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<br /> �om� Federal Sa��ngs& I..�an ,A.ssac�ation of Home Federa�Sav�ngs& Laan Association of
<br /> �rand �sland �rand Is�and
<br /> 2Z�. Sau�h Locust Stre�t ��I S�u�h Locust Stree�
<br /> �Space�lbave Th�s Li��e�`or Recordin�Data}
<br /> L�AN�RIG�NATC�R NAME: L�Sa Mayer
<br /> NMLS�QMP.�.NY�DENTIF�ER: 446443
<br /> NMLS�R���NAT�R IDENT�F�ER: 434��9
<br /> � D�ED �F '�''1�IJST
<br /> BY THIS DEE� �F TR.UST)
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST t"Secur�ty �ns�rument"� �s made an Apri� 2, Z��_4. The gr�nt�r �s Mar�ix� Zu��o�k�, a
<br /> sing�� pers�n, wh�se ad�ress is 55�� S SO�h R.d, A�da, Nebraska 585�� �"Borro�er"�. Borrov��r �s not
<br /> necessarily the same as the Person flr Persons W�l� 5�gn �h� �ome Equi�y Line af Cre��t Agre�ment, dated
<br /> Apr�� �, ZQ�4 �'►Con�rac�"3. The ob��gations of Sflrr�vvers v�ha did n�t sign �he Con�rac� a��e expla�ned fur�I�er in
<br /> �he s����on ���ie� Su�cessors and Assigns B�und; Jo�n� a��d �evera� Liabi��ty; Acc�mmadat�on Signer�. The
<br /> �rus�ee �s Ar�nd �. Baack, A��orney whose address �s P.4. �vx 79�, Gra�ad Isiand, Nebraska 6S8UZ
<br /> �"Trus�ee"�. The benefc�ary is Home Federa�Sa�ings& LQan As�o�xat�on�f�ra�d �s�and,�vhich is organized
<br /> and exist�ng under �he �av�s flf�he Un�ted ��a�es of Amer��a a�d v�hose address is 22� Sou�h Lacus� S�reet,
<br /> �rand �sland, Nebraska fiSBU� �"Lender"}. Mart�n Zu�kfls�� has entered ipto a.C�ntra�� w��h Lender as of
<br /> Apr�� Z, 2�14, under�he�erms �f�v����h B�rrflwer may, fr�m��me�o time, �b�a�n ad�ances no��o exce�d, a�any
<br /> �ime, a ���MAX�MUM P��NC�PAL AM�UI�T (EXCLUD�N� PR(3TECT��� A�]VAN�ES�Y''�Y of Fif��
<br /> Thvusand and ��1�4� Dv�lars �U.S. $5fl,D��.�U� �"�redit Lim��"�. ,�.ny par�y �n�eres�ed in �he deta�ls re�ated �t�
<br /> Lender's �on��nu�ng obl�ga�ion �� rnake advan�es �o Sflrrower �s ad��sed �fl �onsul� direc�iy with Lender. �f n��
<br /> paid earlier, �he �ums owxng under Borrower's��ntrac�with Lender vv�1� be�ue on.A�.pri� I 5,2U I 9. Th�s Se�ur�ty
<br /> �ns�rument secures �a Lender: �a� �he repayme��� af the d�bt under the �on�ract, �vi�h ����rest, �ncIudi��g future
<br /> ad�an�es, and a�l ren�wals, extensions ar�d madif�catia��s �f�he Contract; �b) ���e pa�merl�flf aIl ����er sums, w��h
<br /> interes�, ad�anced ta pro�e�� �he securi�y of�h�s Securaty ���strument under �he provis�ons of�he sec�ian �i�led
<br /> Protec�ion of Lender's R�gh�s in the Praper�y;and�c�the perf�rmance of Borrower's covena��ts and agreements
<br /> under this Secur��y �nstrumen� apd �he �ontrac�. For th�s purpos�, Borra�e�r, �n considera��on of the deb�and �he
<br /> �rus�herein crea�ed, irrevocab��grant�and con�e�s ta Trustee, in trus�,w��h pa�v�r of sa�e,�he f���awing des�r��ed
<br /> property�ocat�d�n�he�ounty of I�a�l, St�.�e�f Nebraska:
<br /> Address:�55Ua S SQth Rd,Alda,Nebraska�SS.�0
<br /> Lega� Des�rip��nn: see exhibit�'A"
<br /> TC)�ET�ER �V�TH al� the �mpravements naw ar laereafter erec�ed Qn the pr�per�y, and a�� easemex��s,
<br /> appur�epances, and fix�ures n�v� or h�reafter a par� vf���e prope�-�y. Al� replacements and add�t�ons shal� a�sa be
<br /> cfl�ered by �h�� Secur��y �ns�rumen�. A�l of �he f�rego�ng is referred to in this Secur��y �ns�rumen� as �he
<br /> "Pr�perty."
<br /> Bt�RR�VVER C�VENANTS �hat Borrower �s lawful�y seised of the es�a�e hereby con�eyed and l�as t�e right�o
<br /> gran� and c�n�ey �lae Prope�-�y and �ha� �he Praperty �s unen�u�nbered, ex�ep� for encumbrances af recard.
<br /> Borrower warrants and �vi�� d�fend general�y �he ti��e ta �.he Proper�y agains� al� c�ai�ns a�d demands, subj��� �n
<br /> any encumbrances af record.
<br /> Barro�er and Lender cavenan�and agree as follows:
<br /> Paymen��f Pr�nc�pa�and �nteres�; ��her Charg�s. B�rrov�er shal�pr�mptly pay wh�n due�he princ��al �f and
<br /> in�erest an�he deb�avved under�l�e�ontract and la�e charges ar�ny o�her fees and charges du�und�r�he�on�ra�t.
<br /> �2444-�g13 CQmpliance Systems,Inc.8ES3-2D7�-2(��3LZ.�.E1.7�2 -
<br /> Cansurr3er Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2036 Pa�e I af 5 www.compliancesysterns.carxi
<br />