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��14��115 <br /> ASSI�Nl11iENT �F F�ENTS <br /> Loan No: 'I�'12757�5 ���ntinued} P�ge � <br /> th� Property. �orrawer wai�es any defens�s that may aris� because vf any action vr inac�ion �� Lender, inc[uding <br /> wi�hvut limitation any fai[ur� ofi Lender �o realize up�n the Property� or any delay �y Lender in reali�ing up�.n the <br /> Property. Borrvwer a�rees to remain liable under the Note with Lender no matt�r vvha� action Lender takes or �ai�s to <br /> take under this Assignment. <br /> PAYIIlIENT AND PERFC]RMANCE. Exc�p� as atherwise prvvided in this Assignment or any Related Documents, Grantor <br /> shal[ pay to Lender all amounts secured by �his Assignment as they become due, and shal� strictly perform all of <br /> Grantor's nbligations under fhis Assignmen�. Unless and until Lender exerc�ses its righ�to collect the Rents as provided <br /> �elvw and so lang as there is no defaul� under this Assignment, Gran�ar may remain in possession and con�ral afi and <br /> �perate and manage the Prvperty and co�lec��khe Ren�s, pro�ided �hat�he granting o�f the right ta c�fl��t th� Ren�s shal� <br /> nat canstifute Lender's consent to the use af�ash coflateraf in a bankruptcy proceeding. . <br /> GRANT�R"S REPRESENTATIDNS AND WARRANTlES. �rantor warrants that: <br /> �►rvnersh�p. �rantor is en�itled tv receive �he Rents free and ��ear of a!f rights, Ioans, [iens, encumbrances, and <br /> ciaims except as dis�losed�a and accept�d by Lender in writing. <br /> Right to Assign. Gran�or has the �ull right, pawer and au�harity to enter into this Assignment and �v assign and <br /> c�nv�y the Rents to Lender. <br /> iVo Pr�or Assignment. Grantor has nat pre�iously assigned ar con�eyed the Rents to any other persvn by any <br /> instrument now in force. <br /> No Further Trans�er. Grantar wili not sell, assign, encumber, or a#herwise dispose of any of Grantor's righ�� in the <br /> Rents except as pravided in this Assignment. <br /> LENDER'S RlGHT Ta RECEIVE AND C�LLEGT RENTS. Lender shal� ha�e fihe right at any time, and e�en thaugh n❑ <br /> d�fault shafl ha�e occurr�d und�r thEs Assignment. to cvllect and recei�e fihe Ren�s. For this purpose, Lender is hereby <br /> giWen and granted the following rights, powers and authvri�y: <br /> N�ti�e to Tenants. Lender may send notices ta any and al� t�nan�s o�f the Property ad�ising them of this <br /> Assignment and directing af{ Rents to be paid directly to Lender vr Lender's agent. <br /> Enter the Property. Lender may en�er upon and take passession af�he Property; demand, callect and rece�ve�rom <br /> the tenants or from any other pers�ns (iable therefar. all �f�he Rents; institu�e and �arry vn a!I legal proceedings <br /> necessary for the protection af the Prvperty. including such pr�ceed�ngs as may be necessary �❑ reco�er <br /> passession of the Property; co�lec�fihe Rents and rema�e any�enant ar tenants vr�ther pers�ns from the Prop�rty. <br /> 1111aintain the Prvperty. Lender may enter upon the Property tv maintain the Property and keep �he same in repair; <br /> �o pay the c�s�s therevf and ❑f all se��ices af all employ��s, Encfuding th�ir e�uipm�n�, and of aIl con��nuing costs <br /> and e�cpenses of maintaining the Property in proper repair and ��ndi�ion, and also ta pay al1 tax�s� assessments and <br /> wat�r utilit3es, and�he premiums vn fir�and ather insurance�ftected by Len�er on the Proper�y. <br /> Cvmplian�e wi�h Laws. Lender may dv any and all things �o execute and cvmply with �he lavus of the 5tate a� <br /> Nebraska and a�s❑ all other laws, ruE�s, flrders. �rdinances and requirements of all other go�ernmental agen�ies <br /> affecting the Praper�y. <br /> Lease the Property, Lender may rent flr I�ase tha wh�le or any pa�t of th� Praperty far such term o�tsrms and on <br /> such canditions as Lender may deem appropriate. <br /> Empioy Agen�s. Lender may engage such ag�nt or a�ents as Lender may desm apprapriate. eith�r in Lend�r's <br /> name or in Grantor's name, to ren�and manage�he Praperty, including the c��lecti�n and app�ica�ion a�F R�n�s. <br /> 4�her Acfis, Len�1�r may do all such oth�r things and acts with resp��t to the Praperty as Lender may de�m <br /> appropriate and may act ex�lusiv�ly �nd solely in the place and s�ead of Gran�or and t❑ ha�e a!I o�the p�wers �f <br /> Grantor for�he purp�ses stated a�o�e. <br /> Nv Requiremenfi ta Act. L�nder shall na� be required to do any a�f the for��oing acts or things. and the �Fact tha� <br /> Lender shall have performed vn� ❑r mor� of the f�re�aing ac�s ❑r �hings shall n�� require Lender �v do any o�her <br /> specific a�t or�hing. <br /> APPLIC►�TI�N �F RENTS. All costs and expenses incurred by L�nder in connection with �the Pr�perty shall be �or <br /> �rantor's acc�un� and Lender may pay such costs and expenses fram �he Ren�s. Lender, in its s�l� discr�tian, sha11 <br /> determine the application of any and all Ren�s recei�ed by �t; hawe�er, any such Ren�s re�ei�ed by Lend�r which ar� <br /> not applied ta such ��sts and �xpenses shail be applied �o the lndehtedn�ss. All �xpendi�ures made by Lender under <br /> �his Assignment and not r�imbursed fr�m the Rents shall bec�me a part of the Indeb�edness secured by this <br /> Assignment� and shal[be payable an demand, with in�erest at�he Nvte rat�from date of expenditure un�il paid. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. If �ran�kor pays a11 �f the Indebtedness when due and otherwise perfarms all the obligations <br /> imposed upon Grantor under this Assi�nmen�t,the hlate, and�he Related Documents, Lender shali execute and deli��r ta <br /> Grantvr a suitable satisfaction �f this Assignment and sui�able s�ta�ements of�ermination ot any financing statemen�❑n <br /> file evid�n�in� Lender's s�curi�y in�eres� in the Ren�s and the Prop�rty, Any terminati�n fee re�uir�d by Eaw shall b� <br /> paid by Grantor, if permit�ed by appli�abl�law. <br /> LENDER`S E)CPENDITURES. If any a�tion vr pr�ceeding is commenced that would ma�reria[ly affect Lender's infierest in <br /> the Pr�perty or if Gran�vr�ails fo cvmply with any pro�ision of this Assignment ar any Re�ated Documents, in�fuding but <br />