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��14��117 <br /> ASSIGNMENT �F �ENTS <br /> Lvan Na: ���Z757�� ��ont[r1u�d� Page � <br /> SDRR�VIIER'S VIIAIVERS AND RESP�NS�B1LITlES. Lender need not �e[I Bvrrawer ab�u� any ac�ion or inac�ion Lender <br /> tak�s �n �onnec�ion with �h=s Assignment. gorrower assumes the respvnsibility for b�ing and keeping in�Formed abvut <br /> �he Property. Barrower waives any defenses that may arise because of any acfiion or ina�tion of Lender, including <br /> w�thout limitation any �ailure �� Lender tv realiz� upon the Proper�y� or any delay by Lender in realizing upvn �he <br /> Property. Borrower agrees �o remain liable under the N��e with Lender na matter wha� aGtian Lender takes or fails to <br /> �ake under this Assignment. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFDRMANCE. E�ccept as otherwise provided in this Assignment Qr any Re�ated Dacuments, Gran�ar <br /> shali pay �a Lender al[ amounts secured by this Assi�nment as they b��ome due, and shall str�ctly per�orm a11 of <br /> Grantor's obEigations under�this Assignm�n�. Unless and un�il Lend�r exercises its righ�t� ca�lect the Rents as provided <br /> be��w and s� lang as there �s no de�ault under this Assignmen�. Grantor may remain in pvssesston and control of and <br /> operate and manage the Prap�rty and coll��t�he Rents, pro�ided that the grantin� of the right to collec�the Rents sha[I <br /> nat cons�i�ute Lender's �vns�n�ta�he use vf cash callatera� in a bankrup�cy pr�ceedin�. <br /> GRANT�R'S REPRESENTATIaNS AND IJVARRANT�ES. Grant�r warrants that: <br /> �wn��sh'rp. Granfar is en�itled t� recei�e the Rents �r�e and clear of all rights, Ioans, liens, encumbrances, and <br /> claims except as disclosed t�and accepted by Lender in wri�ing. <br /> Right �� Assign. Grantor has the ful� right. power and au�khori�y to enter int� �khis Ass�gnment and �v ass�gn and <br /> cvnvey the Rsnfis to Lender. <br /> No Prior Assignment. �ran�or has nat previausly assigned vr canv�eyed the R�nts to any �ther persvn �y any <br /> instrument now in forc�. <br /> No Further Transfer. Grant�r►rvill not se11, assign, encumber, ar otherwise disp�se o�F any��Grantor's rights in the <br /> Rents�xcept as pro�ided in this Assignment. <br /> LENDE�'S RIGHT T� RECElVE AND C�LLE�T RENTS. Lender shall have th� right at any time, and eWen though nv <br /> defaul�shall have occurred unde��his Assignment, to callect and r�ceiWe the Ren�s. F�r this purpvse, Lender is h�reby <br /> �i�en and�ranted�the#o�lvwing righfis, powers and au�thority: <br /> Nvtice to Tenants. L�nder may send no�ices to any and afl tenan�ts ofi th� Property ad�ising them flf this <br /> Assignment and direc�ting al[ Ren�s to be paid d�rectly to Lender or Lender's agen�. <br /> Enter the Property. Lencler may enter upon and �take p�ssession of�he Proper�y; demand, co�lect and r�ceiWe �rom <br /> th� tenants or fr�m any ather persons liabl� therefor, afl a#the Rents; institute and carry on all legal pr�ceedings <br /> necessary f�r the pr�tec�ion of �he Property. including such proceedings as may be necessary ta recoWer <br /> poss�ssion�f�he Property; collect the Rents and remo�e any tenant or tenants or Qther persons�rom th� Prope�ty. <br /> Nlaintain the Property. Lender may enter upan the Prap�rty tv maintain ths Property and keep the same �n repair; <br /> ta pay the costs thereof and o�all services of a[1 emp�oyees, including their equipment, and o�F all continuing cvsts <br /> and exp�nses�f main�taining�he Prvperty in prop�r repair and candition, and alsa�a pay all fiaxes, assessments and <br /> wa��r utilities, and the premiums on fire and o�h�r insurance ef�ected hy Lender�n the PrQperty. <br /> Compliance with Laws. Lender may da any and aEl things t� ex�cufie and cvmply with �he laws fl�r the State af <br /> Nebraska and also a[I ��her iaws, rules, orders, ardinan�es and requirements of al� other governmental a�encies <br /> affect�ng the Property. <br /> Lease the Prflperty. Lend�r may rent or {ease fihe ►rvhole or any part ofi the Praper�y for such term or terms and on <br /> su�h condi�ions as Lender may deem appropriat�. <br /> Employ Ag�nfs. Lender may en�age such agent �r agents as Lender may deem app�vpriate, either in Lender's <br /> name ar in�rantvr's name,to rent and manage�he Property, including�he col�ec�ian and app�ication of Rents. <br /> �ther A�fs. Lender may do a[I such a�h�r �h�ngs and acts with r�sp��t t� �he Property as Lender may deem <br /> appropriate and may aGt exclusi�ely and solely in �he p[ace and stead �f Grant�r an� �a have all afi the pvwers of <br /> Grantar fvr the purpvses sta�ed above. <br /> N� Requirement to Act. Lender sha11 not be required �o do any o�the for�gaing ac�s o� things� and th� fact that <br /> Lender shall have per�o�-med one vr more of the fvregoin� a�ts ar things shall nfl� require Lender ta do any ��her <br /> spec�fic a�t or th3ng, <br /> APPLiCATI�IV OF RENTS. Ali casts and expenses incurred by Lender in cQnnecti�n with �he Proper�y sha�l be for <br /> Grantar's accoun� and Lender may pay such cvsts and �xp�nses �rvm the R�n�s. L�nder, in its sole discretion� shall <br /> det�rmine �he applEcation o� any and all Rents re�ei�ed by it; howe�er, any such Rents rece�Wed by Lender r►vhich are <br /> not app�i�d �o such c�s�s and expenses shal! be app�ied to the lndeb�edness. A!I expenditures made by Lender under <br /> this Assignment and not reimbursed from the Ren�s shall become a part ofi the �ndebtedness secured by this <br /> Assignment� and shall be payahle on demand. wi�h interest a��h� Not�ra�e from date af expendi�ure un�il paid. <br /> FULL PERF�Rf1llANGE. It Grant�r pays al� ofi th� Indebtedness when due and otherv+rise perfvrms al1 the abl�gations <br /> impvssd upon Grantflr under�his Assignmen�, the Note, and the Re�at�d ❑ocuments, Lend�r shall execut�an� de�i�er to <br /> Grantor a suitable satis�Fa�tion of this Assignment and sui�able statements vf termination�f any financ�ng sfiatement�n <br /> file �videncing Lender's security in�erest in th� Rents and the Property. Any termination �Fee required by Iaw shall be <br /> paid by Grantor, i�permitted by applicable�aw. <br />
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