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��14��11� <br /> DEED �F TRUST' <br /> L�an �la: ��'[�75'I D5 �C�ntlnu�d} Page � <br /> DEED�F TRUST IS GlVEN AND ACCEPTE❑ C�N THE F�LL�V�lING TER111iS: <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENT�4TIONS AN❑ VIlARRANTIES. Trustor warrants thaf: {a} �his Deed af Trust is �x�cuted a� <br /> �arrower's request and not at the request of Lender; thy Trustor has �he full p�w�r, right, and au�hori�y t� ent�r �nto <br /> this Deed o� Trust and �v hypothecate �he Property; �c} the proWisions ofi this Deed vf Trust do not confli�t with, or <br /> result in a de�Faul� under any agreemen�k or other instrument binding up�n Trustor and do not result in a violation vf any <br /> law� re�ula�ivn, court decree or order applicable fo Trustor; �d} Trus��r has established adequate means ofi ob�aining <br /> �ram Borrower ❑n a continuin� basis infarmafii�n abaut Borrawer's financial condi�ion; and ��� Lender has made no <br /> repr�sen�ation fv Trustor about Borr�wer �inc[uding withaut limitation the creditworthiness of Borr�w�r}. <br /> TF�USTOR`S WA[VERS. Trustar wai�es all r�ghts ar defenses arising by reason of any "vne acti�n" or "anti-defici�ncy" <br /> law, vr any �ther law which ma� prevent L�nder fir�m bringing any action against Trustor, including a claim far <br /> defici�ncy ta the extent Lender is o�herwise entitled t� a claim far de�F�ciency, befivre vr a�fter L�nder`s c�mmenc�ment <br /> or comple�ion of any f�reclasure a�tion, e��her judicially or by exercise vf a power vf sale. <br /> PAYMENT ANa PERFaRMANCE. Ex�ept as �therwise pra�ided in this Deed v�Trust, Bvrrower shall pay fo Lender all <br /> Indebtedness secured by this Deed �f Trust as it becomes due, and garrawer and Trustvr shall perform ali th�ir <br /> respec���e abligations under th� Nate, this ❑eed of Trust, and the Rela�e� Documents. <br /> PaS5ES51�N AND IVIAINTENp►IVCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Bvrrvwer and Trus�or agree tha� Bvrrower's and Trustor's <br /> passession and use af the Property shall be governed �y�he following pro�isions: . <br /> Possession and Use. Until fih� occurrence af an Ev�nt of De�ault, Trustor may t�y remain in possession and <br /> �ontrol of the Property; t�} use,operate or manage the Property; and {3} collec�th� R�n�s from the Property. <br /> Duty �o [1liaintain. Trus�or shali maintain the Praperty in tenantable ��ndi�ion and prarnpfily perfQrm alI repai�s, <br /> r�pla�ements, and maintenance necessary to preser�e its value. <br /> Camp�iance Wi#h EnWironrnenta� La►nrs. Trustor represents and warrants t� L�nder that: {1} During the p�riod of <br /> Trustor's ❑wnership of the Proper�y, there has been na use, generati�n, manufa��ure, storage, treatment, disp�sal, <br /> release or threafened rel�ase of any Ha�ardous Subs�ance by any person an, under� a��u�t or frvm �he Property; <br /> {�} Trust�r has na kn�wledge of, or reason t� bel�eve that there has been, ex�ept as previously disclosed to and <br /> acknowle�ged by Lender in wri�ing, ta� any breach ar �in�atian af any Enviranmental Laws, �b� any use, <br /> generati�n, manu�ac�kure, sto�age, treatmen�� dEsposal, release ar threa�ened release af any Ha�ardous 5ubstance <br /> on, under, abaut or from th� Pr�perty by any privr Qwn��s or Qccupanfis v� the Propert�, or �c} any a�tual or <br /> threatened li�tiga��on or claims o� any k�nd by any persan r�lating t� such matters; and t3) Except as preWiously <br /> dis�losed�o and a�knaw�edged by Lender in writing, �ay neither Trustor nor any tenant, ��ntractor, a�ent or other <br /> authQriz�d user vf the Properfiy sha�l use, genera�e, manufactur�, s�are, treat, dispose of or re�ease any Hazard�us <br /> Substance on, under, a�aut�r�rom the Property; and [b} any such activi�y shall be canducted in�omplian�e with <br /> all appli�able federal. state, and lo�al laws, reguEations and ordinances, including without [imitation a�l <br /> En�irvnmental Laws. Trustor authvrizes Lender and its agents to enfier upon �h� Pr�p�rty fio make su�h <br /> inspecfions and tesfs, at Trusfior's expense, as Lender rnay deem appropriat� ta d�termine campliance of the <br /> Pr�perty 1Nl�Fl thl5 section vf the Deed of Trus�. Any inspe�tions or �ests made by Lender shall �e f�r Lend�r's <br /> purpnses vnly and shall not be cvnstrued to create any r�sponsibility ar liabzli�y on�he part ot Lender tv Trustar or <br /> to any vther person. The representa�ivns and warranties contained herein are hased ❑n Trustor's du� dilig�nce �n <br /> in�est�gating the Prvperty �or Hazardous Substancese Trustor hereby �1} releases and �rvaiv�s any future cla�ms <br /> aga�nst Lender fvr indemnity or contribution in the e��nt Trustor be�ames liable fior c[eanup ar a�her c�s�s under <br /> any such la�rvs; and {�} agrees tv indemnify, def�nd, and h�ld harmless L�nder against any and all claims, I�5S�5. <br /> liabilities� damag�s, penalt�es, and expenses which Lender may directly or indirectfy sustain vr su��er resul�ting from <br /> a breach ❑f�his s����on of�he Deed of Trust ar as a cvnsequ�nce af any use, generation, manufacture� storage, <br /> disposal, release nr threatened release occurring prior to Trustor's ownership or interest in�he Property, whether o� <br /> not the same was or should ha�� been knawn to Trus�vr. The provisions of this sectian of the D�ed a� Trust, <br /> in��uding the obligation�o indemnify and defend, shali sur�i�e�he payment vf the Indebtedness and the satis�faction <br /> and reconveyance of the iien of this Deed ��Trust and sha�l not be affected by Lender's ac�uisi�ion ❑f any interest <br /> in the P�aperty, whether by fvreclosure�r vtherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trustar shall n�t cause, conduct vr permit any nuisan�e nor commi�, permit, or suffer any <br /> stripping of ar was�e on ar t� the Proper�y or �ny port�vn of the Pr�pert�. 1Ni�haut limiting �he generality of the <br /> foregoing, Trustar will nat remv�e, ar grant to any other par�y�he r�ght tv remove, any timber, min�rals �inc�uding <br /> ail and gas�, coal� clay, scoria, s�i[, gra�el or rock pro�ucts withaut Lender's priar written consent. <br /> Remo�al of Impravements. Trus�ar shal� na�t demolish vr remove any Improvements�rvm the Rea1 Praperty withvut <br /> Lender's prior wr�tten consent. As a condit�an�v�he r�mo�a1 of any Impra��ments. Lender may require Trust�r ta <br /> make arran�ements satisfactory ta Lend�r to rep�a�e such Improvements with lmprvvemen�s of at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Righ�to Enter. L�nder and Lender's ag�nts and representati�es may enter upon #he Real Proper�y at all <br /> reasonab�e times to attend �o Lender"s inter�sts ar�d �a insp�c� the Real Property fvr purp�ses vf Trustor's <br /> camplianGe with the terms and �vnditians of this D�sd af Trust. <br /> Cvmplian�e with Ga�ernmental Requirements. Trus�or sha[I promptly comp[y with al� laws, ordinances, and <br /> regulations, now or hereaf�er in �ffect, of all go�ernmen�al authoriti�s applicab[e t❑ the use or accupancy ofi the <br />