<br /> �►S���N[�ENT' �]F IREIVT�
<br /> Laan No: "1���7�'i�a ��o�lt��lued� Page 5
<br /> cvnsent �y L�nder in any instance shall not cons�itu�e continuing consent to subsequent instances where such
<br /> consent is requir�d and in ali cases su�h consent may�e granted vr withhe[d in the sole discretion of Lender,
<br /> Nofiices. Any notice r�quired to be gi��n under this Assignment shali be gi�en in wri�ing, and sha�l be e��ectiWe
<br /> when actually deii�ered, when actually rec�i�ed by telefaGs�mile �unless �therwise required by law}, when
<br /> deposited with a natianally recognized v�ernight courier, �r, i�maile�, �rvhen deposited in the LJnited 5�ates mail, as
<br /> firsfi �lass, �erti�i�d ar registered mail postage prepaid, directed to the addresses shown near th� beginning a�this
<br /> Assignmenfi. Any party may change its address for notices under this Assignment by g��ing �F�rmal writ�en notic�
<br /> to the other parties, specifying fihat the purpose of the nofice is to �hange th� par�y's address. For n�tiG�
<br /> pur�oses. Grant�r agre�s �v keep Lender informad at all times ❑f Granto�'s current addr�ss, Unl�ss otherwise
<br /> provi�ed or required by law� if there is more than one Gran�or, any no�ice gi�en by Lender t� any Granfior is
<br /> d�emed to be noti�e giWen ta all Grantors.
<br /> Powers of Attarney. The vari�us agencies and pow�rs of attorney c�nv�yed �n Lender under this Assignment are
<br /> granted �or purposes of security and may not he re�o�ed by�ran�or un�il such time as ths same are renaun�ed by
<br /> Lender.
<br /> Severabi[ity. I�` a court ot compe�ent jurisdiction fiinds any pravision o�f this Assignment to �e il�egal, in�alid, or
<br /> unenf�rc�a�le as �v any circumstance, �ha� finding sha�l n�� make the offending prQvision illegal, inva�id� ❑r
<br /> unenfar�eable as �o any other circumstance. If �easible, the a��Fending pra��sion shal� �e cansidered mvdif�ed sv
<br /> that it becomes legal. valid and enfvrGea�le. i# the af�ending provis�on cannat b� so modified, it shall be
<br /> cansidered deleted from �h�s Assignment. Uniess otherwise required by law, the iliega�ity. .invalidi�y, �r
<br /> un�nforceabili�y o� any prov�sion af this Assignment shal� no� affect the legality, validity or en�forceability ofi any
<br /> o�her pro�ision��this Assignmen�. �
<br /> 5uccessvrs and Assigns. Subject�� any limitatiflns stated in�his Assignment�n firans�er o�Grantor's interest,this
<br /> Assignmen� shall be b�nding upon and inure t� the benefi� o� �he parties, �h�ir successars and assigns. If
<br /> ownership of the Property b�com�s �ested in a person other than Grant�r, Lender. without no�ice to Grantor� may
<br /> deal with Grantflr's successors with reference to this Assignm�nt and the Indebtedness by way of�nrbearance or
<br /> ex�kension withQut releasing Grantor�Fr�m the abligations�f fihis Assignment or�iabil�ty under the lndebtedness.
<br /> Time is��the Ess�nce. Time is of the essence in the perfiormance v�F this Assignment.
<br /> 1�Vaiv�r o� Homes�ead Exemptian. Grantor hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefits of �he homestead
<br /> exemption laws o�the 5tate a�Nebraska as to al{ lndebtedness secur�d by th�s Assignment.
<br /> DEFINITIQNS. The following capitalized vuords an� t�rms shall ha�e the fo�lowing m�anings when used in this
<br /> Assignment. Unless speci�fically stat�d to th� contrary� aEl references tv dollar amounts shall mean amounts in �aw�Ful
<br /> m�ney vf the United 5tates �f America. Vllvrds and terms used in the singular sha�l incEude the plural, and the plural
<br /> shall include the singular, as the-context may require. Wvrds and�erms not o�herwise defined in this Assignment shal!
<br /> ha�e the meanings a��ribu�ed�o su�h�errns in the �ni��rm C�mmerCiaf Code:
<br /> Assignmen�. The w�rd "Assignment" means this ASSI�NMENT�F RENTS, as this AS5IGNMENT�F RENTS may
<br /> be amended ar modified from time �❑t�me, tog�ther wi�h al� exhiiai�ts and schedu[es at�ached to�his ASSIGNMENT
<br /> �F RENTS fram time to�ime.
<br /> E3orraw�r. The ward "6arrower" means MARILYN A LINDNER-B�MBECK and LINDNER LIMITEa PARTNERSHIP.
<br /> , Defau�t. The word�"Defaul�" means the Default sefi forth in this Assignment in the se�tion titled "�efault".
<br /> � Evenfi of De�aul�t. The words "Ev�n�o� De�ault" mean any of the e�ents af default set forth in this Assignment in
<br /> the default section of this Assignment.
<br /> Grantor. The i�vard "�Grantor" means LINDNER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.
<br /> Guaranfiy. Th� word "Guaran�y" means�he guaranty from guaran�or. end�rser, surety� or accommodation party to
<br /> Lender, includ�ng without lirnitation a guaranty❑f a[I ar part�f the No�e.
<br /> �ndebtedness, The word "lndebtedness" means all principal, interest. and o�her amaunts. c�s�s and expenses
<br /> payable under the Note vr Rela�ed Documents, ��geth�r with all renewa�s ❑�f, extensians of, modifica�ivns ot�
<br /> consolidations vf and substitu�zons for the Note ar Related Da�um�n�s and any amounts expended ar ad�anced by
<br /> Lender to discharg� Gran�ar's �bligations or expanses incurred by Lender to en�vrce Grantor's �b�i�a�ivns under
<br /> �his Ass�gnment, together with interest vn such amoun�s as provid�� in this Assi�nment. 5pecifically, without
<br /> limi�ation, (ndeb�edness includes the fu�ure advances set farth in the Future Advances provision af this
<br /> Assignmen�,toge�ther►rvith all interest there�n.
<br /> Lender. The word "L�nder" means Fi�e Points Bank, its successvrs and assigns.
<br /> Nv�e. The word "Nofe" m�ans �he pram�ssory note dated April 1 1, 2��4, 1n the origin�l prin�ipal amount
<br /> of $8�.96�.�� from Borrawer to Lender, tagether wi�h al� renewals �f, extensions of, modi�Ecations a�F,
<br /> r�financings of, cvnsolidations ❑f, and substitutions for�he pr�missory note ar agreement.
<br /> Property. The w�rd "Prop�rty" means all vf Grantor's �-ight, title and in�erest in and ta all the Property as
<br /> described in�hs "Assignment" s�ction o�F this Assignment.
<br /> Rela�ed Do�uments. The wo�ds "Rela�ed Dacuments" mean al� promissary notes, credi� agreements, l�an
<br />