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��14��11� <br /> !]EE� �3F TF�UST <br /> Loan No: 'I�'i�75��5 ���nt[nued� Page 7� <br /> con�entration �r phys�cal, ch�mical ❑r �n�ectious characfieristics, may cause or pose a pressnt or poten�ial hazard <br /> �o human heaith or the envirvnmen�when improp�rly used, �reated, st�r�d, disposed of, genera�ed, manufaGtured, <br /> transported or ❑�h�rwise hand[ed. The w�rds "Hazardous SubstanGes" are used in the�r very braadest sense and <br /> include without I�mitatian any and a�l ha�ardous �r �oxic substances, materials or was�e as de�ined by or listed <br /> under the EnWironmen�al Laws. The�erm "Ha�ardous 5ubstances" also includ�s� without iimi�a�i�n, petroleum and <br /> pe�raleum by-products nr any fra��ian�th�reaf and asbes�os. <br /> Impro�ements. The word "lmpraWements" means all exis�ing and fufiure improv�ments, buildings, st�u�tures, <br /> mobi[e h�mes aff�xed an the Real Proper�y, �acil��ies, additions, replacements and other constructian on �he R�af <br /> Pr�perty. <br /> lndebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means al� principal, inter�st, and a�her amounts� c�sts and expens�s <br /> payabEe under th� Note or Rela�ed Dvcuments, t�gether with all renewa[s af, extensions ❑f, modifi�ations of, <br /> consalidatians of and substi�utions for the Note or Relafed Qocuments and any am�unts exp�nded or ad�anced by <br /> Lender to dischar�e Trustor's ob[igatians or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to en�orce Trust�r`s <br /> ❑bligations under this Deed �f Trust, together wi�h interest on such amvunts as pr�vided in this Deed of Trust. <br /> 5pecifiically, withvut limita�ion, lndehtednsss �ncludes the �uture ad�ances set fiorth �n �he Future Ad�an�es <br /> prv�ision af this Deed of Trust,�ogeth�r with all interest thereon. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Poin�s Bankr its su�cessors and assigns. <br /> 1Vate. The word "Nate" m�ans �he pr�missary n�fie dated April ��, �414, in the vriginal prinG�pal amount <br /> of $59.9��.�� from B�rrower t� Lender, �vge�th�r with all renewals ��f� extensions o�, modifica�ions �f. <br /> r�financings of� consolidations❑f, and substifutions for the promissory nat�or agreement. <br /> Persana! Property. The wards "Persana! Praperty" mean all equipment. fix�ures, and vth�r articles of persana� <br /> praperty now or hereafter owned by Trust�r. and naw ❑r h�reafter a�tached or af�Fixed t� th� Real Praperty; <br /> t�gether wi�h all ac�essians� parts, and additians to, a�l repfacemen�s o�F, and al! s�bstitutions for� any ofi such <br /> property, and �ag�ther with al1 pra�eeds �incfuding wRthaut limi�tatian all insuran�e prviceeds and r�funds of <br /> premiums� from any sale vr�th�r dispasitivn Qf the Praperty. <br /> Praperty. The wvrd "Pr�perty" means�ollectively the Real Proper�y and th� P�rsonal Prnperty. <br /> Real Proper#y. The wvrds "Real Property" mean �he real proper�y, interests and rights. as further described in this <br /> Ueed of Trust. <br /> R�lated Documents. The w�rds "R�lated Docum�nts" mean ali pr�missory n�tes, credit agreernsnts, loan <br /> agreements, en�ir�nmental agreements, guaranties, s�curity agr�ements� mortgages� de�ds �f trus�, security <br /> deeds, cvllat�ral mortgages, and all ather instruments, agreements and documents, whether now or herea�er <br /> �x�sting, executed in connec�ion with th� [nd�btedn�ss. <br /> Rents. The w�rd "Rents" msans all present and fu�fur� rents, revenues, income, issues� royalties, profits, and <br /> ather benefits�eriWed fram the Property. <br /> Trus�ee, The word "Trustee" means Fi�e Points Bank, whase address is P.� Box �5�7, Grand fsland, NE <br /> 68842-15�7 and any substifiute�r successor trustees. <br /> Trustar. The word "Trustar" means LiNDNER L�MITE❑PARTNERSHIP. <br /> TRUST�R ACKIVQINLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PRDVIS�OIVS �F THIS DEED �F TRUST. AND TRUSTDR <br /> A�REES T❑lT5 TERIVIS. <br /> TRl]ST�R: <br /> L1NI3NER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP <br /> _ - :_�.: _ - _ <br /> .: - - <br /> ::������::=:::=:: <br /> By.:.....�. ��::. <br /> illiA YN LI E -B�MBEC�, �I Partn�r afi LlNDNEFt <br /> LIIVIITED PARTNERSHIP <br />