<br /> Any application of pa�m�nts, insurance pra�eeds, or N�is�elianeous P�-oceeds�o principal due under the Note
<br /> sha11 not extend or p�stpone the due da�e, or change the am�unt, af�he Peri�d�c Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower sha11 pa� to L.ender on the day Periodic Pa�ments are due under�he
<br /> Nate, unt�� the No�e is paid �n full, a sum�the "Funds"}to pro��de for payment af amounts due for: �a} tax�s
<br /> and assessments and other��ems v�rh�ch car�at�ain pri�r�t�a�er th�s Securi�y �nstrumen�as a lien or
<br /> encumbrance on th�Praperty; �b} leasehold paymen�s or ground ren�s fln th�Pr�per�y, �f an�; �c} premium�s
<br /> for any and all �nsurance required��L.ender under Section 5; and�d} Martgage�nsurance premiums, if an�,
<br /> or any sums payab�e by Borrow�r to Lender in I�eu of the payment of Mortga�e Insurance prem�i.ums in
<br /> accordance w��h the pro�visians of Section 1�. These xtems are called "Escrow ��ems." At originat�on or at
<br /> an�r time�urir�g the��rm of�he I.flan, Lender ma�require�hat Commun�ty Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed b� Borrflwer, and such dues, fees and assessm�nts sha11��an Escrow
<br /> I�em. Borrov�er sha��promp�i� furnish to Lender alI no�ices of amounts tn�e paid under this Section.
<br /> B�rr�wer shall pay L�nder the Funds for Escrow �tems unless Lender waives Barr�wer's abl�gation t�pay
<br /> �he Funds for an�or all �scrow ��em.s. L�nder ma�wa�ve��rrawer's obligat�on to pay ta Ixnd�r Funds far
<br /> an��r a�l Escrow Item�at any�ime. Any such v�ai�er may on��be in v�ri�ing. �n the event�f su�h wai�er,
<br /> Borrflwer sha��pa� d�rec�ly, when and where payable, �he am�un�s due for any Escrow ��en�s for vvhich
<br /> payment of Funds has been wai��d by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to I.end�r rece�pts
<br /> ev�dencing such paymen�within such t�me per�od as L�nder may require. Borrower's ob��ga�ion to make
<br /> su�h�ayments and to pravide receipts sha�� for all purposes be d�emed to be a covenan�and agreement
<br /> c�n�ained in t�is Securit� Instrumen�, as the phrase "co�renan�and agreement" �s used in Sec��on 9. �f
<br /> Borrov�rer i�abligated to�ay Escrov� I�ems dire�t��, pursuant to a wai�er, and Borro�ver fai�s to pa�r the
<br /> amount due f�r an Escrow Itern, Lender may e�erc�se x�s ri�h�s under Section 9 and pay such amoun�and
<br /> Barrower shall th�n be obl�gated under Sect��n 9 to repa�r to Lender any such an�.aun�. Lender may re�oke
<br /> the vvai��r as to any nr a�� E�crovv ��ems at any t�m�by a not��e g��ven in accordance v��th Secti�n �5 and,
<br /> up�n such re�voca�ion, Borr�wer shall pay to Lender a11 Funds, and�n such arnounts, tha�are then required
<br /> under this Se��ion 3.
<br /> Lender ma�, a�any time, collec�and�.ald �unds in an anr�ount�a} sufficient ta pern�u�I.�nder�a app�y �he
<br /> Funds a��he t�me speci�ed und�r RESPA, and �b} n�t to exceed�he maximum amoun�a lender can requ�re
<br /> under RESPA. Lend�r shal�estimate�h�amount of Funds�iu��n the basis af curren�da�a and reasonable
<br /> es�ixnates of expendi�ures of future Escrow items or otherw�s�in accordance w�th App�icabl� Law.
<br /> The Funds sha�1 be held in an ins�itution whose deposi�s are insured b� a federal agency, �ns�rumental��y, or
<br /> en�i�� t�ncluding Lender, if Lender is an in�titut�on v�hose deposits are s� �n�ured}or in any Federal Home
<br /> Loan Bank, Lender sha�� appiy the Funds�Q pa�r the�scro�v I�ems n� �ater�han�he�ime spec��ed under
<br /> R�SPA. Lender shall no�charge Borr�wer for halding and appiying�he Funds, annuall� analyzing the
<br /> escrovv accflunt, or�erif}�ing the Escrow �tems, un�ess Lender pa�s B�rro�r�r inter�st�n�he Funds and
<br /> Applicabie Lavv permits Lender to make such a c�arge. Unless an agreem�n� is �nade in vvr�t�ng vr
<br /> Appl�ca��e Lav� requ�res�nterest to b�paid on�he Funds, Lender sha�� not be required�o pa� Borr�w�r an�
<br /> �n�eres��r earn�ngs on�he Funds. Borrovwer and L�nder can agree in wr���ng, howe�ver, tha� in�eres�shal�be
<br /> pa�d on�he Funds. Lender shall g��e to Barra�ver, withou�charg�, an annual ac�ount�ng of�he Funds as
<br /> r�quir�d by RESPA.
<br /> �f there is a surplus of Funds held in escr�w, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shal� account to Borrov�er for
<br /> �he excess funds in accordance wi�h R.ESPA. If�here is a shor�age o�'Fur�ds held in escraw, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shall n��ify Borr�w�r as r�quired b� RESPA, and Borrower sha�i pa��o L�ender�he amount
<br /> necessar� �o make up�h�shortage in accordance wi�h RESPA, bu�in no more�han ��manthl�r paynzents. �f
<br /> �here is a de#�iciency af Funds held �n escrov�r, as de�ned under RESPA, Lender sha11 notify Barrower as
<br /> N�BRASKA-Sing���amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNl�ORM 1NSTRUMENT Form 3�28#101
<br /> VMP� VMPG{NE���3�2f
<br /> W�Iters Kiuwer Financiat Ser�ic�s Page 5 of 17
<br />