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��14���55 <br /> If tbe power of sale is fnvoked,Trustee shall recard a notice of default in each c�unty in which any <br /> part of the Prvperty is located and shall mail capies of such notice in the manner prescribed by <br /> applicable�aw ta B�rr�wer and tv the other persans prescribed by applicable law.After the time <br /> requ�red by applicable law,Trustee shall give public natice�f sale ta the pers�ns and in the manner <br /> prescribed by appli�able law.Trustee,w�thout demand on Barrawer,sha11 se11 the Property at public <br /> auction to the highest bidder at the t�me and p�ace and under the terms designated in�he na�ice of sale <br /> in one or more par�els and in�ny order Trustee�e�ermines.Trust�e may postpone saie of a�l or any <br /> par�el af the Prvpert�by public ann�uncement at the�ime and place of any previ�us�y scheduled sale. <br /> Lender or its designee may pur�hase the Pr�pert�at any sale. <br /> If the Lender's interest in this Security Instrument is held by the Secre#ary and the�ecretary requires <br /> immediate payment in full under Paragraph 9,the Secretary may in�oke the nanj udicial pawer of saie <br /> provided in�he Single Family Martgage ForeclQsure Act of 1994 �"Act"}�12 U.S.C. 3751 e��seq.} by <br /> requesting a f�reclosure commissioner designated under�h�Act to commence foreclosure and to sell <br /> the Property as provided in the Act.Nothing in the preceding sentence sha��depri�e the S�cretary�f <br /> any rights otherw�se available to a Lender under this Paragraph 1$or applicable law. <br /> [Tpon receipt vf payment of the price b�d,Trustee sha�l deliver ta the purchaser Trust�e's deed <br /> conve�ing the Property.The recitais in the Trus�ee's deed shall be prima facie evirience of the truth af <br /> the statements made therein,Trustee shall app�y the proceeds of the sale in the f�llowing vrder: �a}t� <br /> all costs and expenses of exer�ising the p�wer�f�ale,and the sa�e,inc�uding the payment of the <br /> Trustee's fees actua�iy incurred and reasonable attorneys'fees as permitted�y Applicable Law; [b}t� <br /> all sums secured by this S�curity Instrument;and{c}any excess to the person or persons legal�y <br /> entitled ta it. <br /> 19. Reconveyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument, Lender shall requ�s� <br /> Trust�e to reconvey the Property and sha11 surrender this Securi�y Instrument and a11 notes evidencing delat <br /> secured by this Securi�y Instrumen�to Trustee.Trustee sha11 recon�vey the Property without warranty and <br /> without charge to the person or persons legally entitled to it. Su�h person or persons shall pay any <br /> recordatian costs. <br /> ��. Sul�stitute Trustee.Lender, at i�s option, may from time to time remo�e Trustee and appoint a successor <br /> trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an in�trument recorded in the county in which this Security <br /> Instrument is recorded. �Vithout conve�ance of the Prop�rty,�h�successor trustee sha11 succeed to all the <br /> titl�,power�.nd dut�es conferred up�n Trustee herein and by applicable 1a�v. <br /> �'I. Requestfor Noti�es.Borrower r�quests that copies of the no��ces of default and sale be sent to Barrower's <br /> addres�which is the Prvperty Address. <br /> 2�. Riders to th is Secur�ty I nstru msnt.If one or more riders are�xecuted by Borrower and recorded <br /> together with this Security Instrument,the covenants�f each such rid�r shall be�ncorporat�d into and shall <br /> amend and supplement the covenants and agreem�nts of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s}were a part <br /> of this Security Instrument, [Check applicable box�es}]. <br /> 0 Condominium Rider ❑ C"rrowing Equ��y Rider � �ther specify <br /> [] Planned Unit Development R�der ❑ C'rraduated Payment Rider L eg a� At ac h e <br /> ��� .�. <br /> FHA Mortgage WITH MERS-NE Re�ised 419fi <br /> VMP� VMP4M[NE}�9302).4fl <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page 8 of 1fl <br /> q�33�5z913�4 �z33 348 �810 <br />