�luding,without�imitation, a���vods that are or are ta b�me fix.tures,whether now ovvned or <br /> h�reaf�er acquired"or words of simi�ar meaning. <br /> Secti�n 1.5 Pled es of Mon�e� H�ld, Subject to the terms of the Loan <br /> I]ocurn�nts, Ind�v�dua� Borrower hereby p�edges tv Lend�r any and a�l monie� now or hereafter <br /> he�d by Lend�r or on beha�f of Lender, inc�ud�ng, v�rit�aut limitation, any sums deposit�d in the <br /> �ash Management Account, tYie Reserve Funds and N�t Proceeds, as additional securit�fvr the <br /> �bligatians u,nti� expended or a�plied as prov�ded in this Security Instrument �r the vth�r L�an <br /> Do�uments. - <br /> 1473�5�.44-NY�SRD3A-MSW <br />